The Hard Couple part 3

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It's been three weeks since Baby got runned over by a car and she is still unconscious. Ballora have been visiting Baby all the time. She wish that Baby can wake up again and be alive. When Ballora was heading to the hospital she had a gift for Baby if she wakes up. It was a picture of them together when Baby proposed to her. As Ballora got to the hospital she asked the nurse to see Baby and the nusred, "Ok, so more guest's to see her." "What do you mean, I'm the only person who see Baby." Ballora said. Ballora then went to Baby's room and when she entered, she saw both her and Baby's parents in the room. "Ballora, is that?" Ballora's mom said. "Y-yes mom, it's me." Ballora said. "Where were you for the last three years Ballora?" Ballora's dad said. "Where else, I've been with Baby this whole time." "What did you do to my daughter?!" Baby's dad said. "I didn't do anything, a person ran her over when we wère on our date." "Oh, so it's your fault." "What do you mean?" "If Baby didn't met you she would've been fine. But no, she had run off with a girl like you. And now look at her, I saw the news of what happened, it's your fault!" "It's not my fault please believe me." "It is your fault and now you'll pay for." Baby's dad pushed Ballora against the wall and he was ready to punch her. Before he was ready to punch Ballora they heard a voice behind them and said, "Dad please, don't do it. It wasn't her fault." They turned around and saw Baby awake again. Ballora then rushed over to Baby and gave her a big hug and said, "Baby! Oh thank god your ok! I knew you'll come back!" Ballora then kissed Baby all crying as well. "Baby, I'm so glad your ok." Baby's dad said. "Thanks dad. And also dad I heard everything you and Ballora said and it wasn't her fault. I ran away with her because I love her. You were going to seperate us three years ago and I knew what to do. Ballora had given me the best three years of my life and we're going to stay with each other forever. We're getting married." Baby said while holding Ballora's hand. "What, you two are getting married? That's great." Baby's mom said. "Thanks mom, and dad there's nothing you can do now. You can do what ever you want but you can never split up me and Ballora, we love each other. If you don't want to come to our wedding, then don't bother to show up." Baby said. "Baby, after having this conversation I realized that Ballora does mean alot to you. I was a fool to try to keep you away from Ballora. I'm happy you're getting married to a wounderful person. And I promise I wont get in your way again." Baby's dad said. "Thanks dad." Baby said. The the doctor the walked in and said, "I check latest x-ray and good news, you are now ok to go." After they all went outside Baby said, "It was great to see you again. Will we see you at our wedding?" "Of course. I will not miss my daughters wedding." Baby's dad. When Baby and Ballora got home they started to kiss each other knowing that their lives are getting better.

---"That's it for this chapter, the next chapter will come so in the next couple if day's. See you all in the next chapter."---

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