Chapter 2

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My hair, it's past my waist and blonde, was in a messy bun. I was laying in the bed Cipher had given me when I first joined her team, looking at my ceiling. I noticed that I could never really to back to my family, they'd never take me. I mean Cameron might, but mom and dad. No they wouldn't. Brian, my own brother wouldn't. Nobody but my husband would.
   *Knock, Knock, Knock*
I turned to look at my door, not having left my room in about three days other than to get food, I tried to avoid human contact as much as possible. I decided to be nice and see who it was, opening the door I was taken back. Striking blue eyes. I jumped back, Caleb looked down at me.
   "Sorry. I keep forgetting you married my brother who has the same blue eyes. But Cipher would like to see all of us in the control room." He said, turning from me in just the slightest so I couldn't see his eyes anymore.
   "Okay. And I hope your eyes aren't the only thing that makes me think of my husband. You hair is the same length, and the way you do things. It's going to take me awhile to get use to it okay?" I said and he looked at me again.
   "Yeah, I guess so." He moved out of the doorway so I could get through.

   "You could tell me about my niece and nephew, I mean I've seen my nephew because of Cipher. But I want to know about him." He said as we started to walk to the control room.
   "He's almost 6 years old, he's a lot like you and Cameron. He likes the same cars as I do though," I chuckled, because I miss him, "I guess, Isabella is different. She's more girly girl for a one year old. Like our Aunt Mia. Likes to play with cars but would rather not get dirty." I said, my voice breaking at the end.
   "That's how our sister is, Melanie, she's a lot like your daughter. Too bad they haven't met." I guess I never thought about Cameron's sister in our children's lives.
   "What happened to your sister?" I asked, Caleb shrugged his shoulders.
   "After my "death" she became a drug addict." I looked up at him, his blue eyes showing the tiniest bit of emotion. I grabbed his hand and leaned against his arm.
   "It must be hard, you know? Being the youngest. I mean watching your older siblings do the things you always wanted to do growing up." I said, never actually knowing what it was like. I had only met my brother about 6 years ago.
   "It was, I mean I was a rebel. I drank under aged, I was arrested multiple times. But Cameron he got me out of those ways, he helped me to where I am today." I felt the tension in his arm as he spoke of his brother.
   "I never knew what it was like, my brother and I never grew up together. But I wish we would've." And it was the truth, I mean I had always wanted a little sibling. But knowing I was the little sibling made complete sense. 
   "I mean what I said about Melanie and your kid, they're a lot alike. Cameron and I were really into cars and I mean she was too, but she hated when she started to sweat. We ran a lot as kids, and we "street race" on our bikes in front of the house," He chuckled, looking down at me he said "I wish she could've met you. You seem like the perfect match for our brother."
   "Thanks," I said looking up at him, "Cameron and I have had a rocky relationship, but we've managed. And I would've loved to meet your sister." I said, he nodded his head.
   "We're here. I guess catching up can wait until later?" I smiled and nodded my head letting him go, he opened the door and I walked in. Cipher and her team were sitting around a table, it was glass but it had a screen on it. I hadn't seen anything like it.
   "Ariana, Caleb, have a seat." Seeing to empty seats we sat down. She started to tell us her plan, and not only did it include us going undercover as a couple, it included us to kill my parents and husband.
   "You can't just ask Ariana to kill her parents and husband," That's just wrong. I thought. "It's wrong." Caleb was taking my side with this whole operation.
   "Fine, only the undercover part then. We'll find another way to get rid of them." She said, she stood up and I knew now was my chance.
   "When can I see my son?" I asked, she turned around and looked me dead in the eye.
  "When I want you too." and walked out of the room.
Cameron's POV
    Nobody had to get a new warehouse, and this time it's in the middle of nowhere. I mean that, we're based in Los Angeles now, we have no idea where Cipher is and when she'll appear next but we have come up with a plan.
   "I don't like this one bit. Dom, I understand she's your daughter and his wife but putting ourselves on the most wanted list again! No! Not doing it!" Roman stated. I knew what he meant, being on the most wanted list wasn't on my bucket list. But Dom always got what he wanted.
   "I mean I'm not disagreeing with Roman, but I have to take Dom's side on this. I mean Most Wanted List?" I spoke up, Dom was leaning against the wall, he was intently staring at me. Ever since the explosion at the other warehouse he's been watching me intently, like I might and go join Ariana and Cipher. But Ariana has a good reason to be with her.
     She has our son.
Our eldest child, and someone who means the world to Ariana. I haven't told anybody this, and I probably never will until she tells me it's alright.
Ariana's POV
    Cipher decided that two days after our meeting I could see my son, but it'd be behind thick glass. Bulletproof, and couldn't possibly be broken. I told her it didn't matter as long as I could see my son. We walked up to this glass wall, and she hit a switch and the lights turned on inside the room. Vince wasn't the only one in the room. It was the one women I trusted the most. Neela.
    Covering my mouth with my hand I watched as her eyes widened, turning Vince so that he could see me. He smiled, the O'Conner smile, and ran over to the glass wall. His eyes wide with hope I'd save him right here and now, but I couldn't. I walked up to the glass and kneeled down so that I was eye level with my son.
   "Mommy? Where's Daddy?" He asked putting his little hands against the glass, not wanting to wait any longer I decided to put my hands up against the glass pretending to feel his warmth.
   "Daddy is with PawPaw and Gammie, mommy and daddy are alright. I met your Uncle Caleb, he's daddy's brother." I said, I could feel the tears coming. I watched as Neela walked over to Vince and kneeling so she was eye level with him.
   "Mommy had some important business to do without daddy, and she wanted you to be near her." I loved Neela for telling my kids that, for giving a good reason to not be scared.
   "Mommy will get you out of here. I promise." It'd be a promise I'd keep, but end up dying just to make sure it happened.

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