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Music: ACROSS THE UNIVERSE OF TIME performed by Haley Westenra

Dawn cracked an eye open and her yellow iris rose slowly over the horizon

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Dawn cracked an eye open and her yellow iris rose slowly over the horizon. As the night's shroud receded, the sounds of the swamp changed; its nocturnal creatures retiring for the daylight hours while the diurnal inhabitants embraced the start of a new day. That included the soldiers of Marshtide Watch.

I had spent the night under the overhang of Alarii's roof and slept, fitfully until the break of day. I had dreamed. 

The visions were blurry, but I think they were remnants of my time escaping the Dark Portal. Vaguely, I remembered the wet-eyed woman. But there was another individual in the dream also.  A man who I did not recall actually seeing at the portal, yet his presence seemed significant. 

As I sat blinking at the light spreading across the floor of the Watch, the man's face continued to elude me and I resigned myself to the fact I could not place him. I ruffled my feathers and decided it was of no importance.  

There was, however, one thing different today; I felt compelled to fly north. It was as if something there beckoned me. I knew not what, but the attraction, pull, whatever it was, could not be ignored. Today I would be moving on.

A soft click from the door below made me look down to the walkway.

Dana exited the hut, stretching and yawning as she did so.  She pulled her hair back in a ponytail and secured it with a small leather thong. Her eyes drifted up to where I sat observing. "Oh, you're still here, I see," she flexed an eyebrow at me. "Adopted my friend have you?"

"Now you leave raven alone," Alarii's voice came from within. 

A moment later, she appeared beside the blonde, fully armoured, ready for the day ahead. In one hand she had some of that wonderful yellow food, which I now knew to be pine nut bread. I flew down and perched on her offered wrist then took the breakfast she held for me. 

Dana's face scrunched up as I looked at her. "I do not know why you bother with that thing," she said, her voice clearly indicating her dislike.

Alarii smiled, her eyes drifting over to the Commander's hut. "Oh, he is a very special raven," she replied. "Aren't you, boy?" She stroked my chest. I flexed my wings, cawed, then continued with breakfast.

"It is nothing more than vermin," Dana said.

"Do not speak ill of him!" Alarii's voice was uncharacteristically sharp, and it did not go unnoticed by her blonde companion.

"Tetchy! What's so special about it, then? Come on! I bet you haven't got a good answer." She looked at her friend, but Alarii's eyes were elsewhere. Dana followed the Night Elf's gaze. 

Commander Barrie had just stepped out from his hut. He looked across to where we stood. His eyes held their usual authoritative look when he saw Dana, but they softened when he looked at Alarii.  

He gave her a courteous nod, but even I could now tell his mouth smiled behind his beard. 

Alarii's coy reaction was noted by Dana, and I almost heard the coppers drop. "Oh!" she smirked. "So, you finally told him? I want all the details - the more scandalous the better!"

Alarii's small fangs flashed as her smile broadened and her cheeks coloured. "Behave! No, I did not tell him. It was raven here who broke the ice."

"That?" Dana pointed at me, a look of disbelief washing over her face.

"Yes, he is very unique. I believe there is more to him than meets the eye."

Dana scoffed. "Yeah well, the only one of his kind worth anything, is no more, apparently. Haven't you heard the news?"

"You mean...?" Alarii asked. 

I was a little intrigued, but the breadcrumbs were just too delicious to focus on much else.

Dana warbled on as I continued with breakfast. "Yes. Well, they're just rumours I guess, but a few suspect the worst."

"I heard some of the soldiers voice their concerns, yesterday." 

Our attention was drawn suddenly to the Commander as a messenger arrived by gryphon and called out Jevon's name. 

The Commander accepted a letter from the young woman and tore open the envelope. We watched as his expression became sombre. He thanked the messenger with a curt nod, then glanced towards us.

"Looks like it's official now, then," Dana said. Her breath hitched and I noted a sadness in her eyes.

"No!" The Night Elf warrior sounded troubled.

 "He's dead."

 "He can't be!"

 The two warriors became silent as Commander Barrie headed towards them, his face solemn to say the least. 

I decided it was time to take my leave. I had taken pleasure in bringing Alarii and Jevon together and selfishly, perhaps, I did not want that soured by any sad news he had to relate. 

I hopped onto the railing which ran around the hut's walkway and gave a guttural croak as I looked at Alarii. 

She seemed very much in tune with me and stepped nearer, lifting her finger to stroke my chest once more.

"I understand, raven," she said softly. "You are quite well and I'm sure you have places to be. Go, now, be safe and free." 

If I was not mistaken, her eyes seemed a little misty. She leaned closer. "Thank you," she whispered.

I chittered my farewell, and just before Jevon reached us, I spread my wings and took to the skies. 

Circling the compound for a final time, I saw the Commander and the two warriors watching me as I soared overhead. 

With a last fond glance at my Elven saviour, I turned to the north and made my way to the mountains.

With a last fond glance at my Elven saviour, I turned to the north and made my way to the mountains

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