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Music: NOCTURNE || by Secret Garden

I wanted nothing more than to pull Sarah into my arms and shower her with kisses, feel her softness, smell her hair and her skin

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I wanted nothing more than to pull Sarah into my arms and shower her with kisses, feel her softness, smell her hair and her skin.

As she continued to stare, however, my courage failed me. 

Something was lurking, brooding in my memory.  I had hurt her; been less than kind or understanding. I feared I had said something cruel, unforgivable.

Slowly, it started to come back, and the rhythm of my heart changed tempo. Echoes of arguments flooded my mind; I saw Sarah's tears, her anger - I saw my anger and heard my accusatory tone.

My heart crushed. 

How could I have been like that with her? Every muscle in my body tensed as the memories bombarded me.  "I – I'm sorry, Sarah," I managed, breathless. My voice strained to rise above my sorrow. "I didn't mean the things I ..." 

I watched askance as she unfurled the blanket from around her legs. She rose from the chair and came towards me, her movements graceful, smooth. 

As she neared, I could not, in good conscience, look at her - such was my shame. 

The edge of the bed dipped a little as she sat by my side. She whispered my name. 

Still, I could not face her. All the wondrous feelings I had experienced only moments before suddenly felt wrong, as if I had no right to have such intimate thoughts of her. 

Again, my name tumbled softly from her lips. 

Her fingers gently touched my chin, turning my head to face her. Being so close was igniting sensations, I had no right to feel.

"You have been through much," she said, her voice soft like a summer breeze. "Do not punish yourself for things that were outwith your control."

Her compassion overwhelmed me. 

"I said some – harsh things, which I can never revoke." I could feel a tight lump in my throat. I opened my mouth to speak again, but she hushed me, placing her forefinger upon my lips. 

Her soft smile amazed me. "You and me both," she said quietly. "I reacted sharply to what you said, so I'm sorry, too. But I know it was the influence of the Void. And we were not alone, Khadgar, many others experienced the same torment. But you and I - we are too strong to let a few words come between us." The love in her eyes granted me a conciliatory reprieve from my torment.

I lifted my hand to stroke her cheek, but the pain in my shoulder made me wince and lower my arm rather heavily. 

She smiled when my eyes locked with hers. She studied my face as if seeing it for the first time. Her fingers neared my cheek, then she hesitated, uncertain. Slowly, she continued forward, and I felt her fingertips on my mouth. She was trembling.

My pulse was racing - her fragrance washed over me, and the softness of her touch had me begging for more. I resisted, still believing I had hurt her so horribly. I noticed her breathing was shortened, hitched, hesitant. I wondered what was going through her mind. Do you forgive me, I wonder?  Do you still love me?

As if in response to my unspoken questions, she leaned down until her lips hovered over mine. I held my breath, not knowing what to do for the best. Then her mouth covered mine. 

I closed my eyes in sweet surrender. It was the most tender, love-filled kiss I had ever experienced, filling me with her forgiveness, her understanding and her love.

As she pulled away, I bit back my deep disappointment that the intimacy was broken. 

"Sleep," she whispered. " I will be here when you wake." Gently she traced her fingers over my cheeks and eyes.

I succumbed to a sea of tranquillity where sleep claimed me once more.

I succumbed to a sea of tranquillity where sleep claimed me once more

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