I Will Not Accept

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---"This chapter is my first one that have Pov's in them, just to tell all of you guys that. And also this is a human Baby and Ballora chapter."---

            'Baby's POV'

"All of my friends were at my house right now with me. My friends names are Ballora, Freddy and Foxy." Baby and her friends were always hang out with each other. Baby never had a problem with it before. When everyone was talking to each other, Baby heard a knock at her door. She then got up and answered the door she made a shocked face and said out loud, "ENNARD!?" Ennard was Baby's big brother and when they got older they stopped hang out with each other. The only time they hang out is when Ballora is with her. Ennard likes Ballora and everyone knew he likes her, even Ballora knew. Baby alway's keep saying to Ennard, "Stay away from her. She's mine." "How do you know she even likes you Baby?" Ennard always keep saying. When Ennard went inside her house, he went up to Ballora and said, "Well hello Ballora, you look really nice tonight. "Oh, hi Ennard." Ballora said with a low tone voice. "Even though Ballora doesn't like Ennard at all, it still makes me mad to see Ennard try." Baby wanted some alone time with Ballora so she came up with something to get her friends and Ennard out of her house for awhile. "Hey Freddy, Foxy, Ennard, can you guys go to the store really quick and get us some snacks?" They all agreed and went to the store. As they left, Baby walked over to the dinner table and sat right next to Ballora. "Hey Ballora. Are you alright?" "Yeah Baby, I'm fine. I can I tell you something Baby?" "What is it Ballora?" "I don't like your brother at all. He always try to make me be with him and I don't like it." "Don't worry Ballora, I think he'll stop soon and if he doesn't, I'll make him stop." We both laughed alittle bit and continued to talk to each other. This was the most time I've ever been with Ballora before. I saw the door open and saw Freddy Foxy and Ennard came in with the snacks we like. After a few minutes I saw Ennard near Ballora then saw him kiss Ballora on the lips. Once I saw that, I got up from my chair, my hand in fits form and I was about to punch Ennard, until Ballora pushed him away from her. "What the heck is wrong with you!?" Ballora said. "Come on Ballora, I know you liked it." Ennard said. "Liked it!? You thinked I enjoyed that!?" "Come on, how about you and me go out sometime, what do you say?" Ennard said. Ballora then stared and walked to Ennard all mad. Then I saw Ballora grab my brothers shirt and whispered in his ear. I don't know what she said to him. Then Ballora picked up Ennard with one arm threw him to my front lawn. "WOAH BALLORA!" Baby said. Ballora then said, "Don't ever kiss me ever again! And I'm never going out with you!" Ballora scream to Ennard. Then Ennard got into his car and drove off really quickly. After seeing Ennard driving off fast, I think he is scared of Ballora now. That's good it's because like I alway's say, she's mine. I walked to Ballora and asked, "Ballora, how do you get that strong?" "If someone makes me mad like that, I get really strong." "Well it looks like Ennard wont be bothering you again Ballora." "Yeah, I guess so. Thank you Baby." Ballora then gave me a kiss on my cheek and I blushed hard. Does it mean she likes me now? "Well it's getting late, I'll see next time Baby." Ballora then gave me another kiss but on my forehead. As everyone left I started to clean up thought that if Ballora really likes me. She wouldn't kiss me if she didn't.

    'Ballora's Pov'

When I finally got home, I sat down and took a deep breath. I've haven't lift people that big for awhile. Ennard was all scared when that happened. And now that I'm thinking about it, I wonder what Baby and the other think I said when I whispered into Ennard's ear.


I got so mad at Ennard that I picked him up with one arm. Even though I haven't used my strength for awhile I was still strong. Then I whispered into his ear and something that is personal to me. I guess it made him shock to hear. I said, "Listen here I will never go out with you. There is only one person I really like and would really like to go out with, and that person is Baby. So get out of my face."

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