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Narrators POV

Ready mr brown.

She took his hand as they adventured throughout the day. Chris did Any and everything to make her feel like a queen. But most importantly he was spending time with her. Something she and he both deeply craved from each other. Just the presence of each other. It didn't matter what they did, even if it was nothing at all, if they were together, which was rare, they were happy. Around 1, Chris got a text

All done fam

Thanks man, I appreciate it

Anytime bro

Just then, he got an idea. Driving home, be immediately turned around a smirk spread across his face. Aman slowly turned down the music and rose a brow at him.

"What's the smirk about Maurice"

"You'll see baby girl, just sit back and relax"

Confused, she turned back in her seat and turned up the music. After a half an hour of driving they reached the shop of chris' regular hair stylist/barber. Aman furrowed her eyebrows at Chris who was now getting out of the car.

"You just got a hair cut like three days ago" she said confused, also now getting out of the car.

"I know" Chris smiled as he grabbed her hand, locked the car and walked in.

"Hold up stay right here for a sec"
He said as he made his way up to his barber, they shook hands and smiled. Exchanged a few words before Chris pulled out his phone. The barber made an "oh yeah" face before they turned to Aman with a grin. Chris slowly walked towards her, grinning ear to ear.

"Aman, remember when we first started dating, I made us get blonde hair because I wanted to match. And you did it because you were like why the fuck not? Well.. I wanted us to do the same again today. Please?" He said with hope in his eyes.

"Chris what the- you know I can't just go changing my appearance now. It's not that easy" she said

"Please baby, pleaseee.. It'll be like old times again, please. Just dye it black when you have your next shoot or walk ... Please"

He pleaded now faking like he was going to cry. She sighed and shrugged a why not? He squealed like a little kid at a candy shop and immediately dragged her to a seat before she should change her mind. Hours of dying and a little snipping of amans hair, they were done. She didn't care about cutting her hair anymore or dying it.. If it meant Chris was happy. she would do anything to see that. It just wasn't the same anymore. Both of them couldn't help but to blame themselves for their problems.

"Ok no peeking" the barber said holding a towel in between the two.
He threw the down down as the couple turned to each other, jaws dropped.

"Damn ma, you lookin like a fuckin meal. Mm" Chris said eyeing her up and down licking his lips.

She blushed and walked up to him, kissing him, she mumbled a "you don't look too bad yourself." Against his lips.

"Y'all ain't gotta pay, happy anniversary " the barber said as he went to the back. Leaving just the two

"Baby you keep that up, we finna make a few more babies right here right now"

"Good" she said biting his bottom lip, then walking around him and outside to the car, leaving Chris just standing there, horny and happy.

Making their way inside the house, Chris let Aman go in, as he walked back outside to the gate and grabbed his package from the mailbox. He smiled as he looked at it. Walking inside the house, he made sure Aman was no where in site so he could hide it. By now they only had about 2 hours to get ready for the big surprise Chris has planned. Jogging upstairs, Chris looked at his now blonde haired partner laying in the bed. He smiled, took off his shirt and laid down to cuddle. She laid on his chest as there was a long comfortable silence.

"I love you baby" Aman broke the silence

Chris furrowed his eyebrows and looked down at her.

"Is something wrong? And I- I love you too"

"Nothing's wrong. I just.. Miss you"

Chris laid his head back letting out a deep sigh.

"I miss you too baby girl" he said low as he gently rubbed her back.  "But let's not damper the mood, in about 30 minutes you finna have to get up and shower and do that makeup crap that women do. And yeah. We gotta be out by 6."

"What the hell else is on your list for Tonight?"

"Oh baby girl the night is just getting started, just know I got this, Ima just need to you to hop in the shower and do what you need to do, and I'll have what you need for tonight laying out over here on this lovely bed"

She shrugged before groaning and getting up.

"But I said 30-"

"Ima just take a shower now"

"Just um, do ya makeup and shit then and I'll have your clothes ready after all of that"

Chris sighed and laid his head back down. He knew be needed to spend more time with her. But..

I know it's Boring I'm sorry :( I promise it'll Get better. But check out my other stories rehab and student ,. Love y'all do y'all like this album cover or should I change it?

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