Chapter 19

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A couple weeks pass by quickly. I know what you all are probably wondering. You're wondering how many times Rey has annoyed me in these past weeks or made passes at me. Well much to my relief… he didn't. It was odd, I know! I thought he would be this complete stalker, but he acts like the conversation in my cabin didn't even happen. Sometimes I even wonder if it did or it is one of my crazy hallucinations. The fact that I can sometimes feel his lips on mine assures me that I'm perfectly sane, but I'm not so sure this is a positive thing. It's also kind of scary because I feel like any moment now I will get jumped or cornered. I mean this literally and figuratively. Literally, as in he might yank me into a dark room to kiss me again and figuratively, as in he may surprise attack me with his master plan.
In these few week he would talk to me casually as if I am just a business associate. He wouldn't look at me twice and I would never find him staring at me. He only talks to me or comes into my cabin if it is absolutely necessary. It's like he is playing hide and seek or something. I just don't know what to make of his behavior. I'd like to think he has forgotten about his little challenge, but that's too big of an assumption. This is my whole life that he plans to ruin and I can't just disregard all that he said, wishing he was drunk and forgot. Did I mention I'm not that lucky? Yeah, so he is definitely doing something I am not aware of.

Along with this anxiety of what he is planning, I haven't been feeling so good lately. I've been throwing up quite often. I can't keep food down and its driving me insane, not to mention is making me even more aggravated. I took the day off half the day so I could visit the doctor because I have no intention of becoming anorexic. On an empty stomach, I tend to get cranky. That's not to say that on a full stomach I don't get grouchy. Anyhow I have to go to the doctor right now.

I pick up any paper work that I can complete from home. I double check things to make sure I have not forgotten anything. When I am fully satisfied, I sling my purse around my shoulder and walk out of my cabin. I wait for the elevator and luckily find it empty. I notice the doors closing and then suddenly a hand shoots up in between, parting the doors. I look up to find Rey, looking pleased at his luck and my lack of it. I tense up immediately not liking the fact that we are alone. He stands beside me as the doors close. He turns towards me slowly saying, "So where are you off to gorgeous?" I snap, "It's not any of your concern! Mind your own business." He grins at my response and leans close to my ear. His breath kisses my skin and a chill runs down my spine. He whispers, "Maybe it is my business…" He brushes his lips against my cheek slowly. With that the doors to the elevators open. He walks out just as confidently as he came in with a cocky grin accompanying him.

He turns to look at me and winks as the doors close. He acts so normal afterwards, yet my heart is racing wildly. This was the only interaction we had in these weeks where he wasn't disguising his true intentions from me. He has this profound effect on me that's beyond my control and it's getting on my nerves.

When I arrive at the doctor's office, I find out that my usual doctor, Dr. Vishakha Gupta, is on a holiday so another doctor will be filling in for her. I get even more annoyed because I don't like strangers examining me… it's weird. The receptionist comes outside and calls my name. I follow her towards the examining room and sit down quietly. Then a male doctor comes in. I read his name tag, which says, "Dr. Kunal Kapoor." He asks, "So what seems to be the problem?" I simply say, "Well for the past few days I have been throwing up a lot. I can't keep any food down. I'm really worried about it. I've also been in a bad mood lately, but I suspect it's because of the lack of food." He contemplates all that I tell him and cautiously asks, "Could you possibly be pregnant?" My mouth drops and I quickly say, "NO! I'M NOT! I know I'm not. I mean I can be, but I'm positive I'm not. I know my body, so how about you play a little more doctor and a little less detective!" He shakes his head, not amused and says, "I'm gonna need to run a blood test." I mumble curse words under my breath and say, "Fine."
I quickly get the blood work done and race home. I try not to let my mind dwell on the fact that it seems like a very logical explanation for my mood swings and vomiting episodes. I really hadn't thought about the fact that I could possibly be pregnant. But I'm not. I mean I can't be… just can't. My memory is quite hazy about that night with him and I don't really like to recall my moments of insanity. I remember most of it…unfortunately, but I don't remember if we used protection. I'm feeling a new surge of hatred for Rey at this moment and I didn't even have to use darts. That stupid jerk better have remembered or so help me Universe ji I will murder him with my bare hands.
If worrying about Rey's psychotic plan wasn't enough, now I have to worry about possibly carrying his child as well. That's great, real great. I thought if I stopped asking, "Can it get any worse?" that these horrible things would stop happening to me altogether. Apparently NOT!

Kriya pregnant! Freak!!

Many many happy returns of the day 🎂  SheuliBhattacharyya.
May your memories today be awesome, your dreams become a reality,and your joy last forever. You have been the most constant reader🙏. Thanku so much for that Have a wonderful birthday.😘😘😘


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