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7am, cabins
Rise and shine! It was a bright, beautiful morning in camp Pupanakwa. To some, it ment joy, happiness and energy, and to others, it ment terror, agony and dispair.

Everest was up, out and early, searching for fresh berries to eat, since the food at camp returned from 'delicious, savoury heaven' to 'green, liquid slop'.

She returned to Marshall with some hand-picked fruits and berries, who was still sleeping.

"Morning sunshine!" She woke Marshall up with a bright smile on her face. "Got you breakfast in bed!"

Marshall woke up slowly, still a bit weak. "Oh, good morning," he groaned.

He took a handful of berries and swallowed it. "Thanks Everest," he smiled.

Marshall: Should I trust her? I feel like I shouldn't, but I already am!

Everest: Glad I got his trust. Now I just need to get rid of Zuma. Of course, I'll act nice in front of him to appear innocent, then WHAM! I stab him in the back. Easy.

In the other cabin, the boys were just getting ready for breakfast, and Zuma decided it was the perfect time to bust some sense into his bunkmates, Tracker and Humdinger.

"Guys, don't listen to Evewrest. She's been acting stwrange lately. She's making rumors about me being evil, but don't fall fowr it, kay?"

Zuma: Okay, so Twracker and Humdingewr don't have the best rweputation in the world. So what? Gotta warn em.

Humdinger laughed. "Ha! As if anyone would be dumb enough to do that. Only a rat would fall for her!"

Humdinger: And by rat, I mean Tracker.

Tracker: Ooh, that Humdinger burns a part of mí corazon alive! And I need my entire heart to be able to love Everest! He is so going hasta lavista.

Zuma: Well, I think they got the message.

Zuma went inside, ate, and went back outside. He sat on the stairs, sighing.

Everest came up to him. "What's wrong?"

Zuma shook his head angrily. "Go away. I don't wanna see anybody, especially you. You can also stop sucking up to me now."

Zuma: I don't get it! Firwst she gets nasty about me, then this! What is up with hewr?

Everest pleaded. "But I-"

Zuma cut her off. "But you can't save youwrself from this one." he walks away, furious.

Everest: What is up with Zuma? I mean we're rivals! We used to be friends! Maybe he's going through puberty, like Ryder? Maybe finding the invincibility statue made him emotionally stressed? Maybe I should make him fall in love with me? That might make all his other emotions balance back. Then he'll return to normal. Right?

3:45pm, Somewhere

- Welcome campers! Before I start explaining today's challenge, I have an announcement. After next week's challenge, invincibility statues will no longer be validated after the bonfire ceremony.

Tracker: Oddly specific for Chris to mention something like that. Hmm...

- Anyway, today's challenge is bringing back one of my favourite and most painful challenges from classic Total Drama Island, along with All-Stars. Today, I'm bringing back the Obsta-kill Course 2.0!

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