It Can't be True

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Camila's POV

It's been 2 days since I last saw Dinah. She ended up walking me home that night too.


"I would have been okay walking back alone ya know" I told Dinah as we took our time walking to my house. It was quite and the only light we had was from the street lights and occasionally a car that drove by.

"I wanted to" Dinah said, keeping her attention on the rock she had been kicking for a few minutes. 

"It's pretty late and you just don't know what could happen" Dinah explained as we turned the corner. "I'm sorry about all this" I apologized again as I played with my bracelet.

"Would you stop apologize?" Dinah giggled, looking at me. "I told you it's fine. We may have some issues but I would never sit back and watch you suffer" Dinah told me, making me smile.

We walked in comfortable silent until Dinah broke it. "You know me and the girls don't hate you or anything right?" Dinah asked with a sigh. I thought for a second before answering. Even if I didn't believe her.

"Yeah I know" I mumbled and looked at the ground as if it was the most interesting thing. "No you thought we did. I know how your mind works. I'm telling you now. We don't hate you Camila" Dinah replied, looking at me. 

I wasn't looking at her but I could tell she wanted me to know she was telling the truth.

I looked at her as we started walking down my block before sighing. "I don't hate you guys either" I truthfully told Dinah. Sure I can be a bitch sometimes but those girls were important to me. At the end of the day I would always be there for them.

Despite what I may say or the attitude I may give off. "I'm really happy to hear you say that" Dinah responded in a quiet tone following it with a lighthearted  laugh.

We were now standing in front of my house which means this is the last time I'll see Dinah probably for a while.

Before I knew it I was pulling Dinah into a hug. "Thank you" was all I could say. "You're welcome" Dinah replied as she hugged me back. "I have to go but if you ever need to talk don't hesitate to call" Dinah smiled softly.

"Same for you" I replied as a car pulled up. I sent Dinah a confused looked and she just shrugged. "It's my ride" Dinah informed me before the window rolled down revealing a tired Tara. "Let's go Dinah" she said before smiling softly at me and waving hi.

I did the same back before Dinah walked over to the car and got in. "Go in the house weirdo" Dinah joked, smirking. I smiled before waving bye and walking into my house, hearing Tara pull off.


Right now I'm sitting on my bed, reading. I checked my phone for time and it read 5:07 pm. Hm. That's weird. My team and I usually talk at 4:30 almost everyday and I don't remember them calling. Actually I'm pretty sure they didn't. I've been sitting here for a while and my phone never rang.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Sofi came in crying. "Sofi what's wrong?" I asked now alert and worried.

She made her way over to sit next to me after closing my door. "Mami is crying and s-she won't tell me why a-and I don't know w-what to do" Sofia sobbed making more tears fall.

She was working herself up, making her cough at this point. I quickly grabbed a tissue and wiped her face as I pulled her into my lap.

I don't know what's happening outside of my room but my priority right now is to take care of my sister.

Eventually she fell asleep which gave me time to go figure out what was wrong. I quickly but carefully laid Sofi down before hurrying out of my room to the kitchen where I found my dad, who just got in from work, trying to calm my mom down.

"What's going on" I asked, my voice wavering. My parents looked at me at the sound of my voice before my dad spoke since my mom couldn't seem to get any words out. Now I was beyond worried.

"Maybe you should sit down Mija" My dad mumbled, looking anywhere but at me. I slowly sat down at the table just wanting answers.

My mom then reached across the table and took my hand into hers. At this point I'm tearing up.

I have no idea what's happening but this seems too familiar. This is how it was when... my grandpa passed. Oh my god. This can't be happening again. "Tell me what happened" I quickly said, looking at my dad for answers.

My dad took a deep sigh before speaking. "There was an accident..." my dad started trying to stay calm. "An accident? What happened and to who?" I asked filled with very unsettling anxiety.

Both my parents stayed quite for a few seconds as my dad covered his mouth.

They stayed quite for a little longer and that was when my dad told me something that caused my world to crumble in a matter of seconds.

"The girls. Last night their plane got in an accident and it was announced that there were no survi-" I couldn't believe this. I sobbed before running upstairs and grabbing my phone. This wasn't happening. They were okay. 

My phone was filled with messages from fans and just everyone. I quickly unlocked my phone through my tears and saw a head line.

"Our hearts are broken after losing the 4 ladies of fifth harmony" 

No. I backed up to the wall and slide down it letting the tears fall. No. This isn't happening. Suddenly I was surrounded by blackness and I felt like I was falling. No. No. No.

I quickly shot up and took in my surroundings. I'm in my bed and I'm covered in sweat. I quickly looked at the time and let out a sob of relief and anxiety. '5:22 AM'.

It was a dream. All of it. I quickly grabbed my phone and called the first person I thought of.

"Hello?" A tired voice answered on the 2nd ring. "Ally..." I sobbed causing Ally to fully wake up. "Camila what's wrong?" Ally quickly asked in a worried tone. "I- I just need someone" I cried, trying to keep my voice down in hopes of not waking my family.

"Okay just try to breathe. Are you home right now?" Ally asked me as it sounded like she was moving. "Yeah" I mumbled as I wiped my face and tried to control my breathing. "I'm on my way"

Well. I hope I didn't scare anyone too much lol let me know what you thought. Did you think it was a dream? What was going through your mind? I wanna hear about it. Partial credit to 

She gave me the idea of having a nightmare included. So yeah. Comment :) I hope everyone has a great day <3 

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