Chapter 8

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I feel a shake on my shoulder, then it get's harder. Someone is yelling out for me to wake up, that I need to wake up.

When I open my eyes I see that the room is on fire, and the person who woke me up is Caleb. He's yelling at me, I can't hear him clearly, I raise a hand to my head, it killing me. When I pull my hand away I see there's blood on it, I feel my eyes widen.

"Come on! Get up!" He's pulling me to my feet, once I'm all the way up he starts to run. I run behind him, and as we're running I look around and realize we haven't left the compound. 

"This is a dream. This is a dream." I start to slowly tell myself, this has to be a dream. I let go of Caleb and watch as he continues to run away from me. I stand there feeling the fire continue to get closer to me, this makes me close my eyes and wish for this all to be over.

I jolt awake. This causes Cameron to sit up with me also, I frantically look around the room, my son and daughter asleep on their mattresses on either side of us.

"Hey are you okay?" I hear Cameron ask me, I turn around and look at him with wide eyes, his arms are around me immediately. I shake with fear for just a second.

"I think she's coming." I quietly tell him, he pushes me arms length away. His eyes looking at me with deep concern.

"What makes you say that?" He asks me, I shake my head and stand up from the bed. I make my way over to the crib we have set up for Isabella. I lightly pet her hair back.

"The dream I had," I pause for a second and look at Cameron, "this place was burning to the ground, Caleb was trying to get me out safely," he flinches at the name of his brother, "he didn't tell me anything, but it was exactly how she blew up your guy's last compound." I tell him, now moving to our son whose hair I was gently pushing back.

"Maybe it was just a nightmare, I mean you have them often." He tells me, I shake my head at him and check the clock next to our bed.

4:25 am. 

"This, this was different. I mean it felt so real, I could feel the fire crawling up my neck, I could feel the head wound I had. I mean it felt so fucking real!" I start to raise my voice, Cameron shushes me and takes me out to the main part of the compound. 

"Just because you had a dream that felt real doesn't mean it's going to happen to us! Okay!" He raises his voice at me, I snap my neck towards him.

"She kidnapped our son! She tried to kill you! She killed Neela for Gods Sake! And you're telling me that this nightmare I had is just a "dream"?!" I yell at him, he rolls his eyes and turns away from me.

"No! I'm not saying that, what I'm not understanding is why you believe she's coming?" He asks me, I run my hands through my hair.

"Because I know her plan! I know that she wants Dad, and all of you dead!" I yell at him, by this time Jack and Taylor have come out of their room to see us, but we don't even care we just continue to argue. 

"Well then why haven't you told us what her plans are? Huh!" He yells at me, I scream and punch a wall, not caring about the pain in my left hand. 

"What the hell is going on out here?" I hear my dad's booming voice, I groan in frustration.

"Your daughter," Cameron points to me, "knows what Cipher's plan are and she isn't sharing them!" He yells to anyone that has now joined us in the room.

"Ariana," my mother looks at me, "is this true?" She asks me, I shake my head and laugh.

"Yes! Okay it is!" I say, and this makes everyone in the room look at me. 

"Okay, Dad she wants you dead. And she has an entire plan figured out on how to do it, " I tell them, he looks at me with wide eyes, "She wants everyone on this team dead, and she knows how she's gonna do it? Okay?" I tell them, they all have wide eyes.

"Ari-" Mom tried to talk to me, but I cut her off.

"Maybe I shouldn't have even come back, maybe I should've just stayed with her and get my son back my own way, but no, I came back to help you guys get her. And here we are not even trying to find her, just sitting around waiting for her to slip up," I yell at them, "but news flash, she won't mess up, she's too freaking smart for a slip up." 

"Enough!" I hear dad's stern voice yell, I look at him.

"What! It's the God Damn truth!" I tell him, I then hear two pairs of tiny feet. Turning I see both of my kids standing there looking at me.

"Do you really mean that mommy?" Vince asks me, I squat to their height and open my arms for them.

They both come running to me, my arms immediately wrapping around both of my children, Isabella has her arms around my neck and Vince has his around my torso. Their heads buried into either side of my neck.

"No, mommy didn't mean it Vince. I'm just tired of waiting to see if she's gonna hurt us anymore than she already has." I tell him, I gently rub their backs to show my love for my children.

"Mommy and Daddy are sorry for yelling," I hear Cameron's voice come up from behind me, he wraps his arms around the three of us, "but this waiting game is really making us upset." He tells them in a simple matter. 

"It's okay mommy." They say to me together. I hug them tighter to me, Cameron's arms tighten around us. 

"I love you three so much." I hear my husband say to us. 


Sometime later we're all sitting around a screen, the screen giving us Cipher's whereabouts. Vince sat on his own chair next to me, and Isabella sat asleep in my arms. Cameron stood behind my chair and Caleb sat in the chair next to me. Dad stood in front of all of us and was telling us their plan.

"She's smart, and according to Ariana, she knows how she's going to kill us all. So we need to be careful." He tells us, everyone looks between the two of us and we nod. 

"Roman, Tej, and Ramsey, you three will be here," He points to a restaurant across the street where Cipher is, "Cameron, Brian and older Brian, you three will be here," he points to another restaurant down the street from where Cipher is, "Letty, Hobbs, and Deckard, you three will be here," he points to a bookstore two doors down where Cipher is, "Caleb, and Ariana, along with Taylor and the kids will be here." He tells us.

"Hey what about me?" Jack and Little Nobody say together, Nobody stands up and rubs his hands together.

"You two, along with Dom and myself, are going to go to the place Cipher is. She'll know we're there." Nobody tells them, I nod my head and look down at my sleeping daughter, I stand up and take her to our room.  I lay her down in her crib and just look at her.

Her now dirty blonde hair, in a loose ponytail, her piercing blue eyes covered my her eyelids, her nose which looks almost identical to mine, is moving with every breath she takes.

I don't even hear Caleb come in with Vince until he's standing next to me, I look up at him and smile.

"She does look identical to you, and him" he points to his nephew, "looks identical to Cameron." I chuckle at his statement, and look at my son and see that he's not lying.

"Everyone already left," he tells me and I nod, "you're scared aren't you?" He asks me, I nod and feel myself tear up.

"I mean hell yes I am!" I tell him, I sit on the bed and he sits in front of me, "but I mean who wouldn't. I left my husband to get my son back and work for her, I dyed my hair so I wasn't that noticeable to the team, I even kissed you to make them believe that I had really changed sides." I tell him, he just nods and looks at me, " but now that I'm back and know what she has planned for them, I'm just scared she's gonna hurt them." I tell him.

He grabs my hands and rubs his thumb over my knuckles.

"I promise that they'll be alright." 

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