Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

"You keep your damn mouth shut while we're here," Thomas warned Herman and the man nodded.

"Sure, I'll keep it shut. This is sheriff Atkinson's spread and I sure as hell don't wanna say nothing to piss him off. I heard tell that he once branded a man's forehead!"

Thomas pulled his horse to a stop outside the barn and Cookie eyed Herman warily, "Who is he?" he grumbled.

"A prisoner. I'm taking him down to Tortulla," Thomas replied. He had already said goodbye to Elizabeth and the rest of the family yesterday and he had seen Nathan in town with Brody and told him goodbye. He knew he should have just headed straight out but he had wanted to say goodbye to Sally first. He didn't want her to think that he had taken what he wanted from her and then forgotten about her.

He felt bad about leaving without waking her last night but she had seemed so peaceful as she slept that he hadn't wanted to disturb her, and staying with her until morning hadn't been an option because someone may have caught him there or seen him leaving.

"What did ya bring him here for?" Cookie asked.

Thomas gave Herman a sharp look, "You better stay right here. If you try to run, I think I should warn you that I can shoot a gnat off rover's ass with this rifle so you wouldn't get far."

"I'll be a good boy," Herman promised with a sneer as he made the sign of the cross on his chest with his shackled hands.

Thomas jumped from his horse and led Cookie out of hearing distance of Herman, "I wanted to say goodbye to Sally," he said.

Cookie frowned, "She's still asleep, Thomas. Weird for her too since the girl is usually up at the crack of dawn. Jacob seemed a bit worried a few minutes ago when he came out and told me before heading into the field. She must have gotten to bed late or something."

Thomas hoped the heat he felt rising in his cheeks wouldn't tell the old man exactly what had kept Sally up last night, "Damn. I was hoping she'd be awake. I don't know when I'll be back."

Cookie nodded knowingly and pointed at the door, "You can go on in and wake her up. Jacob is out in the fields so you'd be safe," he assured him wiht a wink.

Thomas shook his head, "I don't trust old Herman. It would probably be best if he doesn't know about Sally I guess."

Thomas looked up at the house with so much longing that it made Cookie hurt for the boy, "Are you sure?" he asked.

Thomas sighed, rubbed his hand over his scarred eye and nodded, "Just tell her that I stopped by.... And that I'll be back just as soon as I can." Cookie nodded, "I'll do that. You take care of yourself, Thomas."

"Thanks Cookie... You too." Thomas replied as Cookie lowered himself into his favorite chair.

Thomas turned and walked away and as he jumped on his horse and rode off, leading Herman with a rope, he felt as if he was leaving half of himself behind. He chose not to think about what that might mean and instead focused on getting this worthless waste of oxygen to Tortulla so he could come back to Sally.


Sally stretched her deliciously sore body and reached out for Thomas, only to find that the bed beside her was empty. She sat up quickly and looked around but he was nowhere to be seen. His clothes and guns were gone and her window was closed. She wanted to cry but then reminded herself that he had warned her that he could not make any promises and that he wasn't looking for love.

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