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8:30pm, Boney Island Lake

It was a dark, cloudy night somewhere in Muskoka, Ontario. The final six were called out to the coast of Boney Island for tonight's challenge. The coast of the island was surprisingly deep, about 250m from a few feet off the shore.

Humdinger took a glance at an angry Tracker, who woke up with a bed to his face. "WHO DID THIS?!" He demanded an answer.

Everyone stepped back cautiously, not wanting to experience the wrath of the tiny chihuahua.

Humdinger: Bwahaha! Look at the little jungle pup. He has a mark from the bed frame that fell on him last night. He looks very angry. The angrier, the better!

Tracker shook his head and got rid of his anger. He approached Everest, and held her paw. "A tour, m' lady?" She giggled and agreed.

Tracker: Okay, I know this may seem crazy, but I think that Chris hid another statue somewhere around this dump! And if he did, I'm gonna find it! With Everest by my side.

Everest: Pfft! Tracker is so ugly, it's kinda cute! Look at him! It's like a bed fell on his face! Poor thing. While I walk with Tracker, I could also profit to search for an immunity statue! I know Chris hid a bunch of them in here!

Tracker and Everest did a tour of the island, searching after every corner, under every rock, and over every hill. Nothing. "Wow," said Everest. They both returned to join the others.

Ryder: I'm starting to feel a bit more unstable. I get constant memory blurrs and mood swings. If I can't keep myself in, I might as well return to Adventure Bay.

After almost hours of waiting, Chris finally arrived. "Why so late?" asked Ryder, with a slight worry.

Chris smiled. "Glad you're concerned, but that's none of your buisness!" he says, pushing Ryder away.

- So, challengers, welcome to the party, the final six!

Everybody cheered. They've all made it really far, and nobody was planning on going back.

Tracker: A horrible, lame, party.

- Tonight's challenge is gonna be very special. Pack your bags campers, because today's challenge is a diving contest!

Zuma: Two swimming challenges in a month? Yes!

- For tonight's challenge, the rules are pretty simple. All contestants must wear this scuba gear, then dive into the depths of the waters. Once down, you need to search for an immunity stone, carved in the shape of yours truly. The camper who brings up the statue wins the challenge and is granted immunity for this challenge only. Questions?

Everest: Won once, about to do it twice. This'll be easy.

Zuma: I nevewr lost a swimming challenge in my life! This'll be easy.

- On your marks, get set. . . GO!!

Chris squeezed his airhorn and the challenge began. All campers put on their diving gear, and leaped into the water simultaneously. The search was on.

Marshall separated from the rest of the group, trying to avoid any contact with Tracker and/or Humdinger.

The Dally looked around him. Everything was so beautiful from underneath. Fish were swimming, corals were shining, and Marshalls were searching.

Zuma and Everest were swimming as if they were in the race of their lives. Little did they know, they already passed the immunity stone.

Tracker was searching for the stone, and thought he almost found something. It was just an ordinary rock.

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