Letter #24

October 28th, 2015

Dear Gabe
I think I will write two more. This one and the 25th one. I feel like it's wrong to just suddenly stop at a random number. And damn, 25 letters are kind of many in only six months, don't you think?

There's always been this circle formed magnet with a quote on it on my fridge. I've always found it quite fascinating, but I've never really understood the meaning. But today, when I was helping mum with dinner (I actually agreed to help her) it caught my attention. I just stared at it for many minutes, and I can finally say that I understand it.

"God, give me peace of mind to accept the things I can not change, towards what I can, and wisdom to understand the difference."

That's exactly it. I need to start accepting the things I cannot change. And those things are for example that you love Vicky. You're happy with her, you love her, not me. That's something I can't change and need to accept, even though how hard it is for me.

Something I can change, is my life. Yes, my life. I need to get out. Maybe get a job. Maybe I'll get some friends through it.

I need to start living, like you. I hope you're living your life. I hope you're happy.

 I hope you're happy

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Love, Sophie Where stories live. Discover now