The Finale: Part 1

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- Last time, on Total Drama! The final four contestants were all-in for a race towards the lookout in the former contestant's vehicles! Everest and Zuma's rivalry continued on, while Tracker and Marshall made a small alliance against Everest. In the end, Tracker won immunity and Everest got kicked off! Who will rise to the final two? Find out here, on Total Drama Paw Patrol!

9am, the Lodge
Marshall, Tracker and Zuma. The final three contestants. They have come all this way for one grand prize. Team playing, team switching, alliance making and breaking, strategizing, these three have done it all! But only one of them will have receive the grand title of champion. And one of them are going home today.

The three wake up all at the same time due to a high-pitched frequency sound. Tracker fell out of his bed and crashed on the floor.

Tracker: Mierda! Qué fue eso?

Zuma and Marshall walked outside, but they saw nothing. No sign of Chris, no sign of anything.

Zuma: Not cool. Firwst the sound, then this? I'm almost done with this show. Almost.

Tracker came and joined the two.
He tripped on a small round object, which turned out to be a hologram receptor. It activated.

- Hello campers! Zzzt. I Zzzz come tzZz save me ZztZ winner zZtZ goes into zZzZt final zT two zZzzt tzZtTzzt zTztluck!

The three pups were confused. Save Chris? They never had a challenge like this before!

"Guys," said Marshall. "We need to keep walkie-talkies to let each other know where we are."

Tracker and Zuma scoffed at the same time. "Whatever," they said simulteanously.

Marshall handed them both walkie-talkies that he found in the storage area.

Tracker: I need to be able to get into an alliance with Marshall again. It's the only way I'll get into the final two!

"Marshall! Hey!" said Tracker, panting. "Care to form an alliance with me?"

Marshall laughed. "Nice try!"

Marshall: No way. This pup is going solo! Tracker can go find someone else!

Tracker: I'm guessing that was a no. Maldición!

Zuma headed over to the lookout to search for any hints. As he entered, he heard a familiar voice.

"Zuma!" It was Rocky. He was still in a cast.

Zuma and Rocky hugged. "How is the challenge going?" he asked.

"Well, actually, I'm seawrching for Chris right now," he replied.

Zuma: Wow. I can't believe that Rwocky's still in a cast! I almost let the real antagonist slip away. Twracker, I'm keeping an eye on you.

Zuma looked at Rocky's cast and reassured him. "Don't worry," he said. "I'll get Tracker eliminated."

Rocky: I hope so. Tracker is a slick eel. He got Skye, Katie, Chase and I eliminated. He needs to watch out. But Zuma isn't ever going to trust him. Right?

Meanwhile, Tracker went back to his hometown to search for Chris: The Jungle.

Tracker: Ah, yes. The jungle. Chris has to be here. It's the best place in the world!

Tracker reached the ruins. He walked into the temple. Carlos always likes to explore, he thought. Maybe he could help me find Chris.

As he walked down the hall, he saw an obscure shadow swinging around. He turned around. It was just Mandy the monkey.

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