Home Sweet Home

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There was something different about this place. Something wrong.

Don't look back. Even if you want to, you cant look back. Don't blink, every part of this you need to see, you need to run. Run, and run, until you-

"Wake up!" I hear someone from beside me say, nudging my shoulder. Can't they take a hint? "Wake up T, were here."

Who do they think they are? Waking me up from my slumber. Wait, where exactly is 'here'?

Opening my eyes im met with Brandon's bored expression. I give a small smile and get up, realizing i was laying my head on his lap. "Where are we?"

Percy looks at me through his re view mirror. "Your house, and we have to hurry. I have a feeling your parents don't want to meet your kidnapper." He gives Brandon a side glance.

"Im- im home?" I whisper, inwardly to myself. I turn my head to look out of my window to see my familiar orange house.

Ashton, Carson, mom, dad, Jordan.

This is way too much to take in all at once. I mean, dont get me wrong, i love a good family reunion. When it's actually good. I have a feeling this one's gonna go down in flames, and frankly im not up for that.

"Brandon, stay here, will you?" I say, looking over at his hurt filled eyes. Im sorry.

"Right. Stay here. Got it." He smiles. I can only see a tint of sadness in his eyes, but i can feel more. "You're coming back though...right?"

It takes me a moment but i reply, "That might not be my choice." I don't meet his eyes as i open the door and reluctantly walk up the walkway.

Here goes nothing. Or...everything.

One knock

Two knock


Without finishing the third knock, the door opens for me to be face to face with my...Ashton?

"T?" He asks, his eyes widening at the sight of me.

"Ashton? Why are you-" But before i could finish he wraps me in the warmth of his arms. It almost felt, wrong.

Because he left you.

Oh, that's it. I let go, pushing him slightly away from me. He left. He didn't say goodbye, he just left. All because of a little competition?

"Look, im sorry, i just couldn't take seeing you with someone else. I love you." He looks down at the ground, fiddling with his jeans.

I cough, covering my mouth and he looks up at me concerned.

"Are you sick?" He asks, grabing my hand.

"No, I'm just allergic to bullshit." I reply, if you could only see how many daggers my eyes were throwing at him.

His concern expression turns into stone, and he moves to the side, finally letting me in. Along with Percy and Chase.

"Sorry bro, but at least she didn't give you the rejection hotline." Percy pats Ashtons chest and he stumbles back. Ashton mumbles under his breath, taking his jacket and heading out the door. Thank god.

"Mom? Dad?" Making my way through the hallway, i hear the tv in the living room on low volume. I follow the noise, leading me to where i hope my mom or dad is.

To my luck, my mom and dad are sitting on the couch, watching the news. "Hello?" I grab the remote from the chair behind them and they quickly turn their heads to look at me.

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