Beautiful Better Bestie

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After a sorrow filled night, flooding the bathroom with tears, i lay on my bed. Pondering, on what i did wrong. Maybe i shouldn't have answered my phone. Maybe i should have listened to Ashton. It wasn't just a mistake, it was the start of the new year. I cant help but wonder why I tried to help Carson. I still see good in him. How am i ever going to make it up to Ashton?

  As i lay, watching my ceiling fan spin faster and faster, I feel a buzz from my back pocket. I sit there for what feels like an eternity until i finally get the courage to check my phone.

Carson: Are you okay?

I just lay there looking at my phone hoping that the fan will soon drop, putting me out of my misery. Finally answering i say

Yeah im fine.

Carson: what happened? I was looking for you for over an hour.

Me: Sorry... i guess i just got a little sick.

Carson: im sorry to hear that. I hope you feel better, get some rest ✌❤

Me: Thanks, i shall.

I drop my phone to my side and sigh. Maybe i should just lay low this weekend. I mean...i dont really celebrate my birthday anyways.


So, as the day started off, i kept my head down. As far as i know, no one knows what happened friday, and no one should. I feel a jult of pain run through my side as i collide with another person. I scramble to get my things off the floor before anyone sees. But without looking at the person i hear "im sorry" and a hand handing me my other books.

  "Its fine." I look up into the familiar blue eyes that i was trying to ignore this morning.

"Look, im sorry i-" Ashton was cut off by someone jumping in the middle and surprising me with a hug.

"T! I was so worried about you! You went into the bathroom crying and..are you feeling better?" Of course, it was Carson.  Those gold encrusted brown eyes that make me light up.

"Yeah im fine. Thanks." I say, forcing a subtle smile.

"Cheater..." I faintly hear Ashton say under his breath.

I gentle nudge his shoulder. "Be nice" I whisper to him.


"Guess we better head to class." Ashton says while grabbing my hand and forcefully pulling me to my first class.

"Woah there, this isn't the way to your class?" I say, kinda worried.

"Im not just going to leave you unsupervised with Carson on the lose." I pull my hand from his grip.

"I think you should go to class. I do NOT need protection." I cross my arms. This feels like deja vu.

"But im jus-" I cut him off.

"Go." I point in the other direction.

  He drops his arms and slowly walks to his class. I can't help but feel a little bad, but he shouldn't go around thinking all girls need to be saved. Its not that i dont want his company, its just...he thinks Carson is the one in the wrong. If anyone needs saving, it's Carson.

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