Ballora's Birthday

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'Ballora's POV'

Today's date is May 20th, my birthday. I'am 20 years old today. Me and my friends are going to celebrate my birthday today. My friends names are Freddy and Foxy, and I have a lovley girlfriend named Baby. I've been together with Baby for the last 5 years. She always makes me happy when I'm with her. I hope one day she'll propose to me because I want to be with her forever. I then heard a knock at my door and I went to open it. I saw my friends and my girlfriend at the front of my door with presents in their hands. "Happy birthday Ballora." All of them said. "Thanks guys." I said. When all of them went inside, Baby gave me a hug and kissed me. As they put down the presents, we all sat down and ate the food I ordered. After we ate we talked and laughed about our few years all together. And then I asked Freddy to go get the cake that I put in my fridge. As the cake was placed on the table, Baby put the candles on it and Foxy lit the candles. They all sang happy birthday to me, and I was smiling the whole time. Then we all had some cake after that. When I was eating my cake, Baby smash a piece of cake on my face. I didn't get mad at Baby, it actually made me laugh. "Alway's with the jokes, huh Baby." I said. I then walked of to Baby and then kissed her. "Well, how do I taste Baby." I said. "You taste delicious Ballora." Baby said. "Can someone give me a towel?" I said. Foxy then gave me a towel and I wiped the cake off my face. After a few minutes, it was time for me to open my presents. The first one was from Foxy, she gave me new dancing shoes because she knew how much I love to dance. The next present was from Freddy, and he gave me some beautiful jewelry, that I really like. The final present was from Baby and I already knew it's going to be great because she alway's get's me the best gifts yet. I opened the box and there was nothing. I was all confused until I saw a note at the bottom of the box. The note said "Turn around" and then I did. I looked behind me and saw Baby kneeling down with a box in her hand. I gasped and put my hands on my mouth. "Ballora my sweetheart, I worked non - stop to get you this present, and I knew that your birthday would be the perfect time to ask you this. Ballora, will you marry me?" Baby said. Baby then opened the box showed a wedding ring. I smiled and almost cryed for joy. "Yes. Yes, I'll marry you Baby! I love you!" I said to Baby. "I loved you too, Ballora." Baby said. I then kissed Baby again but longer. I then saw Freddy turn off a camera that he had. I didn't know he was recording us the whole time. Baby then told me that she asked Freddy to film the whole thing. The time was 11:00 p.m and everyone had to leave. As they were heading to the door they once again said Happy birthday to me again again and Foxy said, "And Ballora, congratulations of you and Baby getting married soon." "Thanks Foxy. I hope both of you will be at the wedding." I said. "I wouldn't miss it for the world." Freddy said. Baby then kissed me one more time and said, "I'll see you next Ballora." "Alright then Baby. See you all next time. And Baby, I love you." "I love you too." As everyone went home I looked at the ring I had on my finger and said, "Finally I'm getting married to Baby. I love her so much that I can't wait for the wedding. We're going to be together forever." I then went to sleep because I was really tired from my party.

'Baby's POV'

When I got home I was all happy. I finally proposed to Ballora and I'm very happy. It took about 5 months to earn enough money to get that ring, but I did it. 5 years with Ballora was the best, now I'm spend the rest of my life with her. Our live's will soon change alot but it will get better. I just hope that my big brother Ennard wont be at the wedding. He was alway's jealous of me and Ballora beening together. He alway's try to break up me and Ballora but alway's fail. If he shows up at the wedding, he'll ruin it. Lets hope he doesn't and everything will be ok. Ballora will be my wife and we're going to be happy together.

---"That's it for this chapter everybody. There might be a wedding chapter continuing from this one. See you all in the next chapter."---

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