Chapter 11

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Chanel's P.O.V.

I woke up and Liam was at my side. He looked so relaxed and relieved when he was sleeping. I looked to the clock and it said 5:11 a.m. My race was at 7:00. slowly, i got up and went to the bathroom to get ready. I brushed my hair and washed my face. My phone went off from the other side of the door. It was my timer set to get me up at 5:30. Liam is a heavy sleeper so i just let it go off. I strightned my hair and did my make up. My make up was natural. Quitely, i walked out back into the bedroom and turned off the alarm. I opened the closite and got out some clothes: Quitely i walked downstairs and grabbed a banana and corn flakes. By now it was 6:00. The race started in an hour. It took 30 minutes to get there and about 20 to get ready, so then i'll have 10 minutes to get set and up on the gate. I quitely left the house and drove to the arena. On the way there i got a few text's. One was from Danielle. It said 'good luck!! I might be there with Eleanor to watch! See you soon!' Another was from Eleanor 'Hey sis! Me and Dani might be at your race today so good luck!' the last one was from Austin 'Best of luck today on your race!! Well you dont need luck because your gonna win!! I'll be watching at 2:00 in the morning over here in america! Dont you have two races today?! If you do, will they be the last races of yours? Anyways good luck, beat the other girls, and win the finals! Make America proud! I know you've already made me proud!'. He's so sweet!! And when he does 'flirt' its not as pervy or as knowable as when Harry flirts. Austin's is short and sweet! I arrived at the arena and got ready.
*Skipping to race time*
I was sitting on my bike waiting for the buzzer to sound. Today i have two races just like Austin asked. The top three girls will race the top three boys. Whoever wins is the ultimate BMX olympian! The buzzer went off and the gate fell. That was my key to go! I raced as fast as i could and as hard as i could. Nobody knew how much i wanted to win the ultimate BMX title!! I;ve trained so hard for that!! The next thing i knew i was done with the race!! I looked to the score board to see who got gold!! The names popped up and i saw mine in gold!!! I couldnt believe it!! Im up against some of the best racers in the world!! I looked intot he croud and saw Eleanor and Danielle!!! They were cheering like the rest of the crowd! My next race was at noon. So in five hours!! I went to my dressing room in the spare time! When i walked in i saw Celeste sitting in the couches. Apperently she got ride of the ball pit.
"So how did you do on your race?!?!" She asked.
"Well lets just say im going to be a rapper with all that gold around my neck!" That sounded a lot better in my head!
"YOU GOT ANOTHER GOLD?!?!?!?! CONGRADS!!!!!!!" Celeste said jumping up and giving me a hug!
"Thanks! Hey, dont you have a race in half an hour?!" I asked.
"Yes! Thats why im in my riding outfit!! Lets go get Ginger!!" Celeste said getting up and walking towards the door.
"WAIT!! Let me take off this uniform!" I said slipping off my BMX uniform and fixing my wrinkled shirt from racing. We walked out and to the stable. I had to sit in the stands while she raced.Before i went to sit down i got some chips. She went to the barn and i went to the closest bleachers. There was a open seat on the bleachers and i quickly went and ploped myself down. I got a text from Danielle asking where i was. Replying, i said i was watching Celeste in the horse races. When i got another responce they said they were watching it to. They were in the BIG part of the hourse racing area. I hear the anouncer say 'Here come's Celeste Anderson!' I got up and started cheering as i saw her go by. When i sat down i heard heavy british accents next to me.
"William, when is she going to come by?" Said a girl. I didnt want to be rude and look at them.
"She'll come by soon! And the anouncer will say her name!" A man said.
"Kate do you have anymore chips?" A different man asked.
"No Harry. You finished them half an hour ago!" Said, im guessing, Kate.
"You can have the rest of mine!" I said turning to something i never expected. The royal family. "Oh my goodness im so sorry for bothering you and rudly intureptuing your conversation! I'll move!" I said getting up.
"Oh no! It's okay! You can stay!" Kate said. She was right next to me.
"Thank you... ugh.. your magisty? Sorry i dont know what to call you! Im from America!" I said.
"You can call us by our names! Were no different than any other person!" William said.
"Besides the fact that your the duchess and Prince and other Prince of England and your mum controls everything in England! Right?" I asked.
"Were normal! Dont be so worried! If you say something we dont like, were not going to throw you in jail or kill you! Were regular people!" Harry said.
"Okay! Do you want the rest of my chips by the way? Im not alowed to eat any more than 7 chips." I questioned.
"Yes please! And why can you only have 7?" Harry asked.
"Because im a olympic athliet and i need to stay in shape!" I said.
"Wait, Did you just win another gold in BMX?!" William asked.
"Yes i did!" I replied.
"Congradulations! Can we get a picture with you?" Willian asked.
"Haha! A picture with me? If you really want one, sure!" I said as William, Kate, and Harry;s personal assistant got out a camera and waited for us to get ready. I moved inbetween William and Harry. William put his arm around my shoulder. Harry put his hand on my lower back, in other words on my bum.
"Thanks! By the way how old are you?" Harry asked.
"Im 16!" I replied. Harry's eyes widened and he mouthed sorry! I let our a small giggle and mouthed back it's okay! Whoever the royals were waiting for rode by on their horse. It has been 40 minutes since Celeste rode by. I know she is done. Maybe i should wait by the barn for her. "It was very nice to meet you guys! I have to go find my friend! Thanks again!" I said getting up and walking away.
"Nice to meet you too! Good luck!" Kate said. I started walking to the barn. Celeste was walking in with Ginger.
"How did you do?" I asked.
"Lets just say i beat my new records record!!" Celeste said high fiving me.
"Great!! When will your results be in?" I asked.
"They said after the last BMX race! And right now im in the lead!" She replied putting Ginger away and walking to our dressing room.
"Guess who i met while you were racing?!" I asked Celeste while we were walking inside our dressing room.
"Who?" She asked.
"Prince William, Harry, and Princess Kate!!"
"And i met Obama in the stable!!" Celeste said sacrastcly.
"Im not joking! I got a pic with them look!" I said taking out my phone and showing her the picture.
"HOLY CRAP!! YOUR SO LUCKY!!" She said going into the closite and changing. I needed to change back into myBMX outfit!
"And Danielle and Eleanor saw you! They wernt sititing with me!" I replied.
"Alright. Are we going to your BMX race now?" Celeste asked walking out in this:
"Yeah! If i win i get the ultimate BMX title!! Somehow get me pissed!! I NEED to win!!" I said.
"I'll try!! Lets go!!" She said as we walked out the door. We walked to the BMX arena. Celeste went in the bleachers. I Saw she walked over to the rest of the boys and Eleanor and Danielle! Liam and Danielle were sitting together. Apperently they made up and are friends again. I went under the bleachers to get my helmate, bike, and shoes. Wile i was under the bleachers i put on my shoes and helmate. I grabbed my bike and walked out. Cheers were coming from every direction. I was so excited! All the other contestants were waiting up by the gate. I quickley went up there and got ready. As soon as i got ready i got really nervous and kinda sick to my stomach! Before the anncer told us to get ready i looked into the crown and saw Celeste and Harry kissing. Wait, I SEE CELESTE AND HARRY KISSING!!!!! I know i told her to get me mad but that crossed the line!!!!! She know's i like him and how hard it is to forgive him for kissing every girl!!! Niall's head turned and saw them kissing.
"Rider's ready, watch the gate, BEEEP" The anouncer said. Ive never been so mad!! I knew i was going faster than i should or i would break a bone if i fell. I will probably never forgive Harry now. As soon as i faced their direction again i looked up at Harry and Celeste quickly. They were still kissing!! I was now crying. How would she like it if i kissed Niall?!?! Wait thats it!! I looked where i was now and i was almost about to hit the wall at the end of the course! As soon as i could i slammed on the brakes and looked behind me. No one was there. Soon bikers appered and crossed the finish line. People started to crowd around me with camera's, recorders, and mic's. HOLY CRAP I JUST WON!!!!! IM THE ULTIMATE BMX RACER!! I took off my helmate and went to one interviewer.
"Chanel how does it feel to beat the world record in BMX and win the ultimate BMX title?" A man asked.
"Wait i broke the world record?!?! It feels awesome!! I never expected to be in this possition! Its been a dream of mine since i was a little girl!!" I finished and walked off. Right now i wanted to be in my dressing room alone. I ran to my dressing room and into the closite. When i got inside a boy with blond hair was crying in the corner.
"Niall?" I questioned. He turned around and ran up to me. We embrased eachother into a hug and both started balling our eyes out.
"She kissed Harry!! It's like if i kissed you!" Niall said inbetween tears!
"I know!" I said. I looked into Niall's pale blue eyes as he loked into my green eyes. We both started leaning in. I felt Niall's lips brush against mine. We started kissing. I forgot about everything bad that happend in the past half hour.
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!?!?!?!" Someone yelled. I have no idea what i just did. We both pulled appart and saw Harry and Celeste standing there.
"We were doing what you guys were doing!!" Niall yelled at Harry.
"Lottie! How could you?!?! You know thats my boyfriend and yiu went and kissed him! Just because i kissed your friend doesnt mean you cakiss my boyfriend!!" She yelled at me.
"You kissed my friend while your boyfriend was right behind you!! Your boyfriend was watching you kiss Harry the whole time!!! You dont know how hard its going to be to forgive Harry! He almost got my trust back but now i think he might never get it back! Your my bestfriend!! How could you kiss Harry?!?!" I asked.
"You wanted me to get you pissed before a race!! I did what you told me to do!!" Celeste replied.
" I wanted you to get me angry! Not so upset that i will probably never forgive you and never talk to Harry again!! I want to be friends with Harry!! I want to be friends with you! But it looks like that's not gonna happen! You can have Niall! We kissed to give you a taste of your own medicine! Its not medicine! It's poisinon!! To see someone you love kissing your bestfriend!!" I said.
"Wait you love me?" Harry said butting in.
"Yes Harry! I did! But now i think you are my living Hell!! You pretend to care and you pretend to love me when you really dont!! You go out with random girls for the night and all you want to do is get in their pants!! Trust me i know becasue i was one of those girls! You kissed my bestfriend and your bestfriends Girlfriend!!! If i ever give you another chance to even be my friend, you will be the luckiest man in the world! The only reason i forgave you last time was because i simply wanted you in my life!! Harry i still want you in my life but ifyour in it you end up hurting me!! My heart is always open and it tells me to go to you!! You dont know how bad i want you!! But right now im listing to my heart and its telling me that i cant trust you!! I loved you Harry!! I loved you since i met you! Ive never stopped! You might of thought i stopped, but i cant!! Harry i still love you but i know your no good for me!! Apperently your good for Caroline Flack, or Mickey! FOR GOODNESS SAKE YOU ALMOST HAD SEX WITH MICKEY!!! YOU JUST BLOODY MET HER AND ALMOST HAD SEX!!! Actually im not mad at Celeste anymore because she tried to help me win! And she did do what i asked her to do! So im sorry for yelling at you Celeste! Im mad at you Harry for kissing back! Dont you know that she has/had a boyfriend?!?! And that he was one of your best friends?!?!" I questioned.
"Im sorry to! Niall, Im sorry! That kiss ment NOTHING to me!! NOTHING!!" Celeste said.
"NOTHING?!?!?!" Harry asked. That right there set me off! I smacked him as hard as i could across the cheak. Everybody know's i never get violent unless im over my boiling point. Harry's hand flew to his cheak. Celeste and Niall's hands covered their mouths in shock!
"HAROLD EDWARD STYLES!!!! YOU ARE THE WORST PERSON I EVER MET!! EVEN MY ABUSIVE STEP DAD WAS NICER TO ME AND CAUSED ME LESS PAIN!!" I said. "Celeste i forgive you! Niall im sorry for letting you kiss me and im sorry for kissing you!" I said. Niall and Celeste made up.
"Im sorry too!" Niall said. All three of us hugged. I turned back to see Harry on his knee's crying.
"Lottie, i could never be mad at you for anything! Im not mad that you kissed Niall! Im not mad that you slapped me! I love you and i CANT BLOODY STOP!!! It hurt when you told me that your abusive dad was better than me!! You know i would never let anything bad happen to you! But yet your killing me with your words!!" Harry said to me. I knelt to the ground with him. Niall and Celeste walked out.
"Harry, you just said you would never let anything bad happen to me, yet your hurting me more than ever!! All i wanna do is go home!! I know tomorrow is the last day of the olympic's and today is the celebrity match, but i just want to leave!! This was the best week of my life but when i think back it im going to remember how you runied it! Im sorry Harry! I cant be with you ever!! You hurt me to much!!" I said with tears runing down my cheaks. It hurt so bad to say that because i love him with all my heart.
"I understand. I just want you to know how sorry i am! If there is anything i can do to win your heart over, tell me! I want to be the one who has the honer to be the one to love you! Can i at least get a goodbye hug and kiss?" He asked me.
"This will be the last time your this close to me." I said. We both hugged. His hugs were the best in the world! I never wanted to let go. We pulled away. This will be the last time i kiss Harry. We both were leaning in. Our lips met. I felt the whole world stop. Nothing was better than kissing Harry. We pulled away. He had tears running down his cheaks. So did i. "You gotta go get ready for your BMX race." I said walking out. I was headed to the door of our dressing room. I was going to get everything ready for him.

**An hour later**

Harry finished and he won!! I was so proud of him!! As soon as he crossed the finish line i jumped down from the bleachers and ran up to him. Celeste, Danielle, Eleanor, and the rest of the boys did the same! As soon as i got up to Harry's side he wrapped his arm around my waist started leaning in. He cought himself when he was about 4 inches away from my face. I wasnt going to stop him from kissing me. I never will! I wanna see how much he will listen to what i said. Maybe i'll forgive him. He let go of my waist to and took one step away from me. Tomorrow is the medal day! I get my medals and if Celeste wins she might get her medal tomorrow!
"Celeste! Your results might be posted!!" I said. We both got out our phones and looked on yahoo's medal count. It showed how many medals America got and by who! The last madal was for Celeste. I clicked on it and it said she won gold! We both looked up from our phones and started scraming! "CONGRADS!!!!!! YOU DID IT!!" I said hugging her!!
"Hey you guys! Were really tired! Wanna go back home?" Zayn asked us.
"Sure!" I replied.

**We all went home and went to bed! Zzzzz. Next moring**

I woke up and it was 9:00!! Medal time was at 10:00!!! "GET UPPPPPP!!!!!!!" I screamed down the hall! I ran into the bathroom and strightened my hair and did my makeup. When i walked out of the bathroom i went to my closite. We had to dress fancier for the medal ceramonie! I got out this: When i walked out i saw Celeste in this: (The other outfit that was there) The boys were all ready to. They had nice shirts and ties on.

"Ready?" Celeste asked.
"Ready!" I replied. We all went outside and got into the escalade. Louis drove to the olympic stadium. When we got there we were a little late so we ran inside. The manager for the whole event told me that i was on next and that Celeste was right after me. I walked on stage and to the top platform. Celeste and the boys were taking pictures. As soon as i got up there two people came up to me. One was a random woman who put my three gold medals around my neck, the other was Tom! He brought me the flowers!
"PLEASE RISE FOR THE PLEADGE OF ALEGANCE!!" The anouncer guy said. I put my hand on my heart and sang alonge with the pledge. After i was done I walked off stage and went back my the boys. Celeste passed me and went on the top platform.
Will you present miss. Celeste with her flowers?" A lady asked handing me flowers as i nodded. I walked up the stage and handed Celeste her flowers! This was such a huge moment for us! I walked back and stood by Harry. I wanted to see if he would do anything.
"Congrads by the way!" He wispered in my ear.
"Thanks." I wispered back not looking away from Celeste. She walked off stage and back to us. The Olympic manager came up to all 7 of us.
"Since Harry won the celebrity BMX, where would you like to go on your holiday?" He asked. I wispered in everyone's ear. That all agreeded on the place.
"Miami, Florida!" I told the man!
"Alright! Your flight leaves at 2:00 in the morning!" The man said. Good thing me and Celeste already packed last night! The man gave us our tickets and walked away. We all started walking out of the building.
"WAIT!" I said running back inside. I ran up to Tom Daley. "Bye Tom! We will hang out every month!! That will not change! I promise!" I gave him a kiss on the lips.
"Good bye!! Be safe!" He said hugging me. I walked back out to Celeste and the boys.
"Well we better go start packing!!" Louis said getting in the driver's seat.

Sorry it was a filler! Please comment! Thank you guys so much!!

2012 London Olympics *a Harry Styles Love story*Where stories live. Discover now