Chapter 3

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It's been three days since I saw Vince, and things have only gotten worse. Neela was being tortured for even thinking about me getting them out, Cipher had even threatened me with torturing Vince. I stopped thinking of ways to get them out, making her believe I was done trying to save my son. Caleb and I have been spending more time together, learning about each other for the mission.

   "I just don't understand, why street racing?" Caleb asked one afternoon, we had been talking about how we were raised and when I mentioned street racing was where I spent most of my time as a kid he couldn't believe me.

   "My dad had been doing it for years. Mom decided when I was around two to take me to my first race, and apparently I rode in the car with them. And everytime they went to a race, I went too. Jack even went, and we're like four years apart," I think about how close Jack and I were growing up, I mean yeah he had a little sister that would've been better for me to play with but he was more fun, "We were raised to be like our family, not to be different."

   "Jack O'Conner, as in my cousin?" He had just learned about Jack a few days ago, and he was infatuated with him.

   "Yeah, he's kinda like my brother. I mean considering I never knew I had a brother growing up."  I said smiling, I really miss Brian. I mean I miss everyone but I miss him the most. Being with Caleb allows me to feel like I'm with Cameron everyday.

   "I miss having a sister to talk too, I mean she'd listen to me and tell me stuff she'd tell no one else. But we changed, we grew up." Caleb said looking at me, his eyes wide with emotion of missing his sister. Grabbing his hand I told him.

   "I'll always be there to listen to you when you need to be listened too. I might've married your brother, but I'm your sister now. And you can always come to me." I said, he smiled and started rubbing my knuckles.

   "I miss my sister. And my brother. I put on this bad boy act but in reality I'm nothing like that, as you've seen. You look right past me, and see who I really am." I guess he's right. I don't think of him as this bad guy, he's sweet. And he cares for people he hasn't even met, he wants to have a relationship with my kids and his brother, even my family.

   "That's what happens when you have kids. You soften up." I said chuckling, knowing it was true. I softened up quite a bit after having Vince, I mean I still had a bad chick act but I had changed because of becoming a parent.

   "Did Cameron change?" He asked, looking up at him I realized he hadn't changed much.

   "Not really, but he didn't carry the kids for nine months. And I mean he was there when I had Izzy he wasn't when I had Vince, he didn't even meet Vince until he was around four years old. But he hadn't really changed like I did." I said, it was true Cameron still acted the same way he did when I first met him. And I guess that needed to change.

   "He'll get the grasp on things before it's too late. I mean unlike our dad, he hasn't left. And he probably won't ever leave." Caleb got up and came and sat down next to me, his weight making my bed bow in between us.

   "Cameron doesn't talk about your dad, and I never knew why until now." I said, looking down at my hands I realized my wedding ring was slowly losing its shine to it.

   "I don't remember dad much, Mel says she barely remembers him. Uncle Brian was more of a dad to us than are our father, and when he went away and joined your family we were crushed. Our only father gone, then we joined the force. Cameron and I wanting to be just like him, and we ended up being more like him than we thought." Caleb said with a sigh, he was right him and Cameron ended up more like Brian than they thought they would.

   "Brian and I never got along, I guess it was because I was spoiled and Jack wasn't. But he got over it when I started street racing for myself, and when I got to be a little better than him we started to get along." I smiled and mentally told myself to make sure Uncle Brian gets a reminder of those memories if I die trying to save Vince.

"Ariana, why are you being so nice to me?" Caleb asked me, looking up from my hands I looked at him.

   "Because, you're family. I care for you, and I wasn't raised to hate family. I was raised to love them even if they did you wrong." I said, he grabbed my hand and raised it to his mouth. Kissing my knuckle which were bruised from the fight I had with Deckard and Owen, he looked me the eyes.

   "Whoever could hurt such a pretty girl like you isn't right in the head." He said, I could feel everything change between us. I knew I shouldn't feel this way, he's my husbands brother.

   "Caleb..." I said, he grabbed my chin. His hands, warm and nothing like Cameron's. Leaning in our lips met. Not caring what happened anymore, I decided to give into the kiss.

     I felt a connection between the two of us no one else would understand. I grabbed his arms and lifted myself up so I was sitting in his lap. His hands found my hips, I leaned back, catching my breath I look down at him.

   "Dang..." He says, smiling he moves his hands from my hips to my waist.

   "Much better than your brother, and I have two kids with him." I said, his eyes smirked. I leaned down again, and we started all over again.

Cameron's POV

"A party?" Letty asked, and Nobody nodded. A party, the one place Cipher would go to to make herself known.

   "A party, this is probably the only time that Cipher and her team will show up out in the open." Nobody said, I looked around the room and noticed everyone was looking down at the floor.

   "He's right. A party would be the perfect place for them to make a grand entrance." I spoke up, everyone looked up from the floor and looked at me.

  "They'll probably be undercover too, which means we'll probably need to go undercover too." I finished, Dom started to pace the room.

   "Cameron's right, they'll all be undercover. Which means we'll also need to go undercover." Nodding I stood up and walked out of the room, walking down the hall towards the bunker room they had given me, rubbing my face I realized that if my brother was alive that means they'll be undercover together.

   "I say we go out and find us some girls tonight." Roman said, and we all chuckled. Looking up at him I noticed he was looking at me.

   "Man, I know you're married but you've gotten find a girl to go undercover with you." Roman said, and I nodded.

   "Ariana will be undercover with Caleb, my brother." everyone looked at me.

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