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Hunter,my boyfriend, has been acting really different lately I don't know what has gotten into him it's like he is going crazy but that's not the only thing that started.

After the craziness started coming out he started hitting me and leaving bruises everywhere so the next day I show up to school everyone asks me what happened and I keep telling them some other lie to keep them distracted so I didn't have to say the truth.

I'm to afraid to tell the truth Because hunter threatened to kill me if i did and that has been in my mind ever since . The next day tiny came up to me and whispered "I know that's not the real reason .. y/n you can tell me anything I promise you won't get hurt not under my watch" so i decided to pull him over to a classroom that was empty and I told him everything.

But we had a plan .. tiny is hosting a party where everyone is going to be there including hunter and i and we are going to do spin the bottle but when it's my turn to come we hope that it will turn to tiny or Zig or Jonah and hopefully that will trigger hunter and he will hit me in public then he can finally be beat down and arrested ..

Tonight was the night I was kind of nervous Bc I don't know how hard he will hit me this time but hopefully the plan will go the way we hoped it would .. meanwhile we finally arrived at tinys house and I let hunter go in first .

"It will be okay" tiny said I just nodded and went in .. after a couple of hours of just hanging out grace yelled "SPIN THE BOTTLE TIME!!" "Here we go" I mumbled after grace,Lola,and Frankie had their turn it was my turn .. I looked tinys way and he just nodded so I spinned it and it landed on..


YES!! I screamed in my head .. so we both leaned in and I could see hunters anger ready to come out that's when we kissed and hunter grabbed my throats and beat me senseless everyone gasped and the guys ran over to hunter and dragged him out of the house while the girls came to check on me

Then the guys came back in and tiny knelt to me "thank you" and that's when I past out .

Alright another imagine done .. this one is actually my favorite one idk why lol enjoy leave requests!!

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