Chapter 14

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Lottie's P.O.V.

Two years have passed. The boys are long gone. They've started their world tour. They've came to America. I live in California now. And California is they're first stop. Im a real famous actress. I hate to say it because i think i sound arogent but im a mulit milion air. Between my olympic carrear and acting, i have no problam with money. Celeste is also an actress. Both of us dont keep in tough with the boys. California is their last stop and now they are going to live here for about a year. Great. Im dating Drew Roy.
(If you dont know who he is this is him. He's an actor, a hot actor)

We have been dating for two years now. Celeste is dating Justin Bieber. They have been dating for about a year. I was sitting in my house when my phone went off.
Me: Hello?
Taylor Swift: Hey! Its Taylor!
Me: Hey!
Taylor: Guess what i got you and Celeste?!?!
Me: What?
Taylor: ONE DIRECTION BACKSTAGE PASSES FOR TONIGHT!!!!! You told me once you and Celeste are HUGEEE One Direction fans!
Me: Taylor! We were drunk!!
Taylor: So you dont want them?...
Me: Well take them.
Taylor: Great!! Now i made sure the press will be there so you HAVE to show up!
Me: Alright. Thanks. I'll be by your place to pick them up.
Taylor: Actualy can i come over? I want to pick out you and Celeste's outfits!!
Me: Sure. See you in a few.
Taylor: Bye.
I called Celeste and told her to come over and everything that Taylor told me. I also called Drew and told him that i might not make it to dinner. Soon Taylor and Celeste came over.
"Hey!!" I said opening the door.
"Hi!" Taylor said running upstairs with Celeste following her up stairs.
Taylor eventually found this for me: This is what she found Celeste:
My make up:
Celeste's Make up:
"Why are you getting us so dressed up?" I asked.
"Because what if you like one of them! You wanna impress!" Taylor said. She didnt know about me and Harry. Right now Harry and Caroline Flack are hanging out again. Liam and Danielle are back together, Niall is hanging out with some girl named Amy Green, Louis is still dating Eleanor, and Zayn and Perrie are dating.
"Now come on its time to go!!" Taylor said. We were driving off to the arena. The concert was over now. Me and Celeste were running in the back doors so no one would see us. Taylor was pushing us inside. Paul was standing outside that door. As soon as he saw all three of us he let us in. He walked in front of us and inturpeted the boys.
"The girls with the back stage passes are here." Paul said.
"Hello." All the boys said. We waved back. It was awkward sitting there in sclience.
"I want to get a picture if you guys together! Get closer and smile!" we all stood up and smiled. Taylor took the picture. Louis is the only one that knew it was me and Celeste. I went to his and Eleanor's wedding. Yes the boys were there but I avoided them. I texted Louis before I came up here telling him to pretend he didn't know who we are.
"nice Tattoo's!" Taylor said pointing to the matching Tattoo's we got a long time ago.
"thanks. We hate them. We wanna remove them so bad! But we just can't find the time!" Harry said. I could tell it hurt Celeste that her ex boyfriend didn't know it was her. They both wanted to stay together so bad!
"If you all hate the Tattoo's so much, why'd you get them?" Taylor asked.
"We got them to be matching with our best friends at the time. We really don't care about them anymore so we want to forget them! The Tattoo's just an ugly reminder of them!" Niall said.
"That's it! Were leaving!!" I said. Me and Celeste got up and walked out. Taylor wasn't far behind. We were running to our car.
"What was that for?" Tay asked.
"Nothing." Celeste said as I dropped Taylor off at her home. Me and Celeste were gonna have a sleep over. We went on to yahoo and saw that one of the top stories was the story about tonight! Wow that was fast! I clicked on it.
It said: Lottie Groffion and Celeste Anderson were given back stage passes to the One Direction consert. Meeting them didn't last more than 5 minutes. In te video attached it shows everything that happened when they got angry and left. What happened? And in the picture attached the two girls don't look so happy. Is there something the 7 of them know and we don't? I went on instagram and saw that people saw that we had matching Tattoo's. It was also all over Twitter! I soon got a text from Louis saying that it wasnt true and that he's sorry. The boys don't know that it was you yet. I tweeted Niall, Zayn, Liam, and Harry saying how could you. About an hour later Harry got on twitter and replied a question mark. I got a phone call from Louis he told me that the boys now know who we are and want to say sorry. They were wondering in they could come over and appoligise. But actually me and Celeste were going on a double date right now. I never told Louis the restrant name. As we arrived our boyfriends asked us what went on. We explined everything. And just to clarify everything for you, it isn't awkward with Justin anymore knowing that we've kissed and had a date. I could see lights flashing on and off behind me. I turned around and saw a group of people walking in with the paparazzi following. Shit. It's The boys. "You guys! It's the boys! Hide your face!!" I said with a giggle. We were seated in the VIP area. And sadly One Direction was too.
"Lottie? Celeste?" Harry said walking over. I stood up and turned around as did Celeste.
"Hey Harry." I said.
"I'm so glad to see you, you don't even know!!!" Harry said trying to kiss me. I move my head away so he couldn't kiss it. Niall tried to kiss Celeste too.
"What's wrong?" Harry asked me.
"I have a boyfriend! And you said that we were stupid." I said as Drew walks over to me.
"Is this the boyfriend?!" Harry asked with a chuckle.
"And to think I waisted my time as something as immature as you!!" I said turning around and sitting.
"What ever happened to the Lottie i know and love?" Harry asked.
"Well her best friends, besides Louis, never called, texted, tweeted, emailed her. She thought that they cared enough to keep in contace. Louis is the only one Harry!! At Eleanor and Louis' wedding you guys were too drunk to remember that we were there. Louis and Eleanor were the ones talking to us. Even you guys's mum's were talking to us. Me and Gemma talk. She never told you, i know, she wasnt going to. You said the tattoo's were a ugly reminder of us! Now will you excuse us, were on a date with people who actually care about us!!" I was done with them. Louis and Eleanor told me everything was going to be okay. But its not. The boys also turned around and minded their own busniess.
"Are you okay?" Drew asked me.
"Yeah! Im fine. Im glad that i have you now." I said as we both leaned across the table and kissed. Drew helps me get over everything.
"Celeste are you okay?" Justin asked her. She nodded slowly. A few months ago she told me that she wants Niall back. I know she still does. No affence but i really dont like Justin. He's getting a little too pervy for me. He posted on instagram that his new owl tattoo is for hooters. The boys started laughing really loud. I know it was to get our attention.
*We were done eating*

The boys just got their meals. We walked out of the restrant hand in hand with our boyfriends. Louis was the only one that knew where i lived. We would hang out when Eleanor stayed over.
"Justin, do you want to spend the night? Celeste is staying over." I asked him."
"Sure!" He replied. "Let me go home and grab a few things first." He finished. Oh, did i forget to mention that me and Drew lived together? We've lived together for about a year. He might be the one. Me, and Celeste got into Drew's car and we drove home.
Front of house:
This is our house, backyard:
Inside when you walk inside:
Master Bedroom:
Master bathroom:
Dining room:
Spare bedroom:
Kitchen and sitting area:
Living room:
When i went inside the house i got a text from Louis. He asked if the boys and him could come ofer for a few minutes to say sorry and hang out.
"Drew?" I yelled for him. He came running down stairs.
"Yes babe?"
"Louis texted me asking if the boys could come over and hang out for a few minutes. What do you think?"I asked him.
"They can come over. I just want you to be okay with it. They are going to be living next door from now on." he told me.
"WHAT?!?! Since when?" I asked Drew.
"Apperently Simon put them in this neighborhood beccause of all the celebrities that live in this sub."
"Okay. They can come over for a few minuets." I said.
"Alright. Now i know you and Harry had a thing going on. I will make sure he isnt going to take you back. Your mine and i love you!" Drew said sitting down and putting his arm around me.
"I love you too!" I told Drew king him. I called Louis and told him that them and the boys could come over and join us wle we make s'mores.
Soon ther ewas a knock at the door. It was Justin and the boys. Justin didnt have a shirt on. Neither did Drew, but whatever. I like seeing Drew shirtless and it was a nice night out. Me and Celeste had our pj's on. They were victoria's secret tank tops and short shorts.
"Hey Lottie and Celeste! Nice to see you again!!" Louis said hugging us. I wasnt mad at Louis because he kept in touch with me.
"Hello." All the lads said to us. We gave them a half smile and walked into the back yard by the fire pit. As soon as we got out there Zayn pulled out a fag box and lit a fag. We have an ash tray but thats when company come over and smoke. I walked over to Zayn and pinched the newly lit end of his fag.
"What the hell was that for?!?!" He asked.
"No smoking. Now give me your box of fags! Dont argue!" I asid putting my hand out. Zayn dug into his pocket and gave me his box of fags. I walkeack over to the fire and threw them in there. I really had no problem with talking to Liam, Louis, Niall, and Zayn but not Harry. He didnt even want to have anything to do with me. I went into the kitchen to go get everything for the s'mors but when i turned around Harry was there without a shirt.
"What do you want Harry?" I asked.
"I want to get back together with you!! We were ment to be!!' He told me getting closer.
"Harry no. I have a boyfriend! Im not gonna dump him for no reason after we've been dating for two years! Someone needs to knock some sence into you!!" I said grabbing the stuff and trying to go around Harry.
"You know i love you!!" He replied.
"Sure you know it but you said that you want to get the tattoo removed and its just a ugly reminder of us. Still im happy with Drew! I think he might be the one!" I said running outside. There was an open seat next to Drew. I didnt hesitate to sit by him. I put all the stuff for the s'mores and let the guys do whatever. Harry walked outside and sat next to me. Apperently i was shivvering quite loud because Louis was sitting acrost from me and could hear me.
"Here, have my jacket!" Drew and Harry said at the same time. Drew gave Harry a stern look. I took Drew's jacket and out it on.
"So how long have you two been dating?" Louis asked.
"We've been dating for almost three years! Our three year anniversery is in two months! Were getting pretty searious!" Drew said. I looked over at Harry. He was hurt. It always hurt me to see Harry upset.
"So whats going on with you and Caroline Flack?" I asked Harry.
"Ughhh... were dating. We've been dating for two months now. She's going to be staying with us for a while. Tomorrow morning she is coming." Harry said.
"Now how old is she again?" I asked.
"She's 33" He replied.
"Intresting." I said. It did hurt me to know he's with another girl. I couldnt STAND Caroline Flack. She just annoys me.
"Well i think were gonna go home. Hopefuly we can hang out tomorrow!" Liam said getting up and walking over to me to guve me a hug.
"Bye." I said as i hugged each boy. I think me and Harry hugged for about two hour's. I didnt want to meet Caroline. I wasnt looking towards to tommorow.

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