Chapter 5

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I closed my eyes as the shot went off, I put my hands over Vince's eyes. I heard the horrible scream from Mia and Mom, I felt Caleb's arms wrap around us.

   "Neela!" I heard Sean scream, I felt my heart stop beating for at least a minute.

    Neela. The one person who kept my son safe when we couldn't. The person who watched me change over the months and years of Vince's life. The person who was loved so dearly by the Drift King.

I pulled away from Caleb and handed him Vince, he turned away with Vince and started walking to a closed door. When I turned around Cameron was slumped on the ground next to Neela, afraid he might also be dead I ran over to him. Once I felt him in my arms I started to realize how horrible it was to be on the opposite team.

"I'm fine Toretto." I heard from Cameron's lips, I looked down and saw his eyes were opened.

"Oh my God!" I said, brushing his hair out of his face. He smiled up at me, I leaned down and kissed him. His familiar lips nothing like the ones I had gotten use to.

"Dang girl. I missed you." He said trying to sit up, I helped him careful not to touch Neela's dead body.

"I can't believe they killed her." He told me, I nodded tears coming down my face.

"Hey, don't cry." He said pulling into a hug, I started bawling at this point.

"Cameron, Caleb wants you and Ariana in the back closet." Roman said to us, I looked up at him.

"Okay." I told him. I stood up, helping Cameron to his feet we began walking towards the back closet. Cameron had to lean on me, the wound he received being tased and then being thrown to the ground really took a lot out of him.

Once we reached the back closet Caleb opened the door, Vince sat in the corner. He had his knees to his chest, he was shivering.

   "He saw Neela." Caleb told us, I looked at Cameron who was already looking at me.

   "Baby..." I said to Vince, Cameron and I both now on our knees. Vince unfolded himself and crawled towards us, once he was in the safety of our arms he started to bawl.

   "Aunt Neela!" He cried, I felt the tears start to fall down my cheeks. Cameron's familiar arms were wrapped around us, I could feel Caleb's eyes on us.

Dom's POV
    I stood up, looking at Neela's dead body. Cipher had decided to walk away and leave two of her employees here with us. I looked at Letty whose once smiling face was replaced with grieve as she watched Sean walk over to Neela's dead body, the way he picked her body up.

   "No." We heard him say,  in denial that the love of his life had just been shot. He caressed her cheek, he started patting it as if to tell her to wake up. When she didn't he started to cry.

"I'll kill her." I said just as I turned around, Letty's eyes were on my back the entire time I was walking away.

"I'll make her pay."

Cameron's POV
    Vince sat in Ariana's lap for forever it seemed, he didn't want to leave the comfort of his mother. Now was my chance to ask my brother the one question that was burned in the back of my mind.

   "Why'd you lie about being dead." I asked, he looked over at me from the corner of the closet.

   "Wow! You actually care!" He said sarcastically, I cocked my head at him.

   "I did care. I always cared. I cared for mom when she got the news! I even tried to help Mel! And I couldn't!" I yelled at my brother, he flinched at the mention of our sister. He deserved too.

   "I tried to come back, I did. But every person I worked for had a vendetta against your team. When I got on Cipher's team I realized I had a nephew, imagine finding out that way. Watching as she dragged him across the plane in shackles!" He yelled at me, shackles. I looked at Vince and saw just the slightest marks of shackles.

   "I tried to free him. But Cipher had this vendetta against the Toretto's and Vince just so happened to be an easy target. He was walking to the park one day, and she got him in the car by saying that she was a doctor and that you two were hurt." Caleb continued, I didn't look at my brother. My eyes were focused on my son.

   "When she grabbed Neela I knew one of them wouldn't make it out of there. Ariana knew it too when she saw Vince the first time and Neela was in that room with him," Caleb nodded towards Ariana and Vince, "I was worried it was going to be him." 

"Yeah but it wasn't, and now Vince just lost one of his favorite people in the entire world. All because of that bitch!" I yelled at my brother, he looked away from us.

"I'm sorry." He said before he walked out of the closet.

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