Chapter 2

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Chanel's POV
We were leaning in closer until the door opened. We both looked at the door to see Louis.
"HEYY LOVE BIRDS!! WANNA WATCH A MOVIE?!?!?!?" Louis yelled.
"Umm... im a little tired so im going to sleep. You guys can!!" I said going into my suitcase to get my pj's. I went in the bathroom and got them on. My pj's:
"Well Harry looks like you should go to bed too! Its probably the first time you want to go to bed!!" Louis said winking at Harry.
"Shut up Louis!!" Harry and i said at the same time.
"Well then! Im just going to watch a movie with my new pumpkin... Liam!!!!" Louis said walking away.
"No Lou wait!! I didnt mean it! I love you!" Harry said catching up with him.
"Okay pumpkin!" Lou said hugging Harry. Louis walked out.
"Do you wanna watch a movie?" Harry questioned.
"Sure! Go pick one out!" I said as Harry went and grabbed a movie. He came back and had Bambi in his hands. He put the movie and got in bed with me. I laied my head on his lap and he put his arm around my waist. My eye lids were getting heavier and heavier. All of a sudden i felt warm soft lips hit my forhead.
"Goodnight love!" Harry wispered in my ear. I turned my head up and looked up and him. Our lips were really close.
"Goodnight Harry!" I wispered back. I picked my head up a little more and gave him a peck on the lips. I have no idea what i just did. Me and Harry were both in shock. "Im sorry i did that. I have no idea why i kissed you." I told Harry.
"Its okay. Were dating remember?!" Harry said laughing.
"Yes! Again im sorry about that."
"Its okay. Goodnight." Harry said.
"Night." I said falling asleep.

**Next Morning**

I woke up my the sound of my phone vibrating. I picked it up. I got a text from my mum. 'Hey. How is London? When are you going to race? Did you make any new friends?' My mum asks a lot of questions. I replied 'London is AMAZING!!!! Im racing at the end of the olympics. And yes i think i did make new friends!!!' As i was waiting for another text, i looked over and saw Harry sleeping. He looked so perfect. Wait what im i saying. My mum replied. 'Good! I gotta go! I love you! Bye'. I put my phone on the dresser and turned back to Harry. His arms snaked around my waist.
"I see your up!" Harry said yawning.
"Yes i am! I was just about to go make brakefast! Want some?" I asked.
"Sure! Can you pweety pweety please make me some pancakes?" Harry asked using a baby voice.
"Sure." I said walking away.
"What?" I asked. Harry puckered his lips. I gave him a quick peck on the lips and walked downstairs. My dad is a really good cook so i know how to cook. It took me a wile but i found the pancake mix. I could hear footsteps comming up behind my. Then these arms snaked around my waist and a head rested on my neck.
"Were not in public. You dont need to act like this." I told Harry.
"Yeah but there are litterally camera's everywere and you never know when one's on you." He replied.
"Okay. Are you gonna help me make pancakes?"
"Sure thing." Harry said walking over to the sink and washing his hands. He reachedhis hands into the pancake mix and threw it at me. I took a handfull and threw it back at him. We kept throwing pancake mix at eachother. Then Harry started tickiling me.
"STOPP!" I yelled inbetween laughs.
"Well it looks like you guys are having fun." Harry stopped and we turned around to see Niall, Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Celeste standing on the stairs looking at me and Harry. "Get ready! Today we are going to watch the swimmng! Eleanor should be here in 5 minutes." Louis said.
"Go get ready! I'll finish making pancakes!" Harry told me wiping the flour off him. I went upstairs and took a shower to get all the pancake flour out on my hair. I got dressed in this: and did my hair and make up like this:
I heard another girls voice comming from downstairs. It was probably Eleanor. I walked downstairs and saw Louis and this beautiful girl.
"Oh hey Chanel, I want you to meet my lovely girlfirend, Eleanor Calder!" Louis said wile Eleanor walked over to me.
"Hello Chanel! Its nice to meet you!" She said shaking my hand!
"Nice to meet you too!!" I said smiling. Eleanor started staring at me really weirdly. "What?" I said laughing.
"You look really fimillar!" Eleanor said.
"Im going to take a quick shower and get ready. Go ahead and eat the pancakes!" Harry said bringing the plate of pancakes over to the table. Me, Eleanor, Celeste, Louis, Zayn, Liam (happy birthday liam!!), and Niall sat down and searved ourselfs pancakes.
We all finished our pancakes and went upstairs to brush our teeth. Eleanor had her own tooth brush here. We brushed our teeth and Harry was out of the shower.
"Ready to go?" He asked.
"Yup!" I said. We all walked downstairs. Me and Eleanor grabbed our bags. The boys decited to take their car. Louis was driving, me and Eleanor were sitting in the back. The boys were having their own conversation wile me and Eleanor were having our own.
"Nice bag!" I said looking at her bag! It was the same as mine.
"Haha! Thanks! So do you like London so far?" She asked.
"Yeah! I love it! Even though ive been here for 2 days its amazing!" I replied.
"So whats the deal with you and Harry?"
"Well my ex boyfriend James was cheating on me so i called him to break up with him. He told me that i would never find another boyfriend, of course i said i had one. He asked who and i told him Harry, he said he would believe it when he see's it. So Harry is pretending to date me. Now James will see it!" I explained to Eleanor.
"Oh! Im sorry to hear that!!"
"Its okay! Im over him!!"
"How long were you guys dating?" Eleanor asked.
"A year the day we broke up!" I said
"Im so sorry!"
"Dont be! He wasnt worth my time and im glad i found out!"
"WERE HERE!!!" Louis yelled parking the car. We got out and walked in. There were a bunch of camera's taking pictures of us. Harry instantaly grabbed my hand. Lou grabbed Eleanor's hand and we continued walking in. We found our seats. Harry and Louis were sitting together and Me and Eleanor were sitting together.
**After the games (Im feeling lazy..)**
Me and Eleanor grabbed our bags and continued to follow the boys out. Again Harry grabbed my hand and Louis grabbed Eleanor's. We piled into the car.
"Hey were going to drop Eleanor off at her flat." Louis said. "You sure you cant spend the night?" He continued.
"Yeah im sure. Ive gotta work tomorrow." On the way to Eleanor's house we exchanged numbers. Also we were going to get coffee tomorrow at Starbucks.
"Were here!" Louis said getting out of the car. We all got out and said bye.
"See you tomorrow!!" I said giving her a hug and walking to the car. We got back in the car and went home. It was about 8:00 at night. This time Harry sat in the back seat with me. I leaned my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around me and kissed my head. It took about half an hour from Eleanor's flat to get to our flat. I my head moved from Harry's sholder to his lap. He started playing with my hair. I shut my eyes and just relaxed. A few minutes later i heard Louis wisper,
"Harry is she sleeping?" Harry looked at me.
"Yeah." Harry replied.
"Well were home." Louis said stopping the car and getting out. Harry unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the car door. He picked me up bridal style and took me inside up to our room. Harry got my pj's out and 'woke' me up.
"Hello!!" I said jumping up.
"You made me carry you in you little.." He started to say when he jumped on me and tickled me. I was laughing so hard! He stopped and we were looking into eachother's eyes. He leaning in and we kissed. This kiss wasnt like the other ones. This kiss was deep and passionet. Things got heated up. Harry licked my bottom lip. I opened my mouth and let him in. We both pulled away. I had no idea what just happened. We both were in shock.
"Umm..... Im sorry about that...." Harry said scratching the back of his neck and looking at the ground. I moved his chin up to look at me, and gave him another quick kiss.
"Its okay." I said smiling at Harry. Harry smiled and tured on the tv. Within 10 minutes he was sleeping. I went to my purse to get my phone out. I unlocked my phone and went to messages. It didnt take long for me to discover that wasnt my phone. The purse wasnt filled with my stuff eaither. I composed a new message to my phone.
'Hey Eleanor! I have your phone and purse! Im gonna come over to your place and get my stuff! See you soon!' I texted to my phone. In less than a minute i got a reply.
'Okay! See you soon!' I shook Harry to wake him up.
"Hey i grabbed Eleanor's purse and she grabbed mine. Im going to her house and getting my stuff!" I told Harry grabbing the purse, phone, and my car keys.
*skipping the car ride*
I arrived at Eleanor's flat and knocked on the door. An older woman answered it.
"Hi is Eleanor here? Im her friend Chanel Griffin and we swapped bags by mistake!" I told the woman.
"Umm... Hi! Im her mum!" Her mum said shaking my hand. She started looking at me weird. Eleanor came to the door.
"Hey come on in!" She said.
"Um.. Eleanor i dont think that would be a good idea. Just give her, her stuff back and she can go home!" Her mum said. What the heck?!
"Mum! She's a good person! She's not gonna rob, or kill us!! Let her come in!" Eleanor protested.
"Eleanor Jane Calder NO!!! I dont want her in my house!!" Her mum also protested. Eleanor rolled her eyes and got my stuff. We gave eachother our bags.
"Bye." I said walking away.
"Bye!" Eleanor said. I got in my car and drove off. What was that for?! She didnt need to say that right in front of my face!! As soon as i got back to the flat i got a text from Eleanor.
'Sorry about my mum!! I asked her what was wrong and she just went off and started crying with my dad. Ive never seen my mum and dad cry!!'
'Its okay. I wonder whats wrong! I gotta go! Ill see you tomorrow! xx.'
I turned off my phone, got my pj's on, and got in bed with Harry. As soon as i got in bed, Harry snaked his arms around my waist and kissed my neck.
"Goodnight Harry!" I said.
"Night love!" He repled.

**Next Day**

I woke up all alone. There were voices comming from the other room. My clock showed 8:00 am. I was meeting Eleanor at 8:30. So i needed to get ready. I took a shower and got dressed in this:
My hair and make up:
I walked out and saw Harry, Celeste, Niall, and Liam eating.
"Hey im going to meet up with Eleanor. I'll be back! Bye!" I said grabbing my keys, and purse walking out. My car's lights flashed because it unlocked. I got in and called Eleanor.
"Hey Eleanor! Im on my way to Starbucks! Are you there yet?'
'Yeah i just got here. Ill see you in a few. Bye'
*skipping the car ride*
I got out and walked inside Starbucks. Eleanor was sitting on the couch looking at her phone. She looked away and saw me.
"Hey!" She said hugging me.
"Hello! Lets get some coffee!" I said walking over to the counter. Eleanor got her usuial and a bagle. I got a Cocanut Creme Frappuccino and a bagle. We sat down and talked.
"Wanna go shopping after were done here?" She asked.
"Sure!" I replied.
We finished our bagles and went to the mall. I said we could take my car.
*after shopping*
Eleanor wanted to drop off her bags so i took her to flat. Her mum was home knowing my luck. We grabbed her bags and walked inside. Eleanor snuck me in so her mum wouldnt see me. We put her bags up in her room. Her mum walked in and stopped in her tracks.
"Get out!!" She yelled.
"MUM!! Not until you tell us why!!" Eleanor protested.
"Eleanor, Chanel is your sister we put up for addoption. I wanted Lottie out of the house because it was too hard to see her..."

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