Chapter 7

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I watched my children run around the warehouse, Caleb on their trails. Isabella was a little slower than her older brother, but that didn't stop her from running from her uncle. 

The kids seemed to be getting along with their uncle very well, Vince always asked him to sit next to him when we would eat dinner as a family, and Isabella would refuse to take a nap unless Caleb was the one trying to get her to sleep. But it made him happy, and it made my children happy so I didn't say anything about it.

The one person it didn't make happy was Cameron. He hated that his brother had a very close relationship with his children, and late at night when we'd be getting ready for bed he'd been openly honest with his opinions on his brother.

"Ariana?" I hear Taylor's voice from behind me, I turn and smile at my best friend. She seemed off, and I raise an eyebrow at her, she finds a chair and pulls up next to me. When she's next to me she lays her head on my shoulder.

"What's wrong, Tay?" I ask, her hand grabs mine and she thinks for a second. 

"I want to leave Jack." She says, and I make a shocked noise, and this causes her to look up at me. 

"What's up with you?" She asks, and I look her in the eyes. Her eyes showing she wasn't kidding about leaving my cousin.

"Why do you want to leave Jack?" I ask her, and she looks at my kids for a second.

"I'm not happy, I thought I was for a while, then I decided I wasn't. I love my children, it's just Jack and I." She says to me, and I nod. 

"I understand, I mean for that time that Cameron and I were apart when I was pregnant with Vince, I for sure thought I didn't want to be with him. Then when I looked at my son for the first time I realized that I really wanted to be with him. So maybe all you need is some time to yourself to really decide if you want to be with him or not." I tell her, she lays her head on my shoulder again.

"Maybe. I think I might head back to Los Angeles sometime soon." She tells me. I wrap my arm around her shoulders and pull her in for a hug.

"Take the time and go home. Spend some time with the kids." I tell her and she nods her head and we stay like that for awhile.

"Mommy!" I hear my daughter say, looking up I see her on Caleb's shoulders and he's walking around the room.

"Look at how tall you are baby!" I yell at her, this causes her to giggle, and I feel my lips grow into a wide smile.


I watched my brother play around with my kids, and I felt my blood boil. I hated that he was so close to them, he had just met them a few weeks ago. Vince's laugh filled the room full of street racers, Isabella's giggle made the whole room of very big men smile widely.

"You know being mad at him for having a relationship with your children is stupid." Jack tells me as he hands me a beer, I look at him for a second and then look back at my brother and kids.

"I know, but he was dead for so long, and here he is making amazing memories with my children." I tell him as I open my beer, and I hear him sigh.

"Dude, you're like a teenage girl whose crush broke her heart." He tells me, and I laugh.

"Yeah, I guess I am." I tell him, he nudges my shoulder, and points to Vince and Isabella, Isabella is on Caleb's shoulders, and Vince is laughing at it.

"These are the moments that they're going to remember, and you shouldn't try and take that away from them." 

"I'm not trying too, I just wish he would've been around more." I say, and I see Ariana's eyes looking at me.

"I also believe I want to try for a third one." I tell him while never leaving Ariana's eyes.

"Dude, don't tell me, tell her." He says standing up and leaving me to look at my wife's eyes.

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