Who's Calling?

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December 18, 2016

Well. It's officially over. Today I actually left Fifth harmony and I've never felt so many emotions in my life. The girls and I released our letters and that is what caused the fans to freak. People are choosing sides at this point but a lot of people already knew whose side they were on the day we were put into a group but i won't get into that. Again. And of course a lot of people are coming up with theories about what happened. At least that's Roger told me. Epic is getting what they wanted and I hope to get what I really want. My closes friends back.

Camila slowly puts her pen down and picks up her phone off the floor beside her bed. "3:32 AM" she reads through tear filled eyes. Putting her phone back down, Camila turns over and turns off her lap before trying to get some sleep.

April 10, 2017

Today I texted the girls again. No response as usual. I just wish I could talk to them again and just explain things more-

Camila stops writing when  her ring tone fills the before silent room. Picking up the phone and giving it a slightly puzzled look as she doesn't recognize the number.

Camila's Pov

I don't recognize the number that's calling me but I guess it doesn't hurt to answer it. I think to myself as I answer the phone and bring it up to my ear. "Hello?" I say waiting for a response but first i hear a sigh. "Hey" the person on the opposite line says, making me almost drop my phone.

I recognize the voice immediately. One of the voices I've been waiting to hear for months now. "Dinah?"

A/N: Hi everyone. So i decided that i should write this fic because why not lol and because we all know caminah is life. At first i was gonna make this a oneshot but as you can probably tell, i changed my mind lol. idk i just wanted to make this fic a little longer but it may not be many chapters. just letting you guys know. so feel free to comment and/check out my other books oh and vote. If you'd like. No pressure lol. I hope everyone enjoys their day and i'll try to update soon. P.s sorry this chapter is so short.

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