First date - Jonah

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"Oh my god Lola I'm so nervous what if he hates me after this and breaks up what if i -"

"Y/n!! Calm down it will go perfectly fine he loves you for the way you are just act normal and don't be too scared I gtg but good luck bestie"

Lola was my best friend I can tell her anything and trust her with everything she even picked out my dress for tonight.

Jonah is my boyfriend and he asked me out on our first date and it's a surprise I have no clue what it is but I'm super nervous I mean what if he wants to get back with grace ...
Ding dong

"Holy crap he's here okay you got this y/n calm down" as I was walking down the stairs to get the door my mom already beat me to it and Jonah was looking very fancy too it gave me shivers .

"Wow you look beautiful"  I can already feel my face heating up "bye mom !!" When I walked out the door there was this huge limo parked out front .. "Jonah? Where are we going and why is their a limo?" "No questions beautiful just hop in and you will find out the destination" .

As we hopped in the limo Jonah said "are you ready" then he kissed me immediately for a long time by the time we let go of our very long kiss we were at our destination.. when we got out of the limo my breath was taken away

We were at a park with lights hanging all over the trees and a picnic with champagne and a basket waiting for us at the edge .. "Jonah.. this is beautiful" "well only for the girl of my dreams " then we went over to start our date !

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