Chapter 2

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I walk down the stairs and hug my mother, Smriti Ghai, who is the best mother in the whole wide world... well according to me anyways. I give a quick peck on the cheek to my papa, Raj Ghai, who is a wonderful father and a superb businessman himself.

I quickly dash out of our mansion for work as I realize I am running a bit late. I jump into my silver Mercedes-Benz sports car and zoom off towards my fashion house, Ghai Fashions... or so it was called, but now it will be referred to as Pari Fashions. Yeah I know it sounds odd. When they changed the name I totally had a fit, but that's when my father swooped in and convinced me otherwise.

You wanna know who suggested the name... that's right it was him! I so can't help, but think he must be a total pansy... yea I wish! He is anything, but a pansy... I at least know that much!

Anyways I park my car in my usual spot and enter the building with style, along with my head quite high in the air. Hey, I am quite proud of my success and achievements. All my employees wish me a good morning and then quickly get back to work. I rapidly reply to their greeting and go straight into my cabin only to see that someone is already in there.

It's him... No, Universe Ji!! Pay attention! It's him, you know Reyaansh Singhania also known as the guy I detest.

Anyways, I'm staring at him in utter shock because it is completely out of the blue. I wasn't expecting to meet him until the afternoon board meeting, when his staff would be settling in our joint fashion house. I thought I had some time, you know to prepare myself, but I guess not! I can feel him staring at me, which surprisingly makes me feel nervous under his gaze. I steady my nerves and begin to look him up and down

noting his stylish shoes, his attractive black Armani suit, his well built clearly shown because of the undone buttons of his shirt, his steely grey eyes, and his classic gelled and spiked hair

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noting his stylish shoes, his attractive black Armani suit, his well built clearly shown because of the undone buttons of his shirt, his steely grey eyes, and his classic gelled and spiked hair. He is gorgeous, even today. This made the game all the more interesting and fun to play.

He grins as he sees me checking him out from head to toe. I mirror his grin as I see him checking me out as well since his eyes linger around my body with his mouth slightly open. It's pretty obvious he thinks I'm attractive, can't say that I blame him though. I know, I'm quite modest right! Anyhow, he definitely didn't recognize me, but then again how can he, after all I did dress rather traditionally back then. Apparently like a behenji according to him! Oh God, I am gonna start getting angry again... happy thoughts Kriya happy thoughts.

Okay I just realized he has his hand extended towards me and I'm not quite sure for how long. He is giving me his trademark smirk as he says, "Reyaansh Singhania, it's pleasure to meet such a beauty" I would normally roll my eyes at his blunt form of flirting, but then again I can't do that to his face, now can I? I give him a mysterious smile and shake his hand sweetly replying, "Kriya Ghai and the pleasure is all mine" He starts to look at me quite suspiciously, "Have we met before? You seem familiar" I start to panic but in seconds think up a response in return. I wittily reply, "I'm sure I would have remembered a gorgeous face like yours Mr. Singhania!" He laughs at my comment. I don't know whether to be flattered that he sort of remembers me or strangle him for lamely attempting to flirt with me yet again.

Oh no, he's frowning... CRAP maybe he is on to me! He continues to frown, "Mr. Singhania is my father, please call me Rey, Ms.Ghai" I grin replying, "Then please call me Kriya, Rey!" He hides his amusement.

I take my seat across from him and get straight down to business. We discuss several business propositions. I start pointing something out in the report in my hand and guess what I see him doing... No, no I want you to take a wild guess!

No clue? Alright, fine I'll tell you... he was staring at me!!! God that takes the cake, but wait I'm suppose to make him fall for my charm. Ugh he is just so... so TYPICAL! I hide the grinding of my teeth and wave a hand in front of his eyes. It takes him a good five seconds to snap out of his trance. Now five seconds seems like a short amount of time, but when I am awkwardly trying to make him pay attention it seemed like FOREVER! And this didn't occur just once... it was several times throughout our discussion that I caught him staring at me. I guess I should be happy because it makes my job a little easier. Though it doesn't seem to explain why every time he looks at me I, Kriya Ghai, get so nervous. He still has this power over me, which I can't fathom and I hate myself for that. It's like I still care what he thinks about me, but nonetheless I brush this thought aside and continue with the discussion. God, I just need to put my feelings aside and focus on the task at hand.

So after like the fifth time I have to remind him that he needs to pay attention to what I'm saying, he apologizes. For what you may ask, well I ask him the same thing, "Sorry... for what?" He continues by saying, "I'm sorry, you're just so beautiful that I can't take my eyes off you!" Boy oh boy, here he goes again! I forcefully fake a smile upon my lips and bat my eyes shyly. He keeps babbling, praising me periodically and questioning how we never met since we are in the same line of business. I kind of tuned out after a while, but caught the last part when he asks, "How about dinner tonight?" I laugh replying, "I am astounded you don't have a date for tonight already." He cocks his eyebrow at me questioningly. I shrug my shoulders and confidently reply, "Well it's a known fact that you're quite the charmer, it's no secret you know!" He laughs while wagging his finger at me like I'm some kind of naughty child, replying, "I suppose my reputation speaks volumes on my behalf, but honestly what's the harm in merely having some dinner with me. Besides you're already are well aware of my charming ways so you know you won't fall for my charm. Unless... you don't trust yourself with me?"

Right now he is smirking his most famous smirk! I wish I could wipe the smirk of his face with a swift movement from my hand, I bet that would knock some sense into him. He is trying to make it seem like I'm scared. Pfft, scared yea right! I just wanted to enlighten him that not every girl is stupid enough to fall for his nonsense... wait I just called myself stupid didn't I? Yea...

In any case, I smirk back at him replying, "Rey, I'm not scared of you if that's what you're implying! But to prove you wrong, I will indeed be joining you for dinner... as a business dinner of course! I mean we didn't exactly get to finish because your eyes seemed a little distracted, but I can't blame you for noticing my undeniable good looks." Rey laughs, quite loudly I might add saying, "My, my aren't we modest!" I roll my eyes replying, "Oh please, you're one to talk!" He was a little taken back by my comment, but he seemed to find it all the more amusing.


Guys I know you must be confused , as what type of revenge is this.
But here Kriya wants Rey to suffer the same pain , same heartbreak what she suffered years back.
In the course of time , you will get to know what i exactly meant.

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