Chapter 17

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Lottie's P.O.V.

I woke up and looked at Darcy. Her wavy hair was covering her beautiful face. I looked over at my clock and it said 2:00. I needed to be at Ellen's in an hour. I jumped out of bed and quickly took a shower and did my hair and makeup. I got dressed in When i walked out of my bathroom i saw Darcy dressed in a little pink dress with a purple flower on it. Audrey was brushing her hair.
"Mommy, can i got with you today? I want to see daddy." Darcy said.
"Yes but im not sure your gonna see daddy. You have to listen to Audrey the whole time and stay with her." I told Darcy. We all ran outside and got into my Range Rover.
We got to Ellen's studio and went to our dressing room. On our way we ran into Ellen.
"Lottie! Nice to meet you!" She said hugging me.
"Nice to meet you to! This is my cousin Audrey and my daughter Darcy! Do you think we can put Audrey and Darcy in a different room? I don't want somebody too see her yet." I whispered to Ellen.
"Sure! You can watch a movie or TV in the conference room!" Ellen said walking into the conference room. I hugged Audrey and Darcy.
"I'll see you in a bit sweet heart!" I said kissing her cheek.
"Okay! Tell me when i can meet daddy! I love you!" She replied as i walked out. I walked to the green room and saw six people. Niall Horan. Liam Payne. Zayn Malik. Louis Tomlinson. Celeste Horan. And Harry Styles. They all stood up and looked at me. Celeste started to walk towards me. We said nothing and just hugged each other.
"Im sorry!" She said.
"Don't be." I replied.
"Well, we're gonna give you a hug and go to a different room!" Louis said as Liam, Zayn, Niall, and Celeste gave me a hug and walked out of the green room. It was just me and Harry.
"Im sorry! I have been so busy and on tour and it's been hard for me! Im sorry i just left you and Darcy! Im sorry i didn't call or talk to her! Im sorry i am a bad dad! I love her and need her in my life. Can i see her?" Harry asked.
"Let me just say, she has no idea what her dad looks or sounds like. She wants to meet you but im not sure if i want you too meet her." I told him. I have to admit, he looks great!
"Please! I've changed! Im not that immature boy that i was! I know im with a girl that's 34 but that's because im mature! I don't care about the age of people. Im different."
"If your so mature than why haven't you been in your daughter's life? And you say your mature for dating a 34 year old but everybody else in the world thinks it's sick! I believe you've changed but i don't know if i want Caroline Flack being my daughter's step mom."
"Well who's her step dad?" Harry asked.
"She doesn't have one. Im not dating."
"Can i please see her?" He questioned.
"Fine but when she comes in here im not gonna say this is daddy or anything. I don't want you to say it's dad. I want to see what she does. And we are gonna act like we're a family! You never left us and there is no Caroline!" I told Harry. I texted Audrey to let her in. The door opened and our daughter walked in. She looked straight at Harry. I saw his face light up. A huge smile grew across her face.
"DADDY!!!!!!!!!" She yelled running over to him and jumping into his arms. Harry picked her up and spun her around. He started to cry.
"I missed you." He said looking at her and giving her a kiss. I smiled at them. He really missed her. Im surprised that Darcy knew it was her dad.
"I missed you to! Why don't you live with me and mommy?" Darcy asked him.
"Because i go all around the world and sing for people! I just finished doing that so maybe i can see you and mommy more often!" Harry said. Darcy wouldn't let Harry go. One Direction had to go get interviewed.
"Darcy! Let daddy go!" I said laughing.
"No!" She protested.
"Why not?" I asked as she was attached to Harry's leg.
"Because i don't want daddy to leave me again!" She yelled. Me and Harry looked at each other. I walked up to him and gave him a hug. He held me in his arms.
"I don't think she's coming off anytime soon." Harry whispered to me.
"Well we could ask Ellen if we could get interviewed at the same time." I said. Right as i said that, Ellen walked in.
"Ellen, can we get interviewed as one? Darcy wont let go of Harry and im guessing you want to ask us family questions." I asked.
"Sure! That's fine! Come out and wait for me to call you." Ellen said walking out. Harry picked up Darcy and held my hand with his free arm. We walked over to the stairs where we had to walk in. "Please welcome One Direction and Lottie Griffin!" Ellen yelled. Me and Harry walked out first. He held my hand the whole time. We gave Ellen a hug and kiss on the cheek and sat on the couch. The other boys sat in chairs.
"Hello!" All of us said. Darcy had her arms wrapped around Harry's neck. Her head was resting on his shoulder.
"How are you?" She asked.
"Good how are you?" Niall said.
"Great! You guys just finished your world tour! What are you going to do on your time off?" Ellen questioned.
"I think we're gonna spend time with our family and then we're gonna record our new album!" Liam said.
"Why don't you guys tell us who this is!" Ellen said referring to Darcy.
"This is me and Lottie's daughter, Darcy! This is the first time I've gotten to see her in two years!" Harry said. "Darcy how old are you?" He asked her.
"fhree" She said into the microphone.
"So are you two back together?" Ellen asked us. We looked at each other and then Darcy, who was also looking at each other.
"Go ahead and answer." I whispered to Harry.
"Umm... no. We're not." Harry said.
"You and mommy aren't married?" Darcy asked with tears in her eyes.
"Me and daddy were but we didn't get along so we thought we should be with other people." I told her. Her face had the most heart breaking look on it. She got off of Harry's lap and walked over to her uncial Louis. He picked her up and held her as she cried into his shoulder.
"I think that's it for One Direction and Lottie Griffin! We'll be back with Kevin Hart." Ellen said.
"Lou can you watch her for a bit?" I asked Louis.
"Yeah." He said. I grabbed Harry's arm and took him into the green room.

"I don't want to do this anymore!" I said.
"Do what?" He asked.
"I don't want to have a broken family! Darcy doesn't deserve this! I want us to be happy with her as OUR daughter! Not my daughter and your daughter. Harry, i think im saying i want you back. And it's not just because i want our family together. I still love you." I told him.
"I don't know what im going to do with Caroline. We've been dating for two years and she keeps talking about getting married and starting our own family." Harry said.
"I know. Just think about it though. You want to start all over with somebody that's rude to everybody but you, someone who's 34, someone who you don't already have a family with?" I asked. I started to cry. "I want everything back to how it was." Darcy came into the green room. She wiped away her tear.
"Do you love daddy?" Darcy asked.
"I love daddy with all my heart."
"Do you love mommy?" Darcy asked Harry.
"Very much."
"Then why aren't you married?" She questioned.

"Because we love each other in different ways." I replied.
"Do you have a boyfriend?" Darcy asked me.
"Do you have a girlfriend?" She asked Harry.
"Yes. Her name is Caroline and we might get married." He told her. She threw herself on the floor.
"Darcy, daddy will come over to our house later and we'll talk about this there! Go play with Audrey and your uncial's!" I told her. She got up and walked out. When i turned around, Harry was standing right in front of me. He kissed me. I was very surprised. Someone gasped by the door. We pulled away and saw Darcy.
"I'll do anything to get OUR family back together." Harry said.

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