Whats a 'mark'?

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   I look back at Iryse and Kylie before I enter the humongous building they call a 'house'.

  I stop walking, as a lump in my throat starts to form, making it uneasy to form words.

  Brandon seems to notice because he stops walking, noticing that im no longer next to him. "I can't do this." I say, looking down.

Brandon looks at me for a moment before bending down in front of me. His back facing me. "Get on." He motions for me to get on his back.

  I stare down at him for a minute before hesitantly getting on his muscular back. His body tenses at the touch. My body instantly relaxes as i feel my eyes start to droop. I'll admit, i was tired, but thats what makes me...human.

- - -

  I wake up to the sound of mummbled whispers. I can just about make out the words they are so silently speaking. Or...trying to.

  "Is she really human?" A high pitched voice asks. I can tell by the tone, its a young girl, probably no older than 10.

  "Hush now, we don't want to wake her. I wouldn't want that to be how we first meet our new luna." A softer and gentle voice replys to the young girl. I would say she was an older and elder lady.

  Trying not to let them know that i am awake, i dont move. I keep by steady breathing, hoping that they will take the hint.

  "Ms?" I hear the younger girl ask. "I know you're awake." She laughs.

  I open my eyes and lift my head up to look at them. "Was it that obvious?" I ask. Not really expecting an answer.

 The older lady laughs. "Im so sorry if we woke you, Luna." She stands up and bows her head. "Im Sherry." She smiles.

  "Call me T, no need to be so formal. I'm not so sure ill be staying." I smile warmly at her.

"Im Linsie!!" She younger girl states, eager to be in the conversation. She smiles.

   "Its nice to meet you Linsie." I grin at her.

"I have always wanted a Luna! But our last one died before i could meet her." She says, looking down, her smiling slowly fading.

  "Yes, we very much hope you enjoy your stay here. Even if it is just for a little while." Sherry says, grabbing Linsie's hand. "We should let you get settled. Breakfast is downstairs." And with that, the're gone.

  I don't think I'll be able to eat a lot  during my stay here.

  Thoughts linger in my mind about whether or not my mom and dad are still looking for me. There's no doubt in my mind that at least one person is looking for me. Right?

   I take the time to look around the room. The walls are dark red. The bed had silk black sheets with more than just 3 pillows. It was a king sized and red roses were nitted into each of the 6 pillows. On the right side of the bed was a red painted regal vanity. I have to phisycally put my hand to my mouth to keep a fly from flying in, as mouth was wide open from shock.

   Realizing i dont have any pair of clothes i head downstairs. Wheres Iryse and Kylie? Is all i can think about as i walk down a hall with a picture of a tabby cat in a pink frame on the wall.

  "T!" Speak of the devil.

  "Hey Iryse!" I turn around to see that Iryse isn't only not a cat anymore but she has changed clothes. Something i so desperately need to do.

   "You don't look so good. You have bed hair." She laughs, pointing at my hair that is apparently bed like.

  "Yeah, well not everyone can wake up and look like a model." I say, motioning to all her nice clothes and curled hair.

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