Who Knew?

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A/N: Hey sorry it took me a little while to update. As you probably know, there's been extra drama in the fandom which just means I've been arguing with ppl and trying t get through this drama for the past few days. So I just wanted to wait until things calmed down some since writing would be hard for me since things are kinda realistic lol. But here ya go! Enjoy!

"Lauren?" Camila called out. What was she doing here? She thought as the green eyed girl turned around to face her. Lauren let's out a sigh before speaking. "Hey" Lauren says, not making direct eye contact with the brown eyed girl in front of her.

Both girls stand in silence for a few seconds before  Camila realizes that she should probably speak considering she was the one who stopped Lauren after all. "I didn't know you were in town. W-what are you doing here?" Camila stutters, trying not to show her nervousness.

"I was just taking a walk while waiting for-" Lauren starts before stopping herself since she is talking to Camila. "Some friends. Look, I should probably get back to them" Lauren tells Camila, turning to walk away.

Before Camila even realized what she was doing, she was already down the stairs and had grabbed Lauren's wrist. "Wait" Camila says causing Lauren to look at her. "Um how have you been?" Camila asked fiddling with the pearl ring on her right middle finger.

"Do you really care?" Lauren snickered in a aggrieved tone, slightly shaking her head, unconvinced. Camila was hoping Lauren wouldn't be giving her the same attitude she gave her for weeks before her departure. "Guess hoping wasn't enough" Camila mumbled under her breathe.

"Of course I care" Camila responded slightly offended. "Sure you do" Lauren mumbled. Camila thinks she was aiming so that she wouldn't hear her. But she did. "I've been good. You?" Lauren replied as the wind blew her hair into her face, making her have to move it out of her face with the hand Camila hadn't paid much attention to until now.

The pearl ring. Camila quickly took her eyes off of the familiar matching ring that she thought Lauren had lost when she had asked where it was about a year ago and Lauren told her it come off in the ocean. "Oh um. I've been... good" Camila answered even thought there were 100 questions running through her mind.

"That's good. It was nice talking to you but I should really go" Lauren said in a rushed tone. Camila wouldn't tell Lauren but having her act treat her like an acquaintance may or may not have been breaking her heart. Camila may act unfazed by this feud her and the girls have been having but that's definitely not the case.

Did Camila post a tweet in the effort to respond to the girls billboard article? Yes she did. But in Camila's mind, she was in the wrong but she kinda had a right to be. At least that's how she was thinking at certain moments. 

"Oh well. Ok I gu-" Camila started, letting her arms fall to her side before she heard the oh so familiar laughter approaching her and Lauren. "This can't be happening" Camila sighed, her face falling into a frown. 

Camila decided that the shell by her foot was a lot more interesting and unlike the people approaching her, this little shell hadn't made her feel unwanted but guilty, at the same time. "Lauren what are yo-" The voice that belonged to none other than Dinah, started. 

Camila gained the courage to look up at the scene in front of her and at that point, all the 5 girls could do was stand in silence, each girl hoping another girl would speak up. That moment never came. Well it didn't until Ally decided to be the bigger person in the entire situation even if she had her own opinions of the brown eyed girl in front of them.

"Hey Camila" Ally said with a soft smile. "Hey" Camila replied. Each girl had been in many awkward situations before but this was a new level for all of them. "Can we not act like we don't know each other" Dinah whispered in what sounded like an annoyed tone.

"Well it's been what? 6 months, Dinah?" Normani responded to Dinah in a whispered tone. This whole thing was just annoying each girl so Lauren finally spoke. "Ok I personally don't feel like going through this. Again. So it was nice seeing you Camila and we just wish you the absolute fucking best" Lauren said dismissively to Camila before walking off.

Both Ally and Normani sighed before waving goodbye and going after the now frustrated Lauren. Now it was just Dinah and Camila. "I'm sorry" Camila said softly to Dinah who was kicking a stone that was in the sand. "I am too" Dinah whispered in an even quieter tone.

That's definitely wasn't what Camila was expecting. "I'm still upset with you Mila but keeping this between you and me, I'm trying really hard to forgive you" Dinah confessed to Camila who was sort of in shock.

"I'm trying so hard but every time I turn around, you're making it hella hard to do so. I don't know if you even forgive me but if you ever do, I'll try to listen to what you have to say" Dinah expressed her thoughts to the Cuban.

Finally Camila found her voice. "I really appreciate that Dinah and just know I'm trying to do the same" Camila replied. This was the most civil conversation Camila had with any of the girls in months and she wasn't going to complain.

"I gotta go but take care Mila" Dinah said as she started walking away. "You too" Camila responded as a small smile made it's way to her face. "Oh and Camila?" Dinah said as she stopped walking to speak real fast.

"Yeah?" Camila replied, waiting for Dinah to speak. "Stop being such a bish" Dinah told Camila, making them both smirk. Dinah was on her way and that just left Camila to think about everything that just happened.

Who knew this day would turn into what it just did. Camila thought to herself before going back to where she had been sitting. Picking up her journal, Camila began to write.

Who knew this would happen....

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