Chapter 13- The old man.

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"Where are they?? We've been searching for them for half an hour now!!"

"Half an hour?! We've been searching for only 10 minutes!!"

"Yeah!! But it feels longgggerrrr..." said Elise while sulking behind Nova, who could only sigh at the other girl.

"Where could those two be...." Thought Nova out loud while lifting her finger up to her chin, Elise besides her huffing at her words.

"I don't know. What do these two usually do, or go to??" Asked Elise while now walking right next to Nova.

"I don't know either....." Replied the blonde as she sighed. "They usually always spend time with Nashi..."

"Oh wait!!" Suddenly exclaimed Elise as if she just had the most brilliant idea. "I know! Let's go ask Nashi!! She might know--!!" Elise halted her train of words to face palm at her stupidity.
"--though unfortunately she's unconscious right now." Said the dark haired girl followed by a tired sigh, Nova beside her lowering her head down as guilt creeped up in her.

"Yeah, she is...." Stated the blonde as she slowly walked beside Elise, who frowned at the blonde's sudden change of attitude.

"Hey.....Elise? Can I ask you something?"

"What is it?" Asked the dark haired girl looking slightly worried for her friend.

"Do you you think that....what I did was right?" Asked Nova to Elise, both of them momentarily stopping in their tracks. "You know...back at the dark phantom guild..." further explained Nova to the girl before her, as she started fidgeting in her place. "Was it right of me to suddenly teleport all of us back to the guild?"

Elise gave Nova a hard look as she thought over the girl's question.

......was it right?

Should they have just stayed there and fought an enemy they knew nothing about?

Should they have just avenged Nashi right there and there without retreating? After all, if they didn't they wouldn't be the first in their guild, Fairy Tail was known for going crazy if someone messed with one of their family members...

Maybe that was why something inside Nova told her that what she did was wrong.

"Well......what do you think?" Asked Elise to the blonde haired girl who blinked at her friend's sudden question.


"What do you think about what you did?"

Nova sighed while rubbing the back of her neck. " be honest.......I don't know. I want to believe that it was the right choice.....but....."

"You know what I think Nova?"
Suddenly said Elise, Nova flinching her head in her way at this.

"Wha--what do you think?"

"At first I thought it was just......wrong. I wanted to punch that guy so bad." Said the dark haired girl while laughing while Nova couldn't help but chuckle herself.

"But...... when I think about it more.... I think what you did was right Nova. You were just protecting us from an enemy we didn't know a thing about. You did nothing wrong, okay?" Said Elise while looking at the blonde with her beautiful hazel eyes, instantly putting Nova at ease, as the girl felt like all of her worries vanished from her friend's simple response to her.

"Thank you El." Said Nova while letting out a slight laugh. "Really that made me feel a whole lot better."

Elise grinned at the girl at this. "Your welcome." Though soon enough that grin disappeared, as suddenly her grin turned into a deep frown when a thought she's been holding back ever since this morning crossed her mind, Nova immediately noticing her change of attitude.

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