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    To say that this was worrisome would be an understatement.

   "Too bad you don't have a training room." I say as I follow Brandon to his office.

  He stops. "Oh, but i do." At this i give a what-do-you-mean-you-have-a-training-room look. "I'm just not letting you in it."

  I stomp my foot to the ground. "That's not fair! I want to be trained!" I pout and cross my arms looking up at him in disbelief.

  "No offense, love, but you aren't excatly trainable." He says, looking down at me.

  "That's not true! I demand you to show me this training room." I say, with a smug look on my face. I feel powerful.

  "Its your own death." He mummbles and takes my arm.

  I smile when i realize hes leading me to the training room.

  "Here we are." He says, opening two glass doors.

  My mouth drops open when i see hundreds of pack members lining up to train. Why would they even need training, they are wolves after all.

  The room is only half roof, the other half is outside. My eyes dart from corner to corner, until they reach the bow and arrows. I have always wondered what it would be like to hunt with one.

  A ladies voice snaps me out of my thought process. "So, i see you've brought our soon to be Luna to train." She snarls at me, giving me an evil look. Have i done something wrong?

  "Ellyes. I am merely showing her around. I expect respect from you to her." He glares at her. I stand there awkwardly, waiting for someone to explain.

  "Well, as a human she will need all the help she can get." She says, wiping sweat off of her head with a nearby towel.

  "I don't take orders from miners." He spits at her.

  "Well, you took orders for me in bed." She says, throwing her towel at him, as he left it fall. She winks at him and throws me one last look before walking away.

  Instead of saying anything, his jaw clenches.

  I stand there in complete shock, and to be honest, disappointment.

  "Im going to train you." He says, breaking the silence.

  You could only imagine the look of shock that went across my face. "Y-you what?" I say, still thinking about what had just accured.

  "Im training you, but not as a human. I believe you have wolf blood." He says forcing a small smile.


  "T?" He asks in the nicest voice i have heard all day.

  I tilt my head, indicating that im listening but also still annoyed.

  "T." He says, again.

  "Yes?" I ask, getting more annoyed.





  "Shut up." He says, grabbing my arm and pulling me to yet another area in this pack house. I just let him take me, knowing im not gonna win this.

  "I want to do bow and arrows." I say, poiting at the bow that is carefully placed on a rack with guns.

  He scans my face before heading to the weapons.

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