Chapter 28

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I walk out the room slowly and wander down the hallways of the hotel, completely heartbroken as tears run down my face. I enter the empty elevator and close my eyes. All I see behind those closed eyelids is Kriya's tear stained face and the hurt that reflected in her eyes. She was devasted and I knew it. At that moment it had dawned on me, that this was probably the most horrendous thing I could ever done to her. I don't know what possessed me to do something so cruel and heartless. I walk around the lobby and then walk into the bar. There are a lot of people partying in there, but I didn't care. I just wanted to drink myself into a stupor because her words cut through me like a knife. I deserve it, but it still hurts. I am wrong, I know it. I am absolutely selfish, I know that as well; but I couldn't help it. My love for her makes me do stupid things like pressure her into marriage, lie about the pregnancy, even... Nothing can be done about this now, all I can do now is wallow in my misery and think of a way to fix this.

The bartender hands me my drink and I chug it down, feeling the burning sensation traveling down my throat. A tear escapes my eye as I feel the hope of ever being with Kriya washing away. How could I mess up this badly? I really don't know what I expected her reaction to be, but just looking at her made me realize what a huge mistake I made. I grab another drink and sling it down my throat. At the mandap, when I said sorry to her I was referring to the fake pregnancy. At that point in time, I truly was sorry and there was nothing I could do to make up for what I had done.

The day after I had found out about Kriya's revenge is when this plan popped into my head. I may have been slightly intoxicated when this idea came to mind, anyhow, I started to slip vomiting medicine in Kriya's lunch at the office so that she would have a reason to go to the doctors. I went to visit my friend, Kunal, who owed me big time. He reluctantly agreed to make up some excuse in order to get Kriya's main physician Dr. Vishakha out for the day. Meanwhile, I started to watch Kriya's every move so that I know ahead of time when she thinks she is ready to go to the doctor's office. When that day finally came, I called Kunal and he managed to get rid of Vishakhafor the rest of the day, leaving only him to be able to do Kriya's check up. He made up fake reports for her pregnancy and gave the real copy to me. When he submitted the reports to his secretary he called me to tell me that Kriya is now aware of her "pregnancy" and that's when I forced my parents to come with me to the Ghai Mansion to ask for Kriya's hand in marriage for me. At the time I was happy with the plan, but watching Kriya crumble was devastating even for me.

When she came home that day and saw me and my parents lounging around in her livingroom, she became even more stressed. I could tell by the look on her face and it hurt me to know that I was hurting her. I continued with my plan and left her no option, but marriage. I knew the whole time that I was killing her on the inside, but the only thing that kept me going was the fact that one day we could look back at this and know that this was for the best, that this was for our future. If I had the slightest doubt that someone could love her more than me, then I would have happily let her be, but no one can love her more than me. I've made mistakes in the past. I've listened to people I shouldn't have. I've done a lot of things I'm not proud of, but this marriage that had to happen. I had to get her to marry me, without her I'm a no body, a lost soul. She may not realize it, but she needs me just as much as I need her. I know I have hurt her beyond belief, but time will solve everything.

In that twisted mind of hers, I know she is planning to give me hell, but I'm prepared to take it. I'm prepared to take it all like a man. There are no more tricks up my sleeve, no more lies, no more deceit, no more revenge. I just want her to know that I really do love her and am truly sorry for the amount of pain I have given her. I promise that the time will come when I will be able to give her all the happiness in the world, all that she deserves and more. All I have to do is wait, and I will even if it takes until the end of time.

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