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Instinct kicked in, and I propelled myself up, swift, dynamic

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Instinct kicked in, and I propelled myself up, swift, dynamic.  The collapsing pillar just clipped me and no more, knocking me sideways, but I regained control.  Within seconds, I was soaring. Free at last. 


I saw an enormous dust cloud erupt from the impact of the fallen pillars. Many birds flew over the area, the commotion and noise having stirred them from their perches.

 I hovered, taking in the scene below. Figures were running away, frantic, shouting, screaming. I circled and dove for a closer look.

I could hear the wailing one again, more desperate than before and I searched for its source. In so doing, I realised the majority of the figures were humanoids. 

They were creatures of various races, colours and languages, none of which I could fully understand or name. 

I located the wailer among the masses. It collapsed in the dirt and seemed, distressed beyond respite, inconsolable. 

Another being knelt beside it. This one was most peculiar. Protrusions, vast and curved, grew from its head and strange green markings rippled upon its body. It also had enormous wings, not feathered like mine, more like hide; tough, opaque. I could see red thread-like veins running through the membrane. Its feet were like that of the beasts of the plains - cloven.

The creature seemed to be trying to comfort the wailer. Not very successfully, by the looks of it.

As my eyes scanned the ground, I saw many others - wounded, bleeding, crying. What had led to such devastation? I soared again and turned back the way I'd came to see if I could discover the cause.

Below, a great stone structure lay partially in ruins. A giant human head, carved in stone, lay amid the rubble, the remainder of its body still erect but severely damaged, cracked and crumbling. Metal rods and spars jutted out, some mangled, twisted with bits of stone clinging to them. 

Many cognizant bodies were also nearby, some half-buried under the rock and metal. The area was strangely familiar, but I still didn't understand what had come to pass. Once more, I flew back to where the wailer had collapsed to the ground.

The human was still crouched on the dry earth, rocking back and forth, whimpering. The large winged creature had moved away to tend others in need. A bright light exuded from this beast, surrounding those nearby; it seemed to be healing them.

As I glanced around, there were yet others performing similar tasks.  Some looked like the wailer, others had tiny horns and hooves, but still different from the gigantic winged beast. I watched them healing the injured!

And... I just could not believe my eyes! Trees were emitting this bright healing light, but they were moving too - walking! How was this possible? Trees were for the likes of me to roost, and the wind through their branches afforded the only movements they could make. 

I watched in utter fascination as some of these trees then started to change. My secondaries kicked in, allowing me to glide a safe distance as I witnessed this strange phenomenon. 

A hypnotic swirl of green and golden light rose from the tree roots to their canopies and then dispersed, leaving behind - humanoids. How was this possible? My mind could not comprehend what I had just witnessed.

Strange lights and markings on the ground somehow healed the creatures below. Wounds were disappearing or at least lessening, and some of the beings were able to stand and move around again.

"Caagaw! Caagaw!"

I looked down and saw the wailer pointing at me.  Was it trying to communicate? Why would a human want to do that, I wondered. Others surrounded the wailer. They looked up too but shook their heads. 

I don't know what overcame me, but I glided down a little further. The wailer became even more agitated and again started making that odd sound, "Caagaw! Caagaw!"

The human which had retrieved the long wooden pole from under the rubble approached the wailer. It grabbed its arms, not roughly, but it drew the attention away from me. 

"Nuh! E nuh caagaw!"

Perhaps exhaustion or hopelessness engulfed the wailer, for it ceased crying out, it's breathing somewhat hitched and ragged. I dared to fly even a little closer. 

As I did, we made eye contact; it was female. She looked at me for only a fleeting moment, but it seemed to last an aeon. I saw such interminable sorrow in her eyes; a look of utter loss, and bewilderment. 

The strangest sensation vibrated through my chest. A most peculiar feeling, not pain, but  - I could not understand it. 

She whimpered, gulped, and I saw water flow from her eyes. Rivulets trickled and spread over her face then dripped to the dry earth below her crumpled form. I knew not why, but I felt sad and was overcome by a need to comfort her, reassure her; but why I felt so compelled, I knew not.

Something skiffed past me, just brushing my primaries. Another object shot through the air. 

The one who'd retrieved the stick was throwing stones at me, trying to ward me off. It seemed I was not welcome amongst them. 

I swerved away. Those missiles could have rendered me flightless had they hit my scapulars. I had faced enough risks in my life for one day; it was time to move on.

As I circled higher, I kept an eye on the wailer and her companions. Many were back at the fallen pillars, digging around some of the rubble. 

Bodies were being recovered from under massive slabs, rock piles and sand. The majority of those bodies were lifeless. Again, I felt terribly sad.

Whatever had happened here, had exacted a high cost in the lives of these beings. 

I flew out over the barren landscape, leaving the injured and exhausted behind, letting the others continue with healing the injured and collecting their dead. 

Yet, as I sailed south over the red, dry land towards the swamps, the cry of the wailer echoed in my mind and the image of her sad face stayed with me. Perhaps someone important to her had been one of the victims. 

Whatever caused her pain, her sorrow haunted me.

Whatever caused her pain, her sorrow haunted me

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