Chapter 8

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"Hey Troy. How are you?

"Mom Who is this guy And why is he here?" I raised my voice just enough for my Mom to hear me.

"Honey don't be rude." My Mom said walking down stairs.

"No it's okay it's been a while since I've seen him." The man said staring at me.

"Hun this is my boss." My Mom said placing her hand on my back.

"What is your boss doing here Mom?" I questioned.

"I just invited him over for dinner. Now go get cleaned up and meet us back down here okay." My Mom said walking further in the kitchen.

I walked up stair's to my room. I closed the door and threw my bag onto the bed. My phone stared to buzz and I pulled it out to see Emily's name. I answer almost immediately.

"Just the person I wanted to talk to." I said.

"Oh really don't I feel special." Emily joked.

"You should." I joked back.

"So how was your first day at your new school?"

"It was okay I met a few people. They invited me over to hang out."

"That's great making new friends on the first day."

"Yeah I guess so."

"So how many girls tried to hit on you today?" She asked waiting for me to answer.

"Um one she asked me to go to this party she's having."

"That was nice of her to invite you." Emily said her voice changed a little.

"Yeah. But Emily listen my Mom invited her boss here for dinner." I said getting pissed thinking about it.

"Okay. What's the problem with that?" She asked.

"You know how I feel about dudes around my mother." I replied.

"She probably just did it to say thanks to him or something." She suggested.

"Okay your probably right." I trying to believe her.

"No I am right. Now behave your self and be nice." She demanded.

"Okay Emily I will." I said back.

After getting off the phone with Emily I walked back downstairs, and sat at the table with my Mom and her boss. My Mom fixed the plates and we began to eat. It was silent for a while and that's how I wanted it to be until he left.

"So Troy how do you like your new school so far?" He asked.

Well There goes the silent dinner.

"It's okay." I muttered.

"So what do you like to do?" He asked

I'm guessing he's not getting the point that I don't want to speak with him. "Nothing just sleep." I replied.

He asked more questions until he gives up. After dinner I washed the dishes and my mom walked him to the door.

"See you tomorrow. Good bye Troy it was great meeting you." He said before leaving.

After he left my Mom walked and sat by me.

"I'm sorry for not telling you about this. But I'm proud of how you were honey." She said rubbing my back.

"It's okay Mom." I said and a low voice.

Me and my mom talked for a bit before going to bed. When I woke up the next day it was the same routine.
My Mom woke me up I took a shower brushed my teeth and threw on some clothes. I wore black jeans a white shirt and black and white Jordan's. After I got dressed I walked downstairs to my Mom.

"Mom are you using the car today?" I asked hoping she would say no.

"No. I'm not Bruce is picking me up for work today."

Who the hell is Bruce?

"Who is Bruce?" I asked rising an eyebrow.

"Bruce is my boss the one from last night." She said.

"Oh I didn't know." I said holding back what I wanted to say.

"Yeah he told you that last night honey. I guess you forgot about it." She says handing me the key's.

"Yeah well okay see you later mom." I gave her a hug before walking away.

"You don't want me to fix you breakfast honey?" She asked.

"No it's okay I'll pick something up I love you mom." I said grabbing my bag then walking out the door.

I got in the car put on my seatbelt and began to drive to school. When I stopped at a stop Mira walked passed the car. She had her headphones on. I drove close to her and beep the horn and rolled down my passenger window. Mira noticed that it was me and walked closer to the car.

"Mira what are you doing?" I asked.

"What does it look like I'm doing. I'm walking to school." She said playfully.

"Do you want a ride?"

"No it's okay I walk to school almost everyday." Mira said.

"Please Mira I could use the company." I said giving her puppy eye's.

"Okay Troy." She laughed before getting in.

"Are you hungry?" I asked.

"I could grab a bite before school." She smiled patting her stomach.

"McDonald's it is." I said driving to the closest McDonald's.

•••End Of Chapter •••
If you're reading this you made it to the end of the chapter. Almost Ten chapter's thanks guys for the support. I want to give a special shout out to

Glitzy_Diamond Go read her amazing Story. Uncovered paths

InsaneBeauty94, Go read her wonderful Story Don't leave me.

1lonelywriter go read his Awesome one line stories.

SuperCreeperClub EmeraldDeep

Please go follow these amazing people and check out their story's I'm positive you'll enjoy it. Thanks for reading my story. Leave a comment and if you enjoyed leave. A vote thanks guys.

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