Chapter 4

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The next morning when I arrive at the office, I immediately notice the red and light pink roses lying on my desk. I mentally smirk as I read the sappy note Rey has written, or probably had someone write for him being wealthy and all.

My thoughts are suddenly interrupted by the vibrating of my cell phone. It's Sharon. I quickly answer the phone and then dart across the room to look the door. I absolutely did not need Reyaansh Singhania barging into my cabin while I discuss my plans with Sharon about his sad future and what's to become of it. I brightly smile, "Thank God you are back! You will never guess what dad asked me to do… he asked me to merge my fashion house with Rey's company!"

Sharon asks confusedly, "Rey? No. Please tell me it's not the same Rey." I simply reply, "The one and only." I further fill her in about all the details of yesterday, our first meeting, the dinner, running into the stalker—completely everything.

By the end of our conversation Sharon is completely shocked, "I think Rey's new target is you Kriya! This is really not fair to you, I remember how hard it was for you to get over his betrayal! Look Kriya's just don't give him any heed! You don't want to be in that mess again!" I slowly reply, "Sharon, you remember that promise I made to you after I cried in your room." Sharon hesitantly replies, "Yea… Oh God Kriya you can't be serious?" I quickly tell her the details of my plan, remembering to keep my voice low enough not to attract any unwanted attention. Sharon gently says, "I just don't want to see you hurt Kriya! I hope you know what you're doing! Just know that I'll support you no matter what!" I confidently reply, "I do know what I'm doing, but you know that this has to be done!" We quickly change the direction of the conversation as she reveals the specifics about her boyfriend.

Soon after I hang up the phone, I open my door to see a pair of grey eyes. He casually strolls into my cabin and asks, "So how did you like the flowers?" In a bored tone I respond, "They were nice." From the corner of my eye, I could tell he is not pleased with my answer. It is obvious enough that he is fishing for compliments because he seems to be under the impression that I am one of those girls that will swoon over him just because he lavishes me with expensive gifts. One thing I know for sure is that I am to set my self apart from his usual 'flavor of the week' girlfriends and what better way then to disregard his usual formula.

He sits across from my desk and doesn't seem to notice I have already begun working on my laptop. He says my name softly, so I forcibly look up. I snap, "What?" Rey looks flustered, so I quickly add, "Sorry, I am just a little stressed. Anyways you were saying?"
Rey nods understandingly, probably also concluding that my lack of enthusiasm for the flowers is also credited to the stress. YEA RIGHT! The only time I'm ever stressed is when this guy walks into the same room as me. He smoothly says,

"So how about a repeat of yesterday, only this time no false pretenses of it being business related?" I mentally smirk, but apologetically decline, "I'm sorry, but I have to attend a dinner party with my parents. Besides, I don't think it wise to mix business with pleasure!"

Yes, I am definitely playing hard to get, but come on guys love that stuff right? It's like a challenge—funny I should think that because that was the reason he dated me years ago, because I was a 'just a challenge'.

He looks a bit surprised to say the least, but he definitely steered clear of me for the rest of the day.
So when I said I have to attend a dinner party that is not a lie! I REPEAT DEFINITELY NOT A LIE! I rush home and quickly slip on a silky midnight blue dress, with a halter neckline. I finish up my makeup and head downstairs to await the arrival of my parents. They come downstairs matching perfectly, like a couple made in heaven. I smiled widely and soon usher my parents out the door. So you know how most people would ask where they are going… yeah well I'm not one of them. That is certainly a huge mistake on my part!

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