Chapter 18

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The next day, I get ready for work. I wonder how Rey will be like today. I saw him last night, well more like heard him cheering that he made it home without totaling his car and then realizing that it was my house that he landed himself at. I couldn't help but feel worried to know if he made it home alright. Looking at his drunken state wasn't making me any happier either. Where is the sweetness of revenge that everyone speaks of because honestly I feel pretty rotten? I was happy he got what he deserved, but I was so cold and blunt about my hatred towards him. I pity him, I really do.

As I walk into my fashion house, I hear the latest gossip being spread across the fashion house like wildfire. It was about Rey. Apparently some of the employees had spotted him at some club getting completely wasted and looking rather depressed. Again this is supposed to be music to my ears, but I just feel sorry for him. I go into my office and start working on some of my paper work, which has been accumulating because of my absence for a week. I busy myself in checking over the new collection's advertisements. I soon step out of my cabin to send a fax to one of our designers. When I enter my cabin, I shut the door behind me. When I turn around I find someone sitting in my chair, with his back turned away from me. Before I can ask who it is, the chair swivels around and I encounter my worst nightmare. I knew it was only a matter of time before I had to confront him, but I never dreamed it would be this soon.

I hear a husky yet confident voice say, "Hello Kriya." I am at a total loss of words by the sight. It's Rey, the same Rey I had broken yesterday. The one I had so carelessly snapped like a twig, but somehow he seems different. He is wearing black faded jeans and a fitted black T-Shirt, looking as fresh as ever.

He looks so normal that it has me doubting whether last night was a dream or reality because most heartbroken men sport the unshaven and depressed look, but he doesn't

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He looks so normal that it has me doubting whether last night was a dream or reality because most heartbroken men sport the unshaven and depressed look, but he doesn't. The only thing that gives him away is his eyes. There is still pain hidden in those slightly red eyes of his. They look tired from the lack of sleep. Other than that, he stood very confidently and cockily in front of me, smirking while looking at me. There is mischief in his eyes.

This is something I wasn't prepared for and this can't possibly be good. Anger I had anticipated, but not this. He has this smirk and it's starting to scare me. I just mumble back, "Hey." I then try to ignore his presence in my cabin as he gets up and walks around looking at little insignificant things placed around the room. I try concentrating on the files in my hand, but I'm more preoccupied with what he is up to. I ask him boldly, "What do you want Rey? Didn't you hear enough yesterday?" He smirks in response and starts walking towards me, slowly and seductively with his hands in his pockets as if it is very casual. My palms start to sweat as my anxiety grows. I don't understand what he could possibly want or what he wants to prove by doing this.

Soon enough I find myself trapped against the wall behind me, completely helpless. So much for trying to distance myself from him! He notices the predicament I am in and grins looking me up and down. He stops walking, laughs, and turns around, "Oh Kriya, don't worry that pretty little head of yours. I won't do anything to you…yet." My mouth slightly drops as I hear him mock me. He continues, "You wanted revenge right? So tell me Kriya… did you get your sweet revenge at my expense? I hope you enjoyed that while it lasted because now let me tell you how this is going to go down." I remain shocked at his confidence. He starts walking towards me again, but showing no signs of stopping this time.

I look around for an escape route, but find none. He stands in front of me with a huge smirk while looking at the small gap between our bodies. It is way too close for comfort. I don't like where this is going at all. He raises his hand and tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear, while I become extremely uncomfortable at his touch. He whispers the words, "You see Kriya, I can't just let this go. It's not in my nature to forgive and forget." I glare at him, the strongest glare I can muster up. He doesn't seem fazed one bit. I try to push him away, but he is too strong in comparison. So I decide to laugh in his face, "Rey there is nothing you can possibly do now. I did what I had to do, it's over and done. You lost sweetie. You can never make me fall in love with you because I hate you!"

He laughs, "Sweetheart, I never lose, never. I promise you, you will be mine. It's only a matter of time." I snort, "That will never happen. In case you have forgotten I hate you!" He grins, "It's a challenge babe. You will be mine one way or another." I cringe at the word 'challenge' and he clearly notices. He leans in closer to me so that I feel his hot breath on my neck. His eyes darken in passion as he whispers, "So you hate me huh? Well, we can change that!"

The next thing I know, I feel my body being slammed against a wall, as his lips collide with mine. His lips move in a demanding manner. There is nothing gentle about it, it is hot and heavy. He is greedy and I am completely shocked. I try pushing him away, but my efforts are in vain. His lips slow down a bit, he may be savoring the moment. He relaxes against me when he realizes I can't possibly go anywhere. His hands start to move up the side of my body caressing me. He groans as he glides his tongue across my bottom lip, trying to seek entrance into my mouth. He kisses me so passionately that I feel myself begin to weaken, enough to stop resisting. I give into the steamy kiss. His tongue slowly enters into my mouth, swirling around. Although I hate to admit it he is exciting me. I refuse to respond because it will indicate I am enjoying what he is doing. My hands start to run up his chest, but are indecisive of whether to push him away or pull him closer. He makes the decision for me by pulling away groaning, "Why do you always have to make me the bad guy Kriya?" He stares at my swollen lips, while I wipe my lips and act repulsed. He releases his hold on me and smirks at me. He says as he leaves out the door, "Get ready to be Mrs. Kriya Reyaansh Singhania!"

I stand there shocked, not knowing what to say or do. I know there is no way in hell that I would ever marry him, that's not even an option as far as I'm concerned. Why must he insist on always trying to ruin my life? Stupid prick! I really hope he doesn't plan on following through with whatever is cooking up in his dimwitted mind. He can't make me do anything! One thing I don't understand is why does he always seems to make me melt in his arms? Every single time! I mean what the hell is wrong with me? Have I no self control? I really have to work on that! Maybe I can throw darts on a dart board with his picture on it perhaps that will invoke some more hatred for him. All I know is that I am going to have to keep my guard up, who knows what he might try to do? But, how far is he willing to go, is the real question?


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