Chapter 24

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WHAT IF HE TRIES SOMETHING? OH CRAP!  Neha notices my horrified state and asks, "Kriya is everything alright?" I have to think of something; I have to make sure that we live here and not at his place.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around to see Sharon. I smile widely and introduce Neha and Sharon to each other. We start talking and I make a note to do something about the living situation tonight. Then I notice Rey walk through the doors, wearing a black suit with his hair gelled. He is wearing

with the top few buttons undone, exposing his tan chest

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with the top few buttons undone, exposing his tan chest. He strolls in very casually, I might add. He is looking good, but I'm not going to tell him that! I turn away and continue my conversation with Sharon and Neha. I try to find Rey again but can't. I just need to know where he is so that I can keep away from him, that is the ONLY reason I am looking for him. I soon find him walking my way with Vicky and Swayam tailing him. See this is why I should have paid more close attention to his whereabouts. Sharon and Neha look towards their husbands and start smiling. Vicky and Swayam put their arms around their wives, while Rey does the same to me. I roll my eyes and sigh. He certainly knows how to take advantage of the situation!

Just then both our parents come towards us and push us all onto the dance floor. I look up at Rey to see him looking at me lovingly. I give him a dirty look, which he finds amusing. We start dancing for maybe a minute before I make a lame excuse to go to the bathroom. He does not fuss and lets me go. Now that is a shocker. I get myself a drink instead, a NON-ALCOHOLIC drink I might add. It's not like I can drink anyways considering I am pregnant. Besides that fact, I refuse to ever submit myself to alcohol again, no matter what! Rey comes up behind me and says, "I hope that's not alcohol!" I growl, "It's coke you moron!" He raises his voice a notch more saying, "Coke? Kriya you're doing drugs? How could you? What will your parents think?" I hiss under my breath, "Rey shut it! People can hear!" He merely chuckles in response, while I smile at all the people who now think I'm some kind of junkie!
He takes my coke before I can take another sip and drinks it. I look at him shocked while he just says, "That was really sweet, sweetums!" I snap, "What is with the sweetheart, sweetie, and now sweetums!!! STOP CALLING ME PET NAMES!" He points at me saying, "Oh wow it looks like your having your mood swings right now… sweetums. Besides I think it suits you because of your SWEET revenge as you so kindly put it!" I growl at him since I'm quite annoyed and pissed. He just laughs and says, "Thanks for the drink… sweetie pie!" I just groan because of his idiotic sense of humor. I make my way towards Sharon and Neha, who have just returned from dancing.
My parents and his parents come to the stage and Ranvijay Uncle says, "Welcome ladies and gentleman to the engagement ceremony of our children, Rey and Kriya!" Everyone turns to look at me and I feel his presence next to me. I turn to notice his smiling face looking at the stage ahead. I return my attention to our parents as well. My father now asks, "Can we have Rey and Kriya on the stage to exchange rings?" I swallow hard and robotically move forward. I feel a hand slip around my waist, but I keep looking ahead at my parents as a reminder for why I am doing this.
On the stage, I just stare blankly at Rey. My father hand me the ring and I just stare at it, thinking of the commitment it represents. My mother nudges me to put the ring on his finger. I look up at Rey to see him smirking. I hesitantly slip on the ring and then move closer, whispering in his ear, "I hate you Singhania." People all around us think I just kissed him, but only we know the truth. Rey takes my hand in his and he slowly slips the ring on. He murmurs against my cheek, "But I love you Kriya…" He kisses my cheek and everyone around us breaks into blissful sighs. I feel like gagging, hearing all of them saying how cute we are. WE ARE FAR FROM CUTE! Our parents take turns hugging both of us. Everyone starts applauding and congratulating us for our engagement. Congratulating us for what? I feel like he just put a noose around my neck, instead of a ring on my finger!

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