Chapter 17

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In the two weeks following the China trip and the new papers to buy out Jacob, Blake had not hear a word from Junior and assumed the older man had finally set his foot down, or he simply hadn’t told his son the news. He wasn't going to hold his breath though,  in his experience people like Junior were unpredictable and impulsive.

"Blake, are you still there?" Daliah asked waving her hand in front of him.

"Yeah sorry, I was thinking about something ." He apologized giving his friend his full attention.

"As I was saying the sell of CoffeeGo has been finalized, and the sign-up for the picnic potluck is already out.  The bouncy house place called to confirm and people were asking if there was going to be alcohol. Oh and Lily's by the Sea called? They said something about a reservations today. Do you need to borrow Kenny?" Daliah read off her checklist, the last thing caught her attention since Blake usually always took dates to a french restaurant that was near the office. She wasn't sure what he ate there since he only ever ate, pasta, steak, burgers and on occasion chicken, anything green or healthy was not part of his diet.

"No there is no need for that. I have it all under control Dall." Blake smiled looking up from his laptop, there was just one thing that needed to be arranged before going to Lily’s.

Daliah gave him a skeptical look, the last time she saw that smile she had ended up going through countless applications on their search for EJ.

"Ohh and could you send your assistant in here? I need to have a quick word with her."

Blake was fidgeting with his cuffs by the time Emily entered his office. Unsure of how to approach the subject he continued to ignore her, taking more interest in the buttons  than in the girl standing before him.
The last time he had asked a girl out had been in college, he had made reservations at the nicest restaurant he could afford at the time and dated  for a few months before he realized that she only ever said yes to going out with him when he told her they were going somewhere expensive. After that he had been discouraged and soon after he ended up with a company. Now thanks to the interview he had given women had taken the initiative and asked him out. Being the gentleman that he was brought up to be he would kindly accept the invitation, on occasion something would come up and he would be forced to cancel. However most of the time he was left to hire his conniving four year old nephew, who while being a great actor would get the job done, also happens to enjoy billing him for his services.

"Mr Redwood, you wanted to see me sir?" Emily's voice brought Blake out of his thoughts, still nervous he realized it was too late to back out.

"Yes, I...uh...I have a dinner...I was wondering if..." a giggle made him look up from his desk and face the person that was causing his discomfort. "You think it's funny? I'm trying to ask you out to dinner, and all you can do is laugh at me. You know what? You are dismissed go home." Blake accused angry that his attempt to finally ask a girl out were deemed entertaining.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't making fun of you!" Emily apologized she wasn't sure of what she was supposed to do she had only had two boyfriends and one of them had been fake.

"It's just that you sounded cute, stuttering and I couldn't help myself. But I would love to have dinner with you. That is if the offer still stands?" Emily added whispering the last part.

Blake couldn't contain his excitement, getting up from his chair he walked over to Emily and pulled her into a hug and began twirling her around.

"Thank you Emmy, I'll pick you up at seven," He whispered into her ear, before pulling back and walking out of the office with a big smile. Leaving Emily speechless once again. Confusion and excitement mixed into one before she realized she had a date to prepare for.

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