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A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.

- Proverbs 17:22

The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.

- Nicolas Chamfort

"Anneth," said a small girl who was but knee high

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"Anneth," said a small girl who was but knee high. She tugged on her sister's skirt impatiently, hoping to gain the attention of the older elleth. "Anneth?"

The elleth she desired to speak to was sweeping, only she had ceased her motion of clearing the dust, instead looking thoughtfully out the small house's window.

"Sister?" the little girl inquired, beginning to feel neglect enter her small heart.

Her sister heard her not, still off in some adventure her mind had taken her.

"Anneth?" asked she again, timidly tugging at her sister's skirt once more, looking up into Anneth's face.

This time her efforts were met with success, her older sister leaving the comfort of her reverie and sparing the littler one a smile.

"Yes, Amarwe? Do you need something, dear?"

"Not exactly," her little voice said, her consonants mispronounced slightly, due to her so young age. "Can you tell me a story?"

"Yes, I can, but will I?"

Amarwe's face fell, and disappointment was painted over all her gentle features.

"Oh, I mean no harm, little sister. I shall tell you a story, but first I must complete this dreadful sweeping."

"Can't you forget the dreadful sweeping and tell me a story now?" asked Amarwe with hope.

Anneth laughed. Her little sister truly was a joy and she loved her. "Ai, if only it were so simple, dear. Nana should behead me if I were to forget this sweeping. Dust unsettles her when it settles."

Giggles spouted unashamedly from Amarwe's mouth, turning soon to shrieks of laughter.

"You're funny," said she, staring up adoringly at her older sister.

"If only Voronen though also as you do, little sister. He berated me just two days past for my 'unoriginal, boring, lacking in tact, and overall repulsive attitude and humour'."

The little elfling gasped, eyes wide in disbelief. "Did he really? I'm going to fight him when he comes home. Don't pay mind to him, sister, he has the brain of an orc."

Had Amarwe been speaking threats toward any other ellon, Anneth would have burst into a lecture, rebuking her sister for the disrespectful and immature remarks. But, it was only her brother, and so she cared not, in fact, she silently encouraged her sister to 'fight' Voronen. He deserved it.

Anneth smiled, a smile that fell on the brink of becoming reminiscent of a grin belonging to any crazed mind.

"Anneth? Will you finish your sweeping?"

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