Chapter 11

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Kriya'S POV

Over the past couple of days, Rey has been acting a bit strange lately at work. He is for the most part avoiding me. It's actually starting to creep me out. What if he has discovered that I'm the same girl from eight years ago and that I am only seeking out revenge. Like I said, I'm totally freaked out. There is also the possibility that maybe he's scared of the falling in love with me. I don't really know what to think, since he won't explain himself. He excuses himself from rooms when I enter, I mean seriously like what the hell is up with that? If he has to talk to me, he sends his secretary to do it. If it's absolutely necessary to talk face to face, it's short and to the point. I kind of think he is trying to confuse me, like make me run after him, but I'm not really sure because he looks a bit nervous around me.

Another week passes by and he starts talking a bit more to me, a little more normally anyways. On this fine Tuesday morning, it the last day I will be going to work, until I come back from Sharon's wedding that is. I want to get there a day before all the functions start. I already bought my outfits and everything. I'm suppose to leave for Sharon's wedding tomorrow in the morning by train. My mother and father insist on staying home because of his stroke, which I completely agree with. I have been procrastinating about telling Rey that I am leaving for a few days. It's not that I think he will refuse, I mean I'm his partner so he can't, but I actually don't know why I didn't tell him yet. I should have told him earlier in case any problems arise while I'm gone. Anyways better late than never right?

I step into his cabin, while I hear him on the phone saying, "…yeah, alright see you tomorrow!" He turns his attention towards me and puts down the phone, then signaling me to sit. I slowly sit down across from him and say slowly, "I won't be in the office for six days…" Rey looks towards me quizzically, "Six days? Is something wrong? Is it your father?" I nearly laugh out loud looking at his panicked state. So maybe the guy has a heart, not a very big one considering the circumstances, but it's good to know it exists! I smile, "No, no nothing is wrong! I just have a personal matter to attend to, I hope you don't mind!" Hell, he better not mind or I'll give him a piece of my mind! He sighs in what I guess to be relief and says, "No of course I don't mind!" I stand up grinning, "Great! So see you on Monday!" He nods repeating, "Yeah see you on Monday!" His tone seemed a bit depressive, but maybe I'm wrong.

I quickly finish the paper work for the day and rush home. I start packing because I'm suppose to leave for the train station first thing in the morning. After double checking I haven't left anything out, I go to sleep. When I wake up the following morning, I quickly shower and change into red skirt with a white halter type blouse. I put on some red pumps with white polka dots and head out to the taxi with my suitcase. When I arrive at the train station, I find out that there is a strike. That's just fan-freaking-tastic! Why the hell don't I turn on my television! I mean what purpose does it serve just sitting there! The workers have decided to have a strike on the same day I need to use the train! I swear under my breath, "Shit… Can things get any worse?" You know how people say that things could always get worse, well they were right! I turn around and bump into someone. My eyes travel from his black jeans to his fitted red designer T-Shirt. It is him.

God, I really wish I hadn't asked that question a second ago. Rey gasps as he realizes it's me and asks astonished, "You? Kriya what are you doing here?" I respond annoyed, "I came here to milk a cow! What the hell do you think I'm doing here? Aren't you suppose to be at work? Are you following me?" Rey laughs, "Easy tiger, one question at a time. Firstly, you see my friend insisted I come early for his wedding, which is why I'm not in the office. Secondly, "Hell no I'm not following you, I got more important things to do than follow you across India, thank you very much!" I mumble under my breath, "Oh joy…" I ask him, "So where are… or well where were you going?" He flashes me a smile saying, "Pune… for my friend Swayam's wedding." My eyes grow wide in utter shock, "Wait you're going to Swayam and Sharon's wedding too?" He laughs, "Wait, so that's where you were going? To Pune? Huh, what a small world!" I groan, "It's freakishly small, I can vouch for that! In more ways than one!" He laughs, "So how are we going to get to Pune?"

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