Chapter Nine

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-Chapter Nine-

That night, as he was lying in bed next to his wife, Hades had a most awful dream.

                He was in his castle, sitting in his throne room alone, not even his dear Persephone was there to keep him company. It felt as if the entire palace were empty and, if he didn’t know better, the whole Underworld. Suddenly there was a crack as the door swung open to reveal a heavily cloaked figure storming into the room towards him with an air of death following. He knew without a doubt in his bones that whoever this person was, they were his child. The figure didn’t speak or show its face, but it grasped Hades around the neck lightly like the touch of a dove. Then he felt pain, tremendous, heart pounding pain that began in his heart and then spread throughout his entire body, scorching him slowly from the inside out. He tried to beg for the pain to stop, tried using his own power to cause the person mental pain, but nothing worked. Soon the pain overwhelmed him and his world turned red with agony.

Hades awoke in a cold sweat. The dream had confused him a great deal. He looked over at Persephone who was still sleeping peacefully, a light smile on her lips. Then he looked at the lump where her stomach was. Usually looking towards his child filled him with love and pride, but now it filled him with fear and anger. His own child would over throw him? His own flesh and blood would try to take his thrown? He got out of bed and went outside onto the balcony to gather his thoughts. How could something that started so innocent be born into a life of hatred? Hades ran a hand through his coal black hair and sighed. He knew only one thing, if he was to keep Persephone safe, she had to not know of his fear.

“I need you to start working on the nursery immediately.” Persephone awoke the next morning by Hades voice outside the door. “The baby could be born any day now and it needs a proper room.” Persephone couldn’t help but smile at his words. He cared about her and the baby so much.

“Yes, sir.” Two male voices replied, followed by the sound of feet shuffling down the hall. Persephone was so wrapped up in her own world that she did not take notice of Hades himself entering the room.

“Oh, you’re awake.” He said pleasantly. “I have servants working on the nursery as we speak.”

“Thank you, Hades.” Persephone smiled and rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

“And this is for you.” He pulled a long silver chain out of his pocket and handed it to her. In the middle of the necklace there was a silver flower in the shape of a narcissus, Persephone’s favorite.

“I love it!” She exclaimed. “It’s beautiful.” She admired its beauty as she slipped it on.

“And for the baby,” He pulled out a black teddy bear with a red bow tied around its neck from behind his back. “A lovely black bear.”

“What’s with all the gifts?” Persephone asked suspiciously as she fingered the soft, silky fur of the bear.

“Nothing just thought you two deserved something special from me.”

“The day the lord of the Underworld goes soft… and I didn’t even have to pay to see it.” Persephone winked as she got out of bed and began getting dressed.

“I’m not soft.” Hades muttered.

Persephone rolled her eyes and chose a long dress of dark orange material that fell off the shoulders like a waterfall. Wrapped around the waist was a rather lighter color of orange with designs like a professional Grecian flower pot. She pulled her ebony hair back with an orange band of fabric with silver stitching. Hades could barely take his eyes off her.

“What do you want to do today?” Hades asked.

“What do you mean?” She inquired in return; Hades had never asked a question like that before.

“I mean you and I… we can do anything you want to do all day.”

“Really? Anything at all?” Her eyes were wide.

“Of course.”

“Can we just, me and you, take a walk? Maybe?” She was so afraid he would say no.

“That sounds wonderful.” He said as he took her small, delicate hand in his own. “I would love to go on a walk.”

The flowers were blooming in her garden perfectly so that’s where they decided to walk. Persephone breathed in and the air smelt fresh, the garden was the only place in the Underworld that smelt clean other than inside the palace.

“What should we name the baby?” Persephone wondered out loud and she could’ve sworn Hades tensed a little at her words.

“I-uh… I don’t know. What would you like to name it?”

“I’m not very good with names.” She blushed.

“If it was a girl we could always name her after you, Seph.” He said casually.

“Yes, I suppose we could… or we could mix our names together.”

“How?” He asked.

“Like… Persades for example.”

“I like that.” He smiled and she smiled back. “But what if it’s a boy?” Persephone thought for a moment.

“I like Dinami.” She said after a minute of silence. “It means strength.”

“I like that too.” Hades agreed, although the meaning of the name scared him. They sat down by the river and Persephone slipped her feet in. Hades sat next to her and did the same.

“Sometimes I miss the Upperworld when I’m down here.” She sighed.

“Oh.” Hades tried not to show how hurt he was. He was lord of the dead, he didn’t show hurt… not even to the Queen.

“But when I’m in the Upperworld I miss you so much I could die.” Hades smiled.

“I miss you too when you’re gone.” He took her hand again and they watched as a crow fed her children.

“What if the baby hates me?” Persephone whispered.

“That’s such a mortal thing to say, Sephie.” Hades said calmly. “You’re a beautiful, kind goddess… no one could ever hate you.”

“Are you sure?”

“Would I lie to you?”

“I suppose that’s a fair enough argument.” Hades laughed at her.

“All my arguments are fair.” He defended.

“Whatever keeps the Styx flowing.” Persephone grinned. “I like this.”


“Being with you.” Hades knew he didn’t spend enough time with her, especially before the baby when things were awkward between them. Everything except sexual encounters I suppose.

“I like being with you too.” He sighed. She wrapped her small fingers around his hand, everything was perfect. For now.


Hiya! Just wanted you guys to know that I wrote this story a long time ago and finished it. My writing style has since changed quite a bit but I am not editing this story at all. It is exactly as it was the first time through. Anyways, I'll see you next time!!!


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