Caught cheating - Zig

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As soon as I got home from a long day of school I decided to call up my boyfriend Zig to see if he wanted to hang out tonight..

"Hey Zig"
                         "Hey babe what's up?"
"I was wondering if you wanted to come over tonight"
                             "Oh sorry babe I can't gtg bye"

That was weird but I didn't worry to much of it so I decided to text my best friend mya to watch Netflix and eat popcorn like we usually do but it was like almost immediately she responded "can't" and left after that.

Something seems off Zig was acting strange when he hurried and ran off the phone with me and mya was acting weird when she said she couldn't come over ..

I decided to walk to zigs house since it wasn't that far from mine but as soon as I got there my heart was shattered .. as I was walking up to the door I saw through the window that mya and Zig were together but not just casual hanging out they were making out...

God I was so upset with him i decided to throw a brick through his window and ran home in tears I can't believe he cheated on me but he still fell for that desperate girl mya I thought she was my best friend I guess not and my instincts was right ..

All of a sudden my phone rang and the name plate read "ZIG❤️" I declined it and blocked it I can't believe he hurt me with my best friend ..

First imagine done!! How was it .. I'm new to this so please don't be mad :)  leave request !!

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