Chapter 4

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Finding a girl was harder than it sounded, but I found one. Adriana Walls. She had long blonde hair, past her waist. Her blue eyes were almost the same as mine, just a bit duller. She was a lot like Ariana, just shorter and not so into the street racing scene.

    When we made it to the party that Cipher and her crew were supposed to be at. Helping Adriana out of the car, I noticed a gang of really nice cars pull up. I nodded towards them, Dom turned around and saw them. Ariana and Caleb both got out of a 1967 Chevy Impala.
She had this dress on. A dress that made her hips stand out, the arch of her back, and the heels, which made her about three inches taller, fit perfectly. Adriana looked at her and stared, she looked jealous.

   "She's the wife? Looks like she chose someone else."

   "Yeah, looks like it." I said, grabbing Adriana's arm we walked into the party. The entire team was behind us, walking in it was.

Walking in the place was amazing. The decorations were so beautiful, Caleb was holding my arm and introducing me to everybody as his wife. It was part of the plan, anyone that knew me knew I married an O'Conner but not which one.

   "Ariana, Dom and the team are here." Caleb whispered in my ear, looking around I noticed my family. Roman with a group of girls, Tej and Ramsey talking, mom and dad off with Brian and Mia, Jack and Taylor near the drinks. Nobody and Little Nobody near the exit and Hobbs next to Deckard, Owen and Brian, my brother.

   "They're here for me. So keep up the act and they'll never get me." I told Caleb. He chuckled, and wrapped his arm around my waist. A strong grip that was completely different than my husbands, the way his hand sat on my hip, the way he carried himself. Made him completely different than Cameron.

     "He saw us, what do we do?" I heard Caleb whisper in my ear.

   "Kiss me." I said turning and looking at him, grabbing his face with both hands I kissed him. I kissed him like I kissed Cameron the day of our wedding.

Cameron's POV
    She kissed him like she kissed me the day we got married, the day we promised we'd never leave each other. I felt my heart break into about a million pieces by her one action, the one action I never thought she'd make.

   "Cameron, Cipher's got at least three men around you and that fine piece next to you." I heard Roman say in my ear, I looked around and saw them. Three big built men were around me and Adrianna, I looked at her and smirked.

   "Two can play at that game Toretto." I said, looking back at my brother and wife. I grabbed Adrianna and pushed her against  the wall, a makeout session would make Ariana jealous. I decided to open my eyes when Roman told me that at least two of the men were coming at me.

     The two men tapped my shoulders, which caused me to pull away from Adrianna. She nodded her head, and I turned around and looked at the fine gentlemen. One raised his hand and I grabbed it, Adrianna ran to find Dom. I grabbed this guys hand and flipped him over my shoulder, the other one came at me and I smirked. He pulled a knife from his pocket, I stopped smirking at this point.

     "Roman! Ride or Die!" It was our code line, once one of us said "Ride or Die" that alerted the entire team that one of us was in trouble. The guy came at me once, causing me to back up into one of the waiters, he ended up dumping the entire tray he was holding.

   "Sorry!" I yelled at the waiter as I continued to back away from the guy that had the knife, I saw Dom out of the corner of my eye, he had a handgun. He shot it and everybody went running. Everybody but Ariana, Caleb, and this guy coming at me, I watched as Dom came running at the guy. The guy ended up turning right as Dom came at him

  "Dad!" Was all I heard before I watched my father-in-law drop to the floor, I felt myself become overpowered by anger.

   "Hey! That's my father you just stabbed!"


   "Ever heard the saying not to mess with someone's family."

   "Nope. But I'll kill you next."

   "Not on my watch." I said charging at the guy, grabbing him by the waist I body slammed him on the ground. I heard him groan, and try to fight me off. I hit him a couple of times in the face, before standing up and rushing over to Dom. Ariana was sitting next to her dad, Caleb right above her hand on her shoulder.

   "Nice job Cam, but we've got more trouble." Roman said in my ear piece again, I looked around the room and noticed that there were at least four more guys coming our way, but they were all in a formation, like they were blocking something. Or someone.

   "Mommy!" I heard Vince's voice before I saw him, I watched as these men continued to walk towards us. I looked them in the face, these were men I had worked with when I was in the FBI.

  "Get away from him!" I yelled, Vince saw me. And started running towards me, I had my arms open. Once I felt him in them I sighed. He wrapped his little arms around me, and a weight was lifted off of my shoulders.

   "Daddy." Vince said in my ear, I pulled him away from me and looked him up and down. A miniature me, his eyes pleaded with me to get him home and away from these people. It was all I could do not to pick him up and run.

   "I'll take you home as soon as possible." I told him, he nodded tears forming around his eye. I grabbed him and hugged him one more time. I was having a hard time letting him go hug his mom.

   "Go to your mom." I told him, he nodded tears streaming down his face. I wiped his tears away, he turned around and walked to his mom, she looked at me and had a few tears run down her face.

  "I honestly don't understand you O'Conners." I heard Cipher say as she walked towards us, Vince hid behind Ariana. I looked her dead in the eye, she noticed and smirked. Two big guys dragged a limp body out with them, I knew who it was.

   "Neela." I heard at least four people, including myself, whisper.

   "Your plan backfired, Toretto." Cipher said to Ariana, I went to hit her when one of her guys tased me.

   "Daddy!" The familiar voices called out to me, but I couldn't pinpoint where they were coming from. The guy that tased me pulled me up from the ground and held me tightly in his arms, he dragged me to where Cipher was.

   "Cipher let him go! You already have Neela and Vince, but not my husband!" I heard Ariana yell at Cipher, I smiled.

   "Oh, but you don't mind sleeping with his brother?" Cipher said, just the come back I was waiting for.

   "I'm not sleep-" Ariana started but was cut off by Caleb.

   "That's my brother, okay? So what if I kissed his wife a few times, I did it for a reason. Now let him go." Caleb was never a very strict person, but when it came to family he meant business.

   "Sorry. Not going to happen." Cipher said, right before a gunshot went off.

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