Chapter 13

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Lottie's P.O.V.

*after shopping*

I got a few new dresses and shirts but that's it. The boys refused for us to pay. I dont understand why, we can afford it ourselfs. After we dropped out stuff off at home we all are going to meet up at the beach! What the boys dont know is, that Triston is meeting us up there.
"WHO'S READY TO GO TO THE BEACH?!?!?!??!" Niall yelled.
"Niall you just wanna see Celeste in a bikini!!!" Louis said.
"Well thats half the reason!!" Niall replied.
"I gotta put my baithing suit on, i'll be back!" I said running upstairs. My baithing suit:
Celeste's Baithing suit:
After i put my baithing suit on i went to my full length mirror to put my hair up. Just as i looked into the mirror i relised my tattoo's were showing. I had a bunch of them. None of them were really big. I had one on the inside of my left arm that was a star. Celeste talked me into that one. She also talked me into getting one on my left wrist that said 'I cant change'. I always covered up that one with make up. On the inside of my pinkie there was one that said promise, and behind my ear was all the Peter Pan characters flying. On my lower back i have two small birds looking at eachother (mirror image). Celeste talked me into that one. On my anckle i have one that says 'Only time will tell...' Celeste talked me into that one. I had the world map on my back. And i have a heart on my hip. Celeste also talked me into that one.Antoher tattoo is one on my right for arm that says 'The worst things in life come free to us - Ed Sheeran'. I have a matching tattoo with Eleanor that's a cross. Don't ask me why i wanted to cover them up. Celeste walked in with her bathing suit on.

"You cant hide your tattoo's." She told me.
"I know. Im just embarased to show them. What if the guys laugh at them?" I asked.
"They wont. Half of them hvae the smae totato's." She mumbled the last part.
"Half of them what?" I asked.
"Half of them have the same tattoo's! Okay! I talked you into getting them becuase of it! I thought you might want them so i showed you pictures of the tattoo's and you wanted them!" She old me. I not mad just embarassed.
"Who has what tattoo?!" I asked.
"Well, Liam has the one that says only time will tell... Zayn has the heart on his hip, Harry has the two birds, i cant change, and the star. Please dont be mad!" She said.
"Im not mad, im just worried they're gonna think im a crazy fan girl that gets all of their tattoo's!!" I said walking out of bathroom and getting my clothes on over my suit.
"I'll tell them i talked you into getting them. Now lets go! I bet Triston is excied to see you!!" Celeste said as we walked downstairs. Right now you couldnt see all of my tattoo's. We get back into the car and drove to the beach. I looked down st my wrist tracing my cross tattoo that matched Eleanor's. My phone went off. It was a text from Triston.
'Hey babe! I've missed you!! Im at the beach now!! I heard you got some new tattoo's!! Cant wait to see them! Love u ♥'
Triston always has called me babe! He's the kind of guy you wouldnt know is gay unless he tell's you. Also we taed on the phone and he told me that whenever he text's me he will never talk about how he's gay, were not dating, and he's always going to call me love, babe, baby, ect.
"Were here!" Celeste said. "And guys, Lottie has some tattoo's. I talked her into getting five that you guys have. She has Zayn's heart on her hip, Liam's only time wil tell... quote on her ankle, Harry's i cant change on wrist, Harry's star tattoo, and Harry's bird tattoo's but Lottie's is on her lower back. The rest she picked out herself. And she has always covered them with make up. Now lets go!!" She said. We grabbed our stuff and got out of the car. All the boys took their shirts off. Celeste took her clothes off showing her baithing suit i picked out for her. I started to take my clothes off two.
"Can you show us your tattoo's?" Louis said as all the boys came up to me.
"Sure, let me just put my clothes in my bag." I said finishing taking off me clothes and stuffing them in my bag. "Here is my star like Harry's, my i cant change like Harry's, my promise on my pinkie, Peter Pan behind my ear, my birds like Harry's, my only time will tell like Liam's, my world map, my heart like Zayn's, my Ed Sheeran quote, and my cross that matches Eleanor's." I said showing the boys. They seemed suprised that i had so many.
"I like them!!!" Louis said.
"Yeah! They're sick!" Zayn said.
"You should get a clover for me!!" Niall told me.
"I think you forgot my skateboarding stick figure!" Louis said showing me his tattoo.
"They're lovely." Harry said giving me a half smile.
"Thanks." I replied to all of them.
"Lottie?" A fimillar voice said. I turned around and say Triston.
"TRISTON!!!!" I said jumping into his arms!
"Let the show begin!" He wispered im my ear. Triston set me down and gave me a short passionet kiss. Well as passionet as a kiss can be from a gay.
"You guys, this is Triston! My boyfriend!" I told the boys as all of them hook hands. I could see Harry tense up as he shook Triston's hand.
"Triston?!" Celeste asked walking over to us. "Hey!! How are you?" She asked hugging him.
"Im great!! Congrads to both of you on winning the gold metals!! And congrads on winning the celebrity BMX thing, ugh, Harry right?" Triston said. Harry nodded. "So Lottie, wanna go swiming?" He asked.
"Sure!! If any of you guys want to join feel free to! Were not going to be kissing and hugging every 2 seconds!" I said as we walked away. "So what have you been up to?" I asked.
"Well do you remember Jake?"
"Yeah! Didnt i date him for two days?" I asked.
"Yeah! Well, now me and him are dating!!"
"Awww!! Congrads! For how long now?" I questioned.
"For two years! Were really happy together!! Enough about my love life what about your's?!" He asked.
"Well me and James broke up because i found out that he was cheating on me with some slut names Mickey. When i called to break up with him he said that i would never find another boyfriend. I told him i already had a boyfriend and t it was Harry. He was the first person that came to mind. Harry said that we could pretend to be dating. A few days later he asked me out and then cheated on my with Mickey, James' slut. I broke up with him and then we made up and then he cheated on me again and then we broke up again. I told Celeste to get me really angry for my final BMX race and she ksed Harry. I was mad at him that he kissed back and i wasnt mad at Celeste because she just did what i told her to do. Now i wont talk to Harry. I just dont wanna be on again off again. I wanted to see if he would fight for me, You know ive always wanted a guy that wouldnt give up. So thats why i asked you to be my fake boyfriend. I know i wont fall in love with you, and that you wont fall in love with me!" I told him.
"Wow! I think we can make him jealous! It looks like the boys are coming over now, kiss me." I did as he said and kissed him. We both couldnt help but to giggle every time we kissed!
"You guys said your not going to be all lovey dovey!!" Louis said.
"So we cant kiss at all?" I asked.
"Not all the time though!"
"Alright." We said.
"So Triston, tell us about yourself!" Niall said.
"Well im 17. I have a older brother named Jason. He's almost 18. My best friends name is Jake. Lottie dated him for two days. I skateboard, run track, play football. And thats pretty much it."
"Cool! Hey Lottie were all going out to dinner tonight, wanna come?" Zayn asked.
"Sure!" I replied.
"And Triston you can come to i you want!" Liam said. Harry hit Liam hard in the arm. I could tell he didnt want Triston to come.
"Nah! It's alright! Im going out to eat with my bo- brother! Yes! We are very close and we want to go eat out!" Triston tried to cover up that he almost said boyfriend.
"Ugh okay then." Harry said.
"Ive gotta go, my mother is opening her busniess today! Nice meeting you guys! Bye babe!" Triston said kig me then running off.
"Im gonna go tan." I said walkng past the guys and going to my chair.


I could hear someone come up and sit by me. I turned my head and looked over. It was Harry.
"Can we talk?" He asked.
"Sure." I said getting up and turning toards him.
"Can we go for a walk to? I think better."

"Sure." I replied again.
"I miss you. I want you to be mine. I cant stand the thought of you being with another guy. It was a mistake. I only kissed back because i relised what she was kissing me for. You won! I won! I want to win your heart over. Not that kid. My mum probably told you that i talk to her and Gemma every day about you and how much i love you. Has anyone ever done that for you? I would die just for you to live, i would travel everywhere in the world just to find you. There would be nothing to stop me until i found you. I would leave the band if it ment being with you, i would give up all the money, fame, fans, everything just to be your boyfriend. I want to have you in my arms when you need someone to cry to, i want to be the one that make's you laugh. It hurts that you picked Triston when you knew how much i wanted you. I dont know if the boys told you but i havnt eaten normal since we broke up. I want you back!!!" Harry went in front of me and grabbed both of my hands. "I need you. Please be mine again. One more shot. I hate to say it but this is probably the last month we will be with eachother. Can you please make it the happiest month of my life and be mine again?" Harry asked.
"Yes Harry. I will be your girlfriend, BUT the day you have to leave we are breaking up. Its a choice we both are going to make. Okay?"

"Okay!! And please dont tell the other lads were back together. They think i should stop messing with your feelings."

"I wont tell them!" I told Harry.
"What about Triston?" Harry asked as we started walking back.
"Dont worry about him! He'll be fine!"
"I wouldnt be fine if you called me when were dating and told me you found a different guy!" Harry reminded me.
"Harry! Triston's gay! He's going to eat with his brother, he's going to go eat with his boyfriend Jake!" I told Harry laughing.
"Oh! You teard!" He said poking my cheak.
"Your dating a teard?" I asked.
"Nope! I take it back! Now just kiss me!" Harry said. I didnt waist any time. I smashed my lips into his. Our lips move in sink with one another. I missed kissing him! We pulled appart and continued walking. "And by the way, I wind you way more sexy now that i see your tattoo's!" He said winking at me.
"Thanks. I like being called sexy!" I said laughing. We arrived back where our stuff was. That boys were in their clothes and loading everythg into the car.
"Were going?" I asked.
"Yup! But we have an idea. We want to know if you, Celeste, and Harry, and all of us want to get matching tattoo's." Niall asked.
"Are you searious Niall? Your first tattoo!!!" Harry asked.
"Yes! We were wondering if you wanted to get Take Us Home on the begining of our wrist to the bottom of our thumb. Insted of Take Me Home. We want it to mean take us home together." Niall said.
"I think that would be cool!!" I said.
"Same!" Harry said.
"Lets go!!" Celeste said.

**at home after tattoo's have been given**

"That didnt hurt as much as i thought it would!" Niall said staring at his wrapped up hand.
"Lets get ready for dinner!" Liam said. "Were not going anywere ncy so dont feel like you need to dress up." He said.
"Alright. Lets go get dressed!" Celeste said as we ran upstairs. I did my hair and make up before i got dressed: my outfit: Celeste's outfit: Celeste's hair and make up:

*Going to dinner*

The waiter brought us to our table. As we were walking to our table i saw a fimillar face. It was Triston and his boyfriend.
"Um would you guys excuse me for a minute." I said walking away and towards Jake and Triston.
"Hey!" I said.
"Lottie! Hi!! How are you! I havnt seen you since we dated!" Jake said getting up and giving me a hug.
"Im great! Now if the other boys see you Triston act like Jake is your brother. Explaine it to Jake i gotta go!" I said walking back. There was a little room in the booth by Harry. We looked at our menu and waited for a waiter.
"Hello my name is Will i'll be your server. How may i help you lads and beautiful yound lady?" Will said with a wink.
"By getting a new waiter!" Harry said. I kicked his leg lightly. We all ordered and had small chat while we waited for out food. Our food came and Will handed everyone their plates. As he handed me mine i felt a peice of paper under it. It was his phone number. I just crumbled it up and threw it away. I didnt need it.
*After dinner*
The boys never notised Triston. I climbed into bed with Liam and would hopefuly get good sleep. I got really cold and curled up next to him. I couldn believe what has gone on for these last few months. I dont know what i will do with my life when they leave.

2012 London Olympics *a Harry Styles Love story*Where stories live. Discover now