Save me - Hunter

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I ask myself everyday why.. why did I have to be a part of this life I never asked for this I never wanted this I thought he loved me till it started..

3 Months later at degrassi high school

You know this school has made me feel really safe ever since my ex y/e/n started abusing me when I was back in y/s/n (your state name) i met a bunch of new people and they seem really super nice.

Tiny and Frankie are my 2 bestfriends.. they are the only ones who knows about .. HIM

When I finally sat down next to tiny and hunter  in science our teacher said we have a new student and that's when I saw HIM again walking through those doors  I looked over at tiny and nodded his direction .

When HE saw me he started to come over but tiny tried to block him except he was thrown to the ground.

He grabbed me by my hair and threw me across the table he started beating me again and kicking me then that's when I heard 2 cracks . One on my nose and one in my ribs .

As he was about to keep making me all bruised and bloody he got pulled back and getting beat up by hunter ..

After class
I was waiting in the nurses office for my parents to pick me up and I heard a knock on the door and in walked hunter "hunter y you saved me" I said To him he didn't say anything he just sat down and kissed me gently "I love you" was his only response

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