Chapter 13

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"I love you daddy. You're my favorite person in the whole wide world." I said to my father.

"I love you too, kiddo." He said back, kissing me on the forehead.

I hopped on the school bus to go to Williams elementary, the elementary school I went to as a child.

I continued on, as if it was a normal school day. English, social studies, ect.

Then came the second to last class of the day. We were all testing, and the phone rang. The teacher answered it right away.

"Hello? This is Mrs. Smithwick, how may I assist you today?" She said into the phone.

I looked up. Whenever someone called on the phone, it meant someone was in trouble.

Guess it's not me! I never got into trouble as a kid. I was quiet and never made many friends.

The teachers face went pale. She stared at the wall.

"Oh my gosh! Ok, she'll be right up. Poor child!" She whispered, frantically.

She slid the phone down in her fingertips, slowly letting it drop to the ground.

She looked at me and gulped.

That was truly the scariest moment of my life.

"M-m-ms. Brigit..... G-go to the uh... Um... Office please d-darling. Ok? It's u-urgent. Thanks, l-love." She stuttered.

Crap. What was happening?

I slowly walked out of the classroom, my vision going blurry. What if I was in trouble?! My mom and dad would be so mad!

But what did I ever do?!

I reached the office, slowly walking up the the front desk.

"I-I'm b-Brigit...." I stuttered.

"Oh yes, sweetie. Your mommy is in there," she said, pointing to a room across the hallway.

I slowly opened the door, peeking my head in.

My mother was sitting with the guidance counselor, both crying.

"Er... M-mom, wha- what's going on..." I said trembling, I'd never seen my mother cry before.

"Oh honey.." My mom said, not being able to finish her sentence because she was crying.

The counselor took a deep breath and held on to my moms hand.

"Baby, I'll give it to you straight...." She said.

"Oh god. I don't have the heart to do this." She continued.

"Just say it!" My mom screamed at her.

At this point I was very confused.

"Baby, your dad was stabbed this morning." She said.

I stared at the wall. Everything was suddenly not making sense to me. I couldn't say anything. I couldn't move. I couldn't do anything at all.

I fell on the floor. The school nurse rushed to help me up, icing my head.

"Oh, doll. You alright?" She asked, feeling truly awful for me.

"I.... I...." I tried.

I broke down and cried.

My father was the only one that I got along with. He understood me. He loved and Cherished me. He couldn't be gone.

Now I was stuck with my naggy, no good, bitchy mother.

Mom came over to me and sat by my side.

"Honey, even though he's gone I'll always-" she tried.

"I'll always..." She tried more.

"I'll always...." She tried and tried but It never came out.

I woke up screaming, "you'll always what?!?!!!??"

I suddenly realized I was reliving my fathers death in a dream. That's exactly what just happened.

Nobody knew about my fathers death except my mom, the school staff and I.

That's when I went goth and started cutting and made many suicide attempts.

It was all because some random shit head killed my father. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for that faggot boy who stabbed him, but I shall never know who.

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