Chapter 16

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"Emily." I said surprised.

"What's the matter Troy you look like you've seen a ghost." Emily said walking towards me showing a small smile.

I know it's only been a few days since I've seen Emily but It seemes like it's been years.

"Emily what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm here to see you are you not happy I'm here?" she questioned as she stood infront of me.

"I'm overjoyed that you're here I'm just surprised that's all." I answered rubbing my neck.

"What? You thought it was going to be years before we seen each other." She laughed punching my arm.

"I'm going to take a quick shower. Be ready when I come back okay. " I said walking towards the stairs.

"Be ready for what?"

"Be ready to explore."

I went to my room grabbed some clothes and a towel and headed to the shower. It was quick and hot after I finished I got dressed quickly. I threw on a white and black Nike shirt black joggers and black and white slides. As I began to walk downstairs I overheard my mom and Emily talking.

"So when are you going to tell him sweetie?" My mom asked.

" I don't know soon I'm just waiting for the right moment." she answered.

"Are you ready to go on this adventure?" I said loud enough for them both to hear me. I didn't want them to know I was listening to their conversation.

"Yes I'm ready to go." Emily laughed.

"Have fun you two." My Mom said walking towards the living room.

I grabbed the keys and me and Emily began to walk outside.

"I love you Mom see you later." I shouted before I got out side.

We walked to the car. I opened the door for her then got in myself. After we put on our seatbelts I started the car and starter to drive to our first destination.

"So what are we going to explore first?" Emily asked.

"Well I haven't really been around much. And sense your here we can explore new places together. " I said focusing on the road.

Twenty minutes later we arrived at the California mall. We got out the car and walked inside.

"Wow this mall is huge." Emily said in amazement.

She was right this mall was huge. We walked around for a few minutes. Until we stopped inside a clothes store.

"Is there anything I can help you two with?" A lady came around and asked.

"Where just looking around." I replied to her.

"Well let me know if you two need anything. And you guys doing are a really cute couple." She said before walking away.

She was long gone before I could open my mouth to say anything. After thirty minutes we left we brought these hat's. Emily convinced me to get them since we're exploring together. She Weared a Dora the explorer hat and I the boots hat. It didn't quite match my outfit but anything to see a smile on her face. We did allot of other things like go laser tagging and bowling. When we finished we went to the food court to grab a quick bite to eat. They had a McDonald's here so that's what we grabbed to eat. We found a seat and we sat down. After we finished eating we started talking. I told her everything that happened since I've been here besides last night.

"That's allot this Alexis person seems really obsessed with you. " Emily said.

"I wouldn't say obsessed." I said back.

"Whatever." She smiled.
"I'm going to go to the lady's room I'll be back. Oh and when I get back I have to tell you something."

"Okay hurry back then." I teased.

She smiled before walking towards the restroom. A few minutes later I heard my name be called by a familiar voice. When I turned around it was Rose.

"Hi Rose what brings you here?" I asked.

"I'm having a girls day. How about you?" She asked.

"I'm here with a friend." I said.

"Troy is your friend wearing a Dora the explorer hat by any chance?" Rose asked.

"Yeah why?" I questioned.

"Because she made a new friend turn around." Rose said.

I Turned around to see Emily and Mira together.

~Mira's point of view~

"Are you ready Mira."

•Hey guy's I want to say sorry for the extremely long update. I should be updating more now. Thanks for all the support guys. And tell me how do you fell about Emily and Mira meeting. And guys can you do me one favor. InsaneBeauty94 is a great writer go check out her story "Don't leave me" it's really good you won't regret it. If you enjoyed this chapter leave a vote and make sure to comment thanks guys.

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