Chapter Three

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-Chapter Three-

                “Ugh!” Persephone groaned the next morning. She turned over and found Hades had his arm wrapped around her and was snoring quite loudly. Usually she liked to wake up next to her husband like this, but now she was just angry. She pushed at his chest with just enough force to wake him mid-snore.

                “Huh?” He mumbled. He looked around confusedly like a little boy before noticing Persephone was fixing him with an angry glare. “What’s wrong, Seph?” He said in his deep sexy voice, breaking Persephone of her anger.

                “You were… uh… snoring.” She said as she quickly looked away blushing.

                “Oh, I apologize… did I disturb you?” He asked, trying to make her happy… he always liked it best when his Queen was happy.

                “Just a little bit.” She said, not wanting to anger him.

                “I’m sorry… would you like something to eat?” He asked, wondering if she felt like keeping anything down. Persephone had realized the previous day that the baby was only keen to eat pomegranate.

                “Just a pomegranate, please.” She said softly and he nodded before getting out of bed and going down to the kitchen.

                “How are you feeling, dear?” The sudden voice startled her but she was relieved to find it was only Charlene.

                “Sick.” She grumbled in response. “The only things I can keep down are pomegranates.”

                “I’m sorry, child… you seem to be getting bigger I see.” Persephone looked down and realized her stomach was already swelling just a little bit, not too noticeable quite yet.

                “But I’m not even that far along!” She said as she rubbed the place where her baby was.

                “Darling girl, you’re a goddess! This baby will be born in six or seven months… maybe nine… it all depends.”

                “On what? I can’t blow up when I haven’t even told Hades yet!” She exclaimed quietly in case anyone outside was listening.

                “Just tell him soon… alright?” Charlene advised.

                “Alright… but could you charm my dresses so that their bigger?” She asked.

                “Certainly.” After the dresses were resized and Charlene had left, Hades came in with Persephone’s pomegranate.

                “Here,” He offered her the ripe, plump, red fruit and she took a savoring bite.

                “Thank you!” She exclaimed and his eyes widened in surprise, she was always so quiet. But she didn’t seem to notice. “It’s amazing!” She ate until the fruit was gone, not realizing that Hades had watched her the whole time.

                “Did you like it?” He asked, amused. She blushed, realizing how silly she must have looked to him.

                “Yes… thank you.” She tried to hide her face and he smiled a genuine smile. “Hades?”

                “Yes, dear?” He blushed as well… Persephone thought it looked very becoming on him. He silently cursed himself for calling her that.

                “I have something I need to tell you…” She looked at the black sheets nervously and noticed she hadn’t been out of bed in almost two days.

                “Anything, Persephone.” He sat down on the edge of the bed, grasping her hand for a moment and then letting it go.

                “Hades, I’m…” She began.

                “Lord Hades! Lord Hades!” A messenger came rushing into the room.

                “What is it, Mew?” Hades said, an exasperated look on his face as he turned to the young man who looked like an exact copy of his father, a Cyclops, but was the height of his mother, a tree nymph.

                “The dead need judging, Lord Hades.” Mew said as he took a bow. “There’s more and more coming in everyday.”

                “Why?” Persephone asked absently.

                “Ares started another war and your mother is in her usual mood whenever you’re gone.” Hades explained bitterly. “You can tell me later.” He stood and walked away, following Mew as they went to where Hades judged the souls. Persephone sighed and looked out the window.

                “Someday he’ll know about you, baby.” She promised. “Just not today.” She got out of bed and put on a different dress. This one was black as night, long-sleeved, and lacey.

She walked down the long hallways until she reached the library. As she walked through the long rows of books her mind wandered to her baby. She knew Hades would want a son, all gods did. But she desperately willed the little one inside her to be a girl with all her might. A little princess… another woman in the castle. With these thoughts in her head the baby started to become more real… an actual person with its own body and feelings. She lightly touched her baby as she reached for a book; maybe things weren’t so bad after all.

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