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Music: In The Moment || Fridrik Karlsson

I woke, feeling my arm being shifted, then the warmth next to my body dissipated

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I woke, feeling my arm being shifted, then the warmth next to my body dissipated. 

My eyes peeled open to find Sarah sitting on the edge of the bed starting to dress. "And where do you think you're going?" I asked, rising and pulling her back against me.

I felt her soft laughter ripple across my chest. "I have to get up. Gwen will be arriving back soon," she explained, turning to face me.

I swept a strand of errant hair behind her ear. I was still in awe of her. To find she had never lost faith in me, had never stopped loving me despite all that happened, gave me an entirely different and very welcome sense of self-worth. 

I was no longer the de-humanised Archmage. I was Khadgar, the man, lover, father, and more complete now than I had ever been.

The inevitable question, however, did need to be asked. "How are we going to broach the subject of my 'return'?" I said, stroking her cheek.

She looked at me for the longest time, then smiled. "No dramatics really, perhaps a small party to make it known though? Modera and the Kirin Tor already know..."

"What?" I was astounded.

"I discussed it with Illidan once he helped you transform and ..."

I held up my hand to interrupt. "I have a vague recollection of being in my study during the spell, but I do not recall Illidan being there. There was an Elf but ..."

Her face brightened. Her fingers traced my brow and down to my mouth. "I will explain later," she said softly.

The sound of a door banging shut and an unmistakable Dwarven twang shouting along the hall announced Gwen's arrival. Sarah quickly disengaged herself from my arms. "I must see to Gwen and Ocel."

"Shall I come too?"

"No. I think all our friends should be together when we announce your resurrection. I will invite them to dinner."

"I want to see Ocel."

"Once Gwen leaves, come through, and you will hold your son again." She leaned down and kissed me, her lips soft and warm. She finished dressing and left the room, closing the door with a soft click.

I flopped back on the pillows. Smiling to myself, I felt oddly revitalised, as if the entire journey from the Dark Portal had somehow given me a new lease of life. Or perhaps it was down to the last few incredible hours spent with the woman I loved. 

Either way, I appreciated how good it was to be a man again. I had Sarah and my son Ocel. Supposing there was nothing and no-one else, I realised they were all who truly mattered. I now fully understood the sentiments of Vindicator Ocel - my son's namesake and my friend - who I sorely missed. His words of wisdom would forever guide me.

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